diplomska naloga


Zaradi gospodarske krize je stečaj podjetij pogost pojav, zato se velikokrat pojavljajo tudi množična odpuščanja zaposlenih. Mura d.d. je primer stečaja velikega podjetja in odpuščanja velikega števila delavk in delavcev. Upravitelji Murinih družb v stečaju so odpovedali pogodbe o zaposlitvi 2635 zaposlenim. V primeru Mure d.d. v stečaju sta bila uporabljena dva delovnopravna instituta: odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi zaradi stečaja in odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi večjemu številu delavcev. Prva posebnost odpovedi pogodbe o zaposlitvi zaradi stečaja je, da pogodbe o zaposlitvi odpoveduje upravitelj. ZDR določa, da upravitelj v stečajnem postopku odpove pogodbe o zaposlitvi delavcem, katerih delo je zaradi začetka stečajnega postopka pri delodajalcu postalo nepotrebno. Stečajna zakonodaja (ZFPPIPP) z začetkom stečajnega postopka upravitelja pooblašča za zastopanje stečajnega dolžnika in vodenje njegovih poslov. Tako je upravitelj odgovoren tudi za odpovedi pogodb o zaposlitvi. Odstop od splošne ureditve je tudi v krajšem odpovednem roku 15 dni. Tretja posebnost odpovedi pogodbe o zaposlitvi zaradi stečaja se nanaša na varovane kategorije delavcev. V postopku stečaja ni posebnega varstva teh kategorij pred odpovedjo pogodbe o zaposlitvi. ZDR upravitelju nalaga, da mora pred odpovedjo pogodb o zaposlitvi večjemu številu delavcev upoštevati tudi pravila za kolektivne odpuste. To pomeni, da mora o nameravanih odpovedih večjemu številu delavcev pisno obvestiti sindikat in Zavod RS za zaposlovanje. Poleg posebnih pravil, ki veljajo za odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi zaradi stečaja, mora upravitelj upoštevati tudi vsa splošna pravila odpovedi pogodbe o zaposlitvi iz poslovnih razlogov. Da se zagotovi varstvo delavca pri odpovedi pogodbe o zaposlitvi, ima delavec pravice in možnosti, ki jih lahko uveljavi. Delavec, potem ko mu je bila odpovedana pogodba o zaposlitvi zaradi začetka stečaja nad delodajalcem, se lahko prijavi na Zavodu RS za zaposlovanje in vloži zahtevo za uveljavitev pravice do denarnega nadomestila za primer brezposelnosti. Delavci, ki so socialno ogroženi, imajo po Zakonu o socialnem varstvu in Zakonu o socialno varstvenih prejemkih pravico na Centru za socialno delo zaprositi za pomoč. V primeru stečaja njihovega delodajalca so delavci lahko tudi stečajni upniki, če prijavijo svoje terjatve v stečajno maso v roku treh mesecev po objavi oklica o začetku stečajnega postopka. Vse tiste terjatve delavcev, ki nastanejo po začetku stečajnega postopka, so prednostne terjatve in jih ni treba prijavljati v stečajno maso. Med prednostne terjatve spada odpravnina, do katere imajo delavci po ZDR pravico. V primeru plačilne nesposobnosti delodajalca, delavcem za njihove terjatve, ki jih imajo do delodajalca, jamči Javni jamstveni in preživninski sklad RS. Sklad poskrbi, da so poplačane privilegirane terjatve delavcev, ki jih predvideva ZJPSRS. Naslednja pravica delavca je pravno varstvo pri odpovedi. Če delavec, ki mu je bila odpovedana pogodba o zaposlitvi, meni, da je odpoved nezakonita, lahko v roku 30 dni zahteva ustrezno sodno varstvo pred pristojnim delovnim sodiščem. V primerih kolektivnih odpustov, tudi v primeru Mure, imajo odpuščeni delavci posebno prednostno pravico do zaposlitve, če delodajalec v roku enega leta zaposluje nove delavce. Da bi prikazala pravice delavca kot šibkejše stranke, sem analizirala primer odpovedi pogodbe o zaposlitvi zaradi stečaja na primeru stečaja Mure d.d.

Ključne besede

delovno pravo;pogodbe o zaposlitvi;stečajni postopki;pravice delavcev;varstvo delavcev;terjatve;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Maribor
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [S. Neubauer]
UDK: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4233515 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 7786
Št. prenosov: 583
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: Because of the economic crisis the bankruptcy of companies is a common phenomenon, that is why also masive terminations of employments are appearing very often. Mura d.d. is an example of bankruptcy of a big company and termination of the contracts of employent to a large number of workers. Administrators of Mura had given notices of contract of employment to 2635 employees. In case of the bankrupt Mura d.d. two laborlaw-institutes have been used: termination of the contract of employment because of bankruptcy and termination of the contract of employment to a large number of workers. The first feature of the termination of the contract of employment because of bankruptcy is, that the notices are given by the administrator. The Act of employment provides, that in bankruptcy proceedings the administrator gives the notice to those workers, which work is not needed because of the initiated bankruptcy proceeding of the employer. With the initiation of bankruptcy proceeding the bankruptcy law empowers the administrator for the representation of the bankrupt debtor and for managing his business. So he is also responsible for the termination of the contracts of employment. Another feature is the shorter termination deadline of 15 days. The third speciality of the termination of the contract of employment because of bankruptcy is related to the protected categories of workers. In the bankruptcy proceeding this categories are not protected from the termination of the contract of employment. Act of employment tells the administrator to consider the rules of collective termination before the termination of the contracts of employment to a large number of workers. This means he has to inform the union and the Agency for employment. Next to the special rules, that regulate the termination of the conract of employment because of bankruptcy, the administrator is also obligated to consider all general rules for termination of the contract of employment for business ground. To ensure protection of the worker in case of the termination of the contract of employment, the worker has its rigths and possibilities he can make use of. The worker, after his contract of employment was terminated because of the initiated bankruptcy proceeding of the employer, can register on the Agency of employment of Republika Slovenija and claim the right to financial income in case of unemployment. By the Act of social security and the Act of social security incomes the workers, who are socially disadvantaged, have the right to ask for help on the Center of social services. In case of the bankruptcy of their employer, the workers are also bankruptcy creditors, if they register their claims within three months from the proclamation of the initiated bankruptcy proceeding. All those claims of the workers, incurred after the initiated bankruptcy proceeding, are priority claims and do not need to be registered. One of the priority claims is the indemnity, to which the workers have the right by the Act of employment. In case of insolvency of the employer, the Public guarantee and maintainance found warant for the claims of the workers, which they have to the employer. The Found takes care of the earlier repayment of the priority claims, that are determinated in the Act of Public guarantee and maintainance found. The next right of the worker is the legal protection in case of notice. If the worker, which contract of employment was terminated, thinks the notice is not legal, within 30 days he can demand appropriate judicial protection in front of the competent labor court. In case of the collective terminations, also in case of Mura, the workers have the special priority right to employment, if the employer recruits new workers within a year. To show the rights of the worker as a weaker partie, I analized the termination of the contract of employment because of bankruptcy in case of the bankruptcy of Mura d.d.
Sekundarne ključne besede: bankruptcy;termination of the contract of employment because of bankruptcy;potection of the workers;workers rights;insolvency of the employer;claims;bankruptcy of Mura d.d.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: 59 f.
Ključne besede (UDK): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 1014896