magistrsko delo
Vanja Jurič (Avtor), Martina Ozbič (Mentor)


Miofunkcionalna terapija se v zadnjem času pogosteje uporablja v logopedski praksi. Uporablja se pri ljudeh, katerih simptomatika vključuje težave v orofacialnem področju, še posebej motorične in strukturne narave. V to kategorijo sodijo tudi osebe z Downovim sindromom, za katere je značilna hipotonija celotnega telesa, torej tudi orofacialnega področja in posledično orofacialne disfunkcije. V teoretičnem sem predstavila Downov sindrom (v nadaljevanju DS) in miofunkcionalno terapijo. Opisala sem značilnosti sindroma vključno z anatomskimi posebnosti orofacialnega področja. Značilnost oseb z DS je mlahavost mišic, slabša propriocepcija, zato imajo težave pri izvajanju motoričnih gibov. Ob tem sem predstavila tudi anatomijo orofacialnega področja ljudi brez anatomskih posebnosti. Naštela in opisala sem še ostale vzroke, ki lahko privedejo do nepravilnega delovanja mišic orofacialnega področja. Predstavila sem miofunkcionalno terapijo, njene začetke, zasledovane cilje (glavni cilj je odstraniti škodljive razvade in spremeniti vzorce giba in posledično samo strukturo orofacialnega področja), kdaj jo je primerno uporabiti. Naštela in opisala sem različne vrste miofunkcionalne terapije in kdaj katero vrsto uporabiti. Predstavila sem različne pripomočke, ki se lahko uporabljajo pri miofunkcionalni terapiji. Pri tem sem izhajala iz nemške šole miofunkcionalne terapije. V empiričnem delu sem uporabila kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop. S singularno študijo primera sem sistematično analizirala in predstavila deklico z Downovim sindromom. Namen študije primera je bil pojasniti in razložiti njen primer. Sama sem se osredotočila na motoriko orofacialnega področja in izvajanje vaj za izboljšanje motorike tega področja. Vaje in navodila za pravilnost njihovega izvajanja sem delno izdelala in pripravila sama, delno pa črpala iz tuje literature (Kittel, 2014; Kittel, Förster, 2015 in Türk, Söhlemann, Rummel, 2012). V 10 dneh (20. – 29.7.2016), kolikor sem bivala pri družini, sva vaje izvajale dva krat dnevno, in sicer zjutraj in zvečer, vsakič okoli 20 minut oziroma dokler je bila deklica motivirana, pripravljena sodelovati. Glede na dekličino specifiko sem izbrala 10 različnih vaj. Vaje so bile usmerjene v izboljšanje dihanja na nos, motorike ustnic, jezika in koordinacije celotnega telesa. Ugotovila sem, da vaje pomagajo izboljšati samozavedanje, sposobnost izvajanja vaj, deklica je večjo pozornost namenila tonusu. Rezultati bi bili veliko boljši in bolj natančni, če bi se vaje izvajale skozi daljše obdobje. Bolj optimalno bi bilo tudi, če bi bilo med zadnjim izvajanjem vaj in oceno napredka tudi nekaj časa. Tako bi videla, če si je deklica zapomnila in izvajala vaje tudi v času, ko nisva imeli skupnih srečanj ali je avtomatizirala gibe.

Ključne besede

vaje za izboljšanje motorike orofacialnega področja;koncept Castillo-Morales;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [V. Jurič]
UDK: 376-056.34(043.2)
COBISS: 11489865 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1436
Št. prenosov: 144
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Myofunctional therapy in people with Down syndrome
Sekundarni povzetek: Myofunctional therapy is increasingly used in the practice of speech therapy. It is used for people whose symptoms include issues in the orofacial region, especially of the motoric and structural nature. This category includes people with Down syndrome whom whole-body hypotonia is characteristic of, thus including the orofacial region and consequently orofacial dysfunctions. In the theoretical part, Down syndrome and myofunctional therapy are introduced. The characteristics of the syndrome, including anatomical peculiarities of the orofacial region, are described. The characteristic of people with DS is muscle flaccidity, worse proprioception, which results in difficulties performing motoric movements. In this part, the anatomy of the orofacial region of people without anatomical peculiarities is introduced. Moreover, other causes that can lead to incorrect functioning of the muscles of the orofacial region are listed and described. Furthermore, it contains the introduction of myofunctional therapy, its beginnings, pursued goals (its main goal is eliminating harmful habits and changing movement patterns, and consequently the structure of the orofacial region itself), and when it is appropriate to use it. Different types of myofunctional therapy are listed and described, along with an explanation when to use which type. Various tools that can be used for myofunctional therapy are introduced. The theoretical part is derived from the German theory on myofunctional therapy. In the empirical part, qualitative research methods are used. With a singular case study a girl with Down syndrome is analysed and introduced. The purpose of the case study is explaining her example. The focus is on the motorics of the orofacial region and the implementation of exercises to improve the motorics of this region. The exercises and instructions on their proper performance are partially made and prepared by me, and partially taken from foreign literature (Kittel, 2014; Kittel, Förster, 2015, and Türk, Söhlermann, Rummel, 2012). During the 10 days (20th to 29th of July, 2016) I resided with the family, the exercises have been performed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, for 20 minutes respectively or more specifically for as long as the girl was motivated and ready to take part in them. According to the girl's specifics, 10 different exercises have been selected. The exercises aim at improving nose breathing, the motorics of the lips and the tongue, as well as the coordination of the whole body. In conclusion, the exercises help to improve self-awareness, the ability to perform the exercises, and the girl paid more attention to the tonus. The results would be much better and more accurate if the exercises were performed for a longer period of time. It would also be more optimal if there was more time between the last time the exercises have been performed and he evaluation of the improvement. This way it could be observed whether the girl remembered and performed the exercises even when we did not meet or when she was automating movements.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Down's syndrome;Downov sindrom;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Strani: 60 str.
ID: 9593257
Priporočena dela:
, vodič za starše novorojenih otrok
, diplomsko delo