diplomsko delo


Fizika med otroki in tudi med odraslimi ni prav posebno priljubljena. Vzroke za to lahko iščemo tudi v premajhni povezanosti vsebin, obravnavanih v šoli, z vsakodnevnim življenjem. Poleg tega so otroci pri pouku prepogosto pasivni, za kar učitelji pogosto navajajo pomanjkanje ustreznih pripomočkov za eksperimentiranje. Obe težavi lahko ublažimo z uporabo igrač pri pouku fizike. Veliko igrač omogoča obravnavo zanimivih fizikalnih konceptov, ki se jih otroci pri igri pogosto ne zavedajo. Z uporabo igrač lahko zgradimo most med vsakodnevnim življenjem in fizikalnimi zakoni, ki jih obravnavamo pri pouku. Če igrače uporabimo kot sredstvo za izvedbo eksperimentov, dosežemo, da so otroci pri pouku aktivni, kar ugodno vpliva na njihovo motivacijo in odnos do predmeta. V diplomskem delu sem navedla rezultate nekaterih raziskav, ki preučujejo uporaboigračpripoukufizike,predstavilamožnostizauporaboigračpripouku fizike ter prednosti in nekatere pasti njihove uporabe v poučevanju. Oblikovala sem kriterije za izbor igrač, primernih za uporabo pri pouku. Igrače sem nato razvrstila po poglavjih, ki so navedena v Učnem načrtu za fiziko v 8. in 9. razredu osnovne šole. Za izbrane igrače sem pripravila krajše razlage delovanja in predloge eksperimentalnih dejavnosti, umeščene v kurikulum. Za skupino igrač, ki vsebujejo magnete, sem pripravila bolj podrobno razlago delovanja in uporabe pri pouku. Predstavljeni so tudi rezultati samostojnih raziskovanj igrač, ki so jih izvajali otroci pri naravoslovnem krožku, ki sem ga vodila. Otroci so raziskovali delovanje nekaterih igrač in izvajali meritve.

Ključne besede

poučevanje;primary education;osnovnošolski pouk;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Bertoncelj]
UDK: 53:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 11198793 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 786
Št. prenosov: 116
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Toys in physics education at lower secondary level
Sekundarni povzetek: Physics is not very popular with both children and adults alike. Studies show that one of the causes for the current situation might be a discordance between topics taught in the school curriculum and experiences from everyday life. Children are also too often put in passive roles during classes which, in many teachers’ opinions, is mostly due to lack of appropriate experimental equipment. A common remedy for both issues can be found in using toys in physics education. Many toys offer opportunities to explore interesting physics principles that children are mostly unaware of during play. In this way, toys can bridge the gap between everyday life experiences and the process of learning physics laws during formal classes. Using physics toys in classroom activities can help children assume an active role which, in return, boosts their motivation and improves their attitude towards physics education. The Diploma thesis will describe some opportunities for the usage of toys in physics education with its advantages and disadvantages. Also, some conclusions from various studies dealing with this topic will be outdrawn. The criteria for the selection of toys suitable for use in class will be formed. Toys will be described in brief, sorted according to topics included in the curriculum for physics education at lower secondary level. Further, selected toyswillbeshownwithashortdescriptionoftheirunderlyingphysicsprinciples and their possible usage in performing experiments. Magnetic toys will be presented in more detail together with extended usage scenarios in class. Some results acquired during hands-on experiments with toys on an extracurricular course in natural sciences which we led, will be presented. All measurements were performed by the children themselves.
Sekundarne ključne besede: physics;fizika;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika in fizika
Strani: 124 str.
ID: 9174931