ǂthe ǂcase MIK, Ltd.
Bojan Rupnik (Avtor), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Podjetja se v današnjem času zavedajo, da so danes ključ do uspeha stranke. Poleg pridobivanja novih strank pa morajo organizacije zagotavljati tudi visoko zadovoljstvo že obstoječih. Da je obstoječa stranka dober glas za podjetje in več obstoječih strank pomeni za podjetje zelo veliko prednost, pravi znani pregovor: »Dober glas seže v deveto vas. Slab pa v šestnajsto«. Zavedati se moramo zelo dobro, da je glavni pomen poslovanja stranka in bo še nekaj časa ostalo tako. Za doseganje teh ciljev podjetja potrebujejo rešitev za upravljanje odnosov s strankami (ang. Customer Relationship Management; v nadaljevanju CRM), s katero lahko izkoristijo obstoječe naložbe v infrastrukturo in znanje zaposlenih, ki hkrati omogoča hitro in učinkovito doseganje ciljev. Na trgu je danes zelo pestra izbira CRM-rešitev, ki so namenjene manjšim ali večjim podjetjem. Izbira CRM-rešitve ni preprost postopek in tega se zaveda vedno večje število podjetij. Pomembno je, da podjetje izbere tako rešitev, ki izpolnjuje njihove potrebe v največji možni meri, saj bo podjetje tako lažje in uspešneje upravljalo odnose s svojimi strankami. V magistrskem delu se bomo lotili obravnave koncepta CRM-ja in uvedbe CRM rešitve v podjetju MIK, D.O.O.. V uvodu magistrskega dela bomo predstavili problematiko in izpostavili cilje, namene in hipoteze magistrskega dela. V drugem poglavju se bomo srečali s pojmom CRM, kar v razlagi besede pomeni menedžment odnosov s strankami. V tem poglavju smo najprej opisali CRM, nato smo ga definirali. Preskočiti nismo smeli tudi zgodovine CRM-ja, ker je zelo pomembna. Proti koncu pa smo še omenili arhitekturo CRM-ja in čisto na koncu pa še bomo pogledali v prihodnost in trende CRM-ja. Tretje poglavje predstavlja teorijo, kako uvesti CRM rešitev v podjetje. Tukaj bodo omenjeni razlogi za uvedbo rešitve in tudi osem gradnikov za uspešno uvedbo le-te. Omenjeni bodo tudi cilji uvedbe in na koncu poglavja še SWOT analiza uvajanja CRM rešitve. V četrtem poglavju bo predstavljen proces uvajanja upravljanja odnosov s strankami na primeru podjetja MIK, D.O.O. V okviru procesa uvajanja bo predstavljeno podjetje, poslanstvo, vizija in vrednote MIK-a. Izpostavljeni bodo razlogi, zakaj se je podjetje MIK, D.O.O. odločilo za uvedbo CRM rešitve in tudi zakaj za lastni razvoj in ne za nakup že obstoječe CRM rešitve ponudnikov. Na koncu poglavja bodo podani cilji, ki si jih je podjetje MIK, D.O.O. pred samo uvedbo zadalo in za tem še potek uvedbe lastne rešitve. Peto poglavje je namenjeno posledicam uvedbe CRM rešitve v podjetju MIK, D.O.O.. V tem poglavju bodo predstavljene prednosti in slabosti uvedbe, ki jih je prinesla MIK-ova lastna CRM rešitev. Na koncu pa še bo omenjeno, kaj namerava podjetje MIK, D.O.O. s svojo CRM rešitvijo narediti v prihodnosti.

Ključne besede

poslovna informatika;informacijske rešitve;CRM;odnosi s strankami;upravljanje;SWOT analiza;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [B. Rupnik]
UDK: 004.4/.7:658.89
COBISS: 12133404 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1726
Št. prenosov: 256
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Implementation of CRM solution in company
Sekundarni povzetek: Businesses nowadays realise, that today the key to success are customers. In addition to acquiring new customers, organizations must also provide for a high satisfaction with the existing ones. The reputation of existing customers is a big advantage for a company, and more customers an even bigger advantage, as a proverb says: "A good reputation reaches far, a bad one even farther." We must be keenly aware, that the customer is the most important part of business, and always will be. To achieve these objectives, companies need a solution for customer relationship management (from here on CRM), with which they can take advantage of existing investments in infrastructure and knowledge of employees, which in turn allows fast and efficient achievement of objectives. On the market today, there is a very wide selection of CRM solutions, which are designed for small or large businesses. The selection of CRM-solutions is not an easy process and an increasing amount of enterprises are aware of this. It is important that a company chooses a solution that meets their needs as best as possible, since it will make it easier and more efficient to manage their interaction with their customers. In this master’s thesis, we set about discussing the concept of CRMs and the introduction of CRM solutions in the company MIK LTD.. In the introduction of the master’s thesis we will present the issues and highlight the objectives, purposes and hypotheses of the master’s thesis. In the second chapter we will encounter the concept of CRMs. In this chapter, we first describe CRMs, and then we define them. We could not skip the history of CRMs, because it is very important. Towards the end, we mention the architecture of CRMs and at the very end, we look at the future and trends of CRMs. The third chapter presents the theory of how to introduce CRM solutions into the company. Here we will mention the reasons for introducing our solution, and the eight building blocks of the introduction itself. We will also mention the goals of the introduction, and at the end of the chapter the SWOT analysis of the CRM solution. In the fourth chapter we will present the process of introduction of customer relationship management in the case of MIK LTD.. As part of the introduction process will present the company, mission, vision and values of MIK LTD.. We will present the reasons why the company MIK LTD. decided to introduce CRM solutions and also for their own development and not for the purchase of existing CRM solution providers. At the end of the chapter, we will name the objectives set by the company MIK LTD. prior to the introduction itself, and the process of implementing their own solution. The fifth chapter is devoted to the consequences of the introduction of CRM solutions into the company MIK LTD.. This chapter will present the advantages and disadvantages of the introduction, which was brought about by MIK's own CRM solution. At the very end, we will mention what the company MIK LTD. will do with its CRM solution in the future.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Customer relationship management;IT solutions;buyers;clients;customers;analytical CRM;operative CRM;collaborative CRM;implementation of CRM solution swot analysis of CRM solutions;Mik CRM system.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: 62 str.
ID: 8888544