magistrsko delo
Rok Pogačnik (Avtor), Anton Štrukelj (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu poskušamo predstaviti teologijo liturgije Josepha Ratzingerja / Benedikta XVI. Bogoslužno življenje Cerkve ima v vseh obdobjih njegovega življenja zanj osrednje mesto in predstavlja življenjski prostor njegove vere. K témi se vedno vrača ne le kot teolog, ampak tudi kot duhovnik, škof in papež, ki s svojim oznanjevanjem in delovanjem širi pravilno razumevanje bogoslužja. Verjame, da se v ravnanju s sveto liturgijo odločata usoda vere in Cerkve, zato se témi posveča z veliko predanostjo. Ne v svojih spisih ne v odločitvah se ne ukvarja najprej s tehničnimi vprašanji o izvajanju obredov, ampak želi predstaviti svoje uvide v duha liturgije ter tako spodbuditi novo liturgično gibanje, katerega sadovi bodo ponovno odkritje in poglobljeno, z duhom češčenja prežeto obhajanje bogoslužja. Svojo misel o liturgiji opira na njene tri vidike: kozmičnost, zgodovinskost in skrivnostnost. Bogoslužje, ki je popolnoma osredinjeno na skrivnost Svete Trojice, je udeleženost v trinitarnem dialogu ljubezni in slavljenje, ki ga ustvarjeni svet usmerja proti svojemu Stvarniku, Gospodarju življenja in smrti; liturgija tako zaobjema celoten kozmos. Njen prvi subjekt je učlovečeni Božji Sin Jezus Kristus, ki v svoji velikonočni skrivnosti vrača stvarstvu izgubljeno dostojanstvo. Bogoslužje ni le prazno spominjanje preteklih dogodkov, ampak je zaradi prisotnosti Svetega Duha živa prisotnost Boga v svetu. Pristno okolje liturgije je Cerkev, skupnost svetih vseh časov, v katerem je na zakramentalen način Oče preko Sina v Svetem Duhu deležen češčenja vsega stvarstva, ki ga v liturgiji posvečuje. Liturgija je Božja in vnaprej dana, zato je ne moremo ustvarjati ali poljubno spreminjati. Tesno je povezana z življenjem, saj zajema pravi odnos do Boga, ki je pogoj za pravi odnos do ljudi in sveta. Ratzinger poudarja, da liturgija v češčenje zajema celega človeka in vse človeško življenje ter more preoblikovati tudi našo vsakdanjost; vdor Božjega v svet, ki se zgodi pri bogoslužju, mora preobraziti vso našo resničnost.

Ključne besede

Bog;Cerkev;liturgija;bogoslužje;češčenje;magistrske naloge;molitev;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Založnik: [R. Pogačnik]
UDK: 27-1-528:929Benedictus XVI.
COBISS: 7718746 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1111
Št. prenosov: 479
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The theology of the liturgy according to Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI.
Sekundarni povzetek: This thesis tries to present the theology of the liturgy of Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI. The liturgical life of the Church has been at the forefront throughout all the periods of his life and represents the living space of his personal faith. He has been returning to the topic not only as a theologian, but also as a priest, bishop and pope, spreading the correct understanding of worship through his work. He believes that the way we attend to liturgy determines the fate of the faith and the Church and devotes himself to the topic on many occasions. In his writings and rulings he does not dwell on the technical questions of conducting rites, instead presenting his insights into the spirit of liturgy and thus encouraging a new liturgical movement whose fruits will be a renewed discovery of and a deepened, permeated with the spirit of worship, celebration of liturgy. He has based his thoughts on the liturgy, stressing its cosmical, historical and mystical dimensions. The worship which is completely centered on the mystery of the Holy Trinity is the participation in the trinitarian dialogue of love, and the praise which the created world directs towards its Creator, the Lord of life and death; thus, the liturgy encompasses the entire cosmos. Its first subject is the incarnated Son of God Jesus Christ who, in his paschal mystery, returns the lost dignity to the Creation. Liturgy is not only an empty remembering of past events, but is, due to the presence of the Holy Spirit, the living presence of God in the world. An authentic environment for the liturgy is the Church, a community of the saints of all times, where the Father, through the Son and the Holy Spirit, is worshipped in a sacramental way by the entire Creation, sanctified in His liturgy. The liturgy is Divine and given in advance, and thus cannot be created or changed at will. It is closely linked with life, encompassing the right attitude to God which is instrumental for the right attitude to people and the world. Ratzinger stresses that the liturgy contains the total human and the whole human life and is able to transform our everyday life; the coming of the Divine into our world that takes place during liturgy must transform all our reality.
Sekundarne ključne besede: God;Church;liturgy;worship;adoration;prayer;Benedictus;papež;XVI;1927-;Jezus Kristus;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak.
Strani: IX, 105 str.
ID: 10910193