diplomsko delo
Tanja Grlj (Avtor), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


V slovenskem pravnem redu je bil z uveljavitvijo Stvarnopravnega zakonika (SPZ) dne 1. 1. 2003 uveden institut ugasnitve hipoteke zaradi poteka časa. Hipoteka ugasne s potekom desetih let od dneva dospelosti zavarovane terjatve. Na podlagi navedenega lahko hipotekarni zavezanec zahteva izbris hipoteke iz zemljiške knjige, s čimer hipoteka, in iz nje izvirajoča poplačilna pravica, tudi preneha. Ker Zakon o temeljnih lastninskopravnih razmerjih (ZTLR) takšne ureditve – ugasnitve hipoteke zaradi poteka časa ni poznal, se je v sodni praksi Vrhovnega sodišča RS (in na tej podlagi višjih sodišč) uveljavilo stališče, da sodno uveljavljanje poplačilne pravice po takrat veljavni zakonodaji ni bilo časovno omejeno. To na pravice, pridobljene pred uveljavitvijo SPZ, ne bi vplivalo. Te ostanejo v veljavi z vsebino, kot so bile ustanovljene, vključno z upravičenjem hipotekarnega upnika po časovno neomejenem uveljavljanju poplačilne pravice iz naslova hipoteke. Poplačilno pravico lahko upnik uresniči vse do tedaj, ko hipoteka zaradi takšnega ali drugačnega razloga preneha. V tem diplomskem delu takšno stališče problematiziram. Po opravljeni analizi ugotavljam, da bi lahko dopustili institut ugasnitve hipoteke zaradi poteka časa tudi (in le) za tiste hipoteke, ki so bile ustanovljene pred uzakonitvijo instituta ugasnitve hipoteke zaradi poteka časa, če se je rok zapadlosti desetih let iztekel tudi po uveljavitvi SPZ, imetnik hipoteke pa zoper hipotekarnega zavezanca svojih poplačilnih pravic ta čas sodno ni uveljavljal. Pri tem ustavna načela (npr. prepovedi povratne veljave predpisov idr.) ne bi bila kršena, pravni položaj strank matičnega obligacijskega pravnega razmerja, ki ga s poplačilno pravico varuje hipoteka, pa bi bil na takšen način urejen pravično in pravno korektno. S tem bi bila hipoteka polno obravnavana kot akcesorna pravica, ki deli usodo zavarovane denarne terjatve, ki ji je podrejena kot oblika zavarovanja.

Ključne besede

nepremičninsko pravo;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Grlj]
UDK: 347.2(043.2)
COBISS: 5302827 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1695
Št. prenosov: 170
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: With implementation of the Real Property Code (Stvarnopravni zakonik – SPZ) from 1. 1. 2003 in the Slovenian acquis, the instrument of extinguishment of mortgages that expire by lapse of time has been introduced. A mortgage expires ten years from the day on which the secured claim fell due. Based on the above, the mortgage debtor (mortgagor) may request cancellation (deletion) of the mortgage from the Land register and therefore the mortgage and the resulting repayment right ceases. Because of the fact that the previous Basic Property Law Relations Act (Zakon o temeljnih lastninskopravnih razmerjih – ZTLR) such an arrangement - extinguishment of mortgages due to expiration date - did not know, an opinion was established in the case law of the Supreme Court of Slovenia and on this basis the higher courts, that judicial enforcement of repayments rights under the legislation, that was in force at the time, was not subject to extinction. That would not apply to the rights obtained before the implementation of the Real Property Code. They remain valid as they were founded, including mortgagee`s right for exercising timely unlimited repayment rights arising from a mortgage. Mortgagee can claim his repayment right up to the time when the mortgage for one reason or another extinguishes. In this thesis, I challenge this position. After the analysis I find that the instrument of extinguishment of mortgages due to expiration could be allowed also for (and only for) those mortgages, which were established before the enactment of the mortgage due to expiration date, if the maturity of ten years has expired after the implementation of Real Property Code and mortgagee did not claim his repayment right against the mortgagor with the enforcement claim. Thereby constitutional principles (e.g. prohibition of retroactive legislation, etc.) would not be violated, the legal status of parties of the prime obligation, which is protected with a repayment right by mortgage, would consequently be arranged in a justified and legally correct manner. With that, mortgage would be adequately treated as ancillary right, to share the fate of secured money claims to which it is a subsidiary as a form of insurance.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Mortgage;accessoriness;extinguishment of the mortgage due to expiration date;case law;the prohibition of retroactive legislation;constitutionally consistent interpretation of the legislation.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: IV, 95 f.
ID: 9166159