magistrsko delo
Branka Bensa (Avtor), Igor Vrečko (Mentor)


Izhodišče raziskave je projektno sodelovanje občin pri izvajanju infrastrukturnih projektov. Na podlagi izvedene analize literature sem opredelila pomen projekta in projektnega managementa ter funkcijo in razvoj občin, s poudarkom na izvajanju in managementu projektov, financiranih s sredstvi evropskih skladov. V delu je predstavljena osnovna zakonodaja in razvojni dokumenti, ki so občinam osnova za zagon projektov, predvsem pa se delo osredotoča na organiziranost in management kompleksnih investicij v infrastrukturo. Ti se izvajajo v partnerstvu več občin kot veliki medobčinski projekti, sofinancirani s sredstvi evropskih skladov. Investicije v javno infrastrukturo so temeljna naloga in hkrati gonilo razvoja lokalne skupnosti, regije ali države. V veliki meri jih izvaja javni sektor. V EU dosegajo vrednost v povprečju 3% BDP in v večini držav se kaže trend rasti. Slovenija se na lestvici držav uvršča visoko in vrednost tovrstnih investicij dosega dobre 4% BDP, kljub temu je bila tematika v teoriji zapostavljena. Za velike infrastrukturne projekte, kamor uvrščamo tudi medobčinske infrastrukturne projekte, je značilno, da imajo dolgoletni proces. V tem procesu je ključnega pomena prva faza, ki vsebuje oblikovanje vhodne strategije in faza razvoja projekta, ki ji sledi. Pomembno je, da ti dve fazi skrajšamo, saj imata najvišjo stopnjo tveganja za realizacijo projekta. To lahko naredimo z dobro definicijo strategije in ciljev projekta ter opredelitvijo organizacije in z imenovanjem managementa projekta. Govorimo o velikih in kompleksnih projektih z ustrezno večnivojsko opredeljeno organizacijo projekta. V kolikor so med partnerji strategije usklajene in cilji jasno opredeljeni, je naloga managementa, da projekt vodi skozi številne naloge v smeri doseganja zastavljenih vmesnih in končnih ciljev.

Ključne besede

management;projekti;projektni management;infrastrukturni projekti;občinski projekti;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [B. Bensa]
UDK: 005.8(043.2)
COBISS: 12394012 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 903
Št. prenosov: 112
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Intermunicipal infrastructure projects management and organizational model
Sekundarni povzetek: The starting point of the research is the cooperation of municipalities in the implementation of infrastructure projects. Based on the analysis of literature I have identified the importance of the project and project management, as well as the function and development of municipalities, with an emphasis on management and implementation of projects financed by the European funds. This paper presents the basic legislation and development documents, which are the basis for municipalities’ project start-ups; in particular, the work focuses on the organization and management of complex investments in infrastructure. This type of projects are implemented in the partnership of several municipalities as major inter-municipal projects co-financed by the European funds. Investment in public infrastructure is a fundamental task and at the same time the driver of a local community, region or country. To a large extent it is carried out by the public sector. In the EU public investments in infrastructure the value is 3% of GDP and in most countries there is a growth trend. Slovenia ranks high on the scale and the value of such investments reaches 4% of GDP, however, this field has been a neglected topic in theory. For large infrastructure projects, which also include intermunicipal infrastructure projects, one of the main characteristics is long-standing process. In this process, the first phase is crucial; it contains the entry strategy design and the development phase of the project which follows. It is important that these two phases are to be shortened, since they have the highest risk for the realization of the project. This can be done with a good definition of the strategy and the objectives of the project and with the definition of organization and the appointment of management of the project. We are referring to large and complex projects with appropriate multilevel project organization. If the partners’ strategies and objectives are coordinated and clearly defined, the task of the management is to lead the project through a number of tasks towards intermediate and final goals.
Sekundarne ključne besede: project;project management;project manager;infrastructure projects;municipal project.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: 89 str.
ID: 9134746