magistrsko delo
Janja Jurečič (Avtor), Jurij Selan (Mentor), Milena Košak Babuder (Komentor)


Primerjave rezultatov dosežkov učencev na nacionalnih preverjanjih znanja med učenci s posebnimi potrebami in učenci brez posebnih potreb kažejo nižje rezultate učencev s posebnimi potrebami pri vseh predmetih, tudi pri likovni umetnosti. Vzroke za razkorak lahko najdemo v prostorskih, didaktično-metodičnih, kadrovskih in drugih dejavnikih. Podatki o dosežkih učencev na nacionalnem preverjanju znanja nas lahko usmerjajo tako pri evalviranju programov in učnih načrtov kot pri svetovanju in usmerjanju učiteljev. Učitelj kot ključna oseba v procesu poučevanja ima pomembno vlogo pri vključevanju učenca s s posebnimi potrebami v razredu. Je zgled učencem in tudi drugim učiteljem. Predmet likovna umetnost že v svojem bistvu predstavlja prostor, kjer učenci analizirajo, raziskujejo svet in ga poskušajo spoznati na drugačen način; prostor, kjer se izjemnost in drugačnost cenita, kar lahko predstavlja učencu s posebnimi potrebami varen prostor za vključitev v razredno skupino. To pa lahko dosežemo, če poznamo specifične značilnosti učenca ter njegove posebne potrebe in močna področja, ki jih z ustreznimi pristopi, prilagoditvami razvijamo proti najugodnejšemu izidu. Različni avtorji pri nas in po svetu izpostavljajo stiske, s katerimi se srečujejo učitelji ob delu z učenci s posebnimi potrebami, ki se najpogosteje povezujejo s slabšim občutkom kompetentnosti za delo s to populacijo. Prav zato smo v magistrskem delu prek študija literature o značilnostih in smernicah za delo z določenimi podskupinami učencev s posebnimi potrebami in odgovorov anketiranih učiteljev likovne umetnosti o njihovem delu s tovrstnimi učenci poskušali približati delo z učenci s posebnimi potrebami učiteljem likovne umetnosti. V raziskavo smo vključili devetinsedemdeset učiteljev likovne umetnosti iz različnih slovenskih regij. Vzorec zajema učitelje razrednega in predmetnega pouka ter srednješolske učitelje. Za statistično analizo podatkov smo uporabili deskriptivno statistiko, t-test in Pearsonov koeficient korelacije. Empirična kvantitativna raziskava omogoča boljši vpogled v delo v praksi in usmeritev na področja priporočil za delo, ki jih učitelji likovne umetnosti za delo z učenci s posebnimi potrebami najbolj potrebujejo.

Ključne besede

dobra poučevalna praksa;priporočila za delo;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [J. Jurečič]
UDK: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 11642441 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1003
Št. prenosov: 184
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Competence of art teachers to work with students with special needs
Sekundarni povzetek: Comparisons of the results of pupil attainment in the national examination among students with special needs and pupils without special needs show lower results of pupils with special needs in all subjects, including the visual arts (Art education). The reasons for the discrepancy may be due to spatial, didactic and methodical, personnel, and other factors. Information about pupils' achievements in national exams can give guidance in evaluating programs and curricula and also in advising and guiding the teachers. The teacher as a key figure in the process of teaching, plays an important role in the integration of pupils with special needs in the classroom. He or she serves as an example for students as well as for other teachers. Art education in its essence represents a space where students analyse and explore the world and try to get to know it in a different way. For a student with special needs a place where the exceptionality and uniqueness are appreciated may represent a safe place to be included in the class group. This can be achieved if we know the specifics of the pupil's special needs, their shortcomings and strengths, as well as the appropriate approaches and adaptations that can be utilized to achieve the most favourable outcome. Various authors from Slovenia and from other parts of the world highlight the distress faced by the teachers when working with students with special needs, that is most commonly associated with a poorer sense of competence in working with this population. Therefore in this thesis, by studying literature about the characteristics and guidelines for working with certain subgroups of students with special needs and by analysing responses of the surveyed Art education teachers about their work with students with special needs, we will try to make Art education teachers feel more comfortable and familiar with work with pupils with special needs. The study includes 79 Art education teachers from different Slovenian regions. The sample includes both classroom teachers and subject teachers as well as secondary school teachers. For statistical analysis we used descriptive statistics, t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The empirical quantitative research will provide a better insight into practical work and into the most necessary policies in the areas recommended for the work of art teachers when dealing with students with special needs.
Sekundarne ključne besede: art education;backward child;teacher;likovna vzgoja;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;učitelj;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: X, 85 str.
ID: 10850271