diplomski projekt
Gašper Skaza (Avtor), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Z novejšimi tehnologijami prihaja potreba po tem, da se podjetja posvečajo prenovi zastarelih informacijskih sistemov, ki so v veliko primerih nekompatibilni z novejšo tehnologijo. Kratica CRM (angl. Customer Relationship Management) v slovenskem prevodu pomeni sisteme za upravljanje odnosov s strankami. CRM je rešitev, ki pomaga konkurenčnost podjetja dvigniti na višjo raven, saj je dandanes ključno, da se posvetimo stranki na sodobne načine. Ker je zadovoljstvo stranke ključno za zvestobo, lahko s pomočjo CRM-rešitve dosežemo, da so stranke zadovoljne in da nas ne zapuščajo. Pojem CRM lahko razlagamo kot filozofijo, ki cilje podjetja najbolje dosega z identifikacijo in zadovoljstvom navedenih in nenavedenih želj in potreb stranke ali pa kot računalniški sistem za identificiranje, pridobivanje, ciljanje in ohranjanje najboljših strank. Povezava med tema dvema definicijama je najboljša, če je prepletena, torej da podjetje uporablja filozofijo CRM kot način poslovanja, računalniški sistem pa kot orodje za izpolnitev cilja, ki je narediti najboljši vtis na stranko. CRM-rešitev mora biti prilagodljiva potrebam podjetja, saj se te spreminjajo. Z rastjo podjetja se spreminjajo tudi potrebe po CRM-rešitvah. Dobro je že v začetni fazi najti pravega ponudnika, ki je sposoben prilagoditi CRM-rešitev na osnovni in bolj zapleteni ravni. Ko se podjetje odloči za uvedbo CRM-rešitve v podjetje, je treba določiti, kdo so ključni ljudje, ki bodo sodelovali pri uvedbi rešitve. Težava je, če se sodelujoči ne strinjajo z izbiro ponudnika ali če imajo občutek, da CRM-rešitev ne bo pripomogla k poslovanju, tako lahko projekt uvedbe CRM-rešitve v podjetje propade. Podjetja, ki uvajajo CRM-rešitev, morajo preučiti, kateri ponudnik ima dobre reference in kako dolgo se že ukvarja z uvajanjem CRM-rešitve. Dobro je raziskati ponudnike, saj lahko s pomočjo raziskave ugotovijo, kateri je za njih najprimernejši in kdo ponuja največ za primerljivo ceno.

Ključne besede

poslovna informatika;informacijske rešitve;implementacija;odnosi s strankami;CRM;zadovoljstvo;zvestoba;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [G. Skaza]
UDK: 004.77:658.89
COBISS: 12591644 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1738
Št. prenosov: 110
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Implementation of CRM solution at company Aksel d.o.o.
Sekundarni povzetek: With new technologies available, companies must dedicate their time to renew the old information system. Those old systems are mostly not compatible with new technologies. CRM is a sistem, which can make competitiveness of company raise on higher level because this days we need to dedicate our time into researching our customers on a new, up-to-date way. Satisfaction of a customer is most important if we want to achieve loyalty, and CRM systems offer us the tool to make it happen. CRM can be defined as a philosophy that achieves goals through identification and satisfaction of stated and unstated wishes and needs of customers or as computer systems for identifying, collecting, aiming and maintaining best customers. Connection between both of them is best if mixed, so the company uses strategy or philosophy as a way of making business, and a computer system as a tool for achieving a goal to make the best impression on a customer. CRM system must be adjustable to needs of a company because needs can change. Company growth can bring changes in need to make new settings of CRM system. It is good to find a good provider of solution in the starting phase. Provider must be capable to adjust CRM system based on basic or advanced needs of customer. When company decides to implement CRM system into company, they need to define who are they key people that will participate in the implementation of system. Problem happens if participants don't agree with the selection of the provider or they aren't completely sure that the implementation of CRM solution will benefit to the company. Company which is implementing CRM solution to company must make a good research about providers, which one has good references, how long is the provider in the business of implementing CRM systems. With a good research company can figure out which solution benefits them best and which one offers the most by the price that needs to be paid. CRM can be defined as a philosophy that achieves goals through identification and satisfaction of stated and unstated wishes and needs of customers or as computer systems for identifying, collecting, aiming and maintaining best customers. Connection between both of them is best if mixed, so the company uses strategy or philosophy as a way of making business, and a computer system as a tool for achieving a goal to make the best impression on a customer. CRM system must be adjustable to needs of a company because needs can change. Company growth can bring changes in need to make new settings of CRM system. It is good to find a good provider of solution in the starting phase. Provider must be capable to adjust CRM system based on basic or advanced needs of customer. When company decides to implement CRM system into company, they need to define who are they key people that will participate in the implementation of system. Problem happens if participants don't agree with the selection of the provider or they aren't completely sure that the implementation of CRM solution will benefit to the company. Company which is implementing CRM solution to company must make a good research about providers, which one has good references, how long is the provider in the business of implementing CRM systems. With a good research company can figure out which solution benefits them best and which one offers the most by the price that needs to be paid.
Sekundarne ključne besede: CRM – customer relationship management;implementation;satisfaction;loyalty;information;integration;information system.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Delo diplomskega projekta/projektno delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: [IV], 37 str.
ID: 9165326