magistrsko delo
Ana Strmšnik (Avtor), Janja Hojnik (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava ureditev instituta napotenih delavcev v avstrijski pravni ureditvi v primerjavi z ureditvijo, ki izhaja iz zakonodaje EU. V Avstriji je področje napotenih delavcev urejeno v okviru Zakona o preprečevanju plačilnega in socialnega dumpinga (v nadaljevanju: LSD-BG), ki določa pogoje za delo in zaposlitev napotenih delavcev, nadzorne in upravne ukrepe za spremljanje izvrševanja teh pravil ter kazenske sankcije in ostale ukrepe za primere kršitev. Zakon predstavlja implementacijo Direktive 96/71/ES in Direktive 2014/67/EU, ki predstavljata krovna predpisa za ureditev instituta napotenih delavcev v EU. Direktiva 96/71/ES določa splošni regulativni pravni okvir za napotitve znotraj EU, ne usklajuje pa materialne vsebine prisilnih predpisov, ki jih je potrebno za čas napotitve upoštevati v državi gostiteljici. Vsebina prisilnih predpisov se določa v skladu z zakonodajo države gostiteljice. Z namenom presoje, ali je Avstrija pri implementaciji zakondaje EU presegla začrtan okvir, ki izhaja iz prava EU, in pretirano omejila prost pretok storitev med državami članicami ureditev instituta, kot izhaja iz LSD-BG, umestim v širši pravni okvir in ga primerjam z ureditvijo, ki izhaja iz predpisov EU. Institut je v magistrskem delu obravnavan v treh sklopih, ki se medsebojno povezujejo in dopolnjujejo: pravice napotenih delavcev, upravne zahteve in nadzorni ukrepi ter kazenske sankcije in varnostni ukrepi. Ugotavljam, da napotitve predstavljajo zelo kompleksen institut, pri katerem je potrebno za zakonito in korektno izvedbo v praksi dobro poznavanje zakonodaje EU, zakonodaje države sedeža delodajalca in države gostiteljice. Zaradi specifičnih in raznolikih ureditev delovnopravne, socialne in davčne zakonodaje držav članic je področje prepleteno s številnimi pravnimi vprašanji. Ker so pravna pravila, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati za čas napotitve pogosto razdrobljena po številnih pravnih predpisih, nejasna in nedoločna, lahko pri napotitvah nastajajo številne težave. V magistrskem delu zaključujem, da LSD-BG pri implementaciji pravic in pogojev za delo in zaposlitev izhaja iz Direktive 96/71/ES. Pravice, ki se denimo nanašajo na delovni čas, letni dopust ter varnost in zdravje pri delu, so v večji meri na ravni EU harmonizirane, zato do večjih odstopanj pri ureditvah s strani držav članic in spoštovanju pri napotitvi ne bi smelo prihajati. Večina težav se nanaša na določitev sestavin plačila za delo napotenih delavcev, saj ostaja področje določitve koncepta plačila za delo v pristojnosti držav članic. Več vprašanj v zvezi s skladnostjo s pravom EU pa izhaja iz ureditve nadzornih ukrepov in kazenskih sankcij, ki izhajajo iz LSD-BG. Glede na usmeritve, ki izhajajo iz Direktive 2014/67/EU, se namreč zdi, da številni ukrepi iz LSD-BG, kot so denimo visoke denarne kazni, ukrep plačila varščine in ukrep prekinitve plačevanja, niso sorazmerni cilju, ki ga zasledujejo.

Ključne besede

napoteni delavci;napotitev delavcev v Avstrijo;LSD-BG;oviranje prostega pretoka storitev;Direktiva 96/71/ES;Direktiva 2014/67/EU;magistrska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: A. Strmšnik]
UDK: 341.2(043.3)
COBISS: 5570091 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1245
Št. prenosov: 165
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Compatibility assessment of the austrian approach to the construct of regulation of posted workers under EU law
Sekundarni povzetek: The present master’s thesis deals with the construct regulation of posted workers in Austrian legal arrangement in comparison with the EU arrangements. In Austria, the scope of posted workers is arranged within the framework of the Anti-Wage and Social Dumping Act (hereinafter: LSD-BG), which establishes work conditions and employment of posted workers, control and administrative measures for monitoring the implementation of such measures as well as criminal penalties and other measures used in cases of infringement. This act represents the implementation of Directive 1996/71/EC and Directive 2014/67/EU, which represent the main measures for the construct regulation of posted workers in the EU. The Directive 1996/71/EC establishes the general regulatory legal framework for posting of workers within the EU, however, it does not coordinate the material content of mandatory provisions, needed to be taken into account during the time of posting in the host country. The content of mandatory provisions is established in accordance with the legislation of the host country. I will place the construct regulation, resulting from LSD-BG, in a broader legal framework and compare it to the arrangement resulting from EU regulations in order to assess whether Austria went beyond the indicated framework, deriving from the EU law, with the implementation of the EU legislation and set excessive restrictions on free movement of services between the Member States. In this master’s thesis, the construct is discussed in three sections, which interconnect and complement each other – the rights of posted workers; administrative requirements and control measures; and criminal penalties and safety measures. I establish that the postings represent a complex construct and that good knowledge of the EU legislation, the legislation of the country in which the employer’s head office is located as well as the legislation of the host country is needed in order to legally and correctly implement it in practice. Due to specific and varied regulations of labour, social and tax legislation of the Member States, this sphere evokes numerous legal issues. As legal rules needed to be taken into account during the posting are frequently fragmented between various legal acts and are at the same time unclear and undefined, they can lead to many problems in regards to posting. In this master’s thesis, I conclude that LSD-BG derives from the Directive 1996/71/EC when it comes to the implementation of rights and conditions of work and employment. The rights relating to working hours, annual holidays and health and safety at work are mainly harmonised at EU level, which is why no notable deviations of Member States regulations in respect to those rules should appear when it comes to posting of workers. The majority of problems is related to the definition of pay components for work of posted workers, as the scope of the definition of payment concept stays in jurisdiction of the Member States. More questions related to the compliance with the EU law emerge from the regulation of control measures and criminal penalties, resulting from LSD-BG. In the light of guidance coming from the Directive 2014/67/EU, it might seem that several measures of LSD-BG, such as, for example, high penalty payments, payment security measures and payment suspension measures are not proportionate to the set objective.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Posted workers;posting of workers to Austria;LSD-BG;impediment to the free movement of services;Directive 1996/71/EC;Directive 2014/67/EU;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: IV, 71 f.
ID: 10909718