magistrsko delo
Meta Lavrič (Avtor), Vita Poštuvan (Mentor), Nuša Šedivy (Komentor)


Zaprte osebe so visoko samomorilno ogrožene - količnik samomora je pri zaprtih osebah za 12 % višji kot v splošni populaciji, samomor pa velja tudi za najpogostejši razlog smrti v zaporih. Posledično so pravosodni policisti bolj izpostavljeni samomorom in samomorilnem vedenju kot splošna populacija, pri čemer to velja predvsem za tiste pravosodne policiste, ki svoje delo opravljajo v 12-urnih izmenah. Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati, kako pravosodni policisti doživljajo samomorilno vedenje zaprtih oseb, s poudarkom na samomorih in poskusih samomora. Specifični cilji raziskave zajemajo raziskovanje njihovih reakcij na emocionalnem, vedenjskem in kognitivnem nivoju ter preučevanje psihološke podpore, ki jim je ponujena v okvirih njihove delovne organizacije ter psihološke podpore, ki jo prejemajo v zasebnem življenju ob soočanju s tovrstnimi dogodki. V raziskavo smo vključili moške pravosodne policiste, ki delajo v 12-urnih izmenah. Raziskava je osnovana na principih kvalitativnega raziskovanja; po načelih pristopa utemeljene teorije smo analizirali 11 poglobljenih intervjujev, pri čemer so intervjuji v povprečju trajali 55 minut. Po prvotnem kodiranju vseh intervjujev smo pridobili 1281 navedkov in 56 kod. Iz začetnih 56 kod smo oblikovali 14 konceptov, na podlagi katerih smo oblikovali model oz. utemeljeno teorijo. Model hiše je sestavljen iz petih delov hiše, ki predstavljajo različne vidike izkušenj pravosodnih policistov s samomorilnim vedenjem zaprtih oseb. Ti vidiki so (i) temelji hiše, ki vključujejo koncepte prepričanja pravosodnih policistov o samomorilnem vedenju zaprtih oseb, pripravljenost pravosodnih policistov na soočanje s samomorilnim vedenjem zaprtih oseb in razumevanje svoje vloge pri ukrepanju ob samomorilnem vedenju zaprtih oseb; (ii) stene hiše, ki vključujejo koncepte odnosi med pravosodnimi policisti, preobremenjenost pravosodnih policistov, zaznano pomanjkanje podpore vodstva po dogodku samomora in doživljanje izmenskega dela; (iii) sobe v hiši, ki vključujejo koncepte odnos pravosodnih policistov do zaprtih oseb, doživljanje samomora zaprte osebe, doživljanje dogajanja po samomoru zaprte osebe in počutje pravosodnih policistov po samomoru zaprte osebe; (iv) streha hiše, ki vključuje koncepta razvoj mehanizmov za soočanje s samomori zaprtih oseb in trda koža pravosodnih policistov ter (v) dimnik hiše, ki vključuje koncept mnenje o psihološki podpori po samomoru zaprte osebe. Model predstavlja celostno razumevanje tega, kako pravosodni policisti doživljajo samomore zaprtih oseb. Prikazuje vpetost izkušnje dogodka samomora v splošno funkcioniranje pravosodnih policistov znotraj dejanskih in psiholoških sten zaporskega sistema, ob tem razlaga potencialno vlogo psihologov pri nudenju podpore pravosodnim policistom pri soočanju s samomorilnim vedenjem zaprtih oseb.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;pravosodni policisti;samomorilno vedenje;zaprte osebe;utemeljena teorija;poglobljeni intrevju;Model hiše;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Lavrič]
UDK: 616.89-008.441.44-057.36(043.2)
COBISS: 24039688 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1010
Št. prenosov: 321
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: How correctional officers experience prisoners suicidal behaviour
Sekundarni povzetek: The prisoners are at great risk of suicides - the suicide rate in prison is 12 % higher than in the general population and suicide is recognised as the most common cause of death in prison. Consequently, the correctional officers are more exposed to suicides than general population, especially the correctional officers that work in 12-hour shifts. The purpose of this research is to explore how correctional officers experience prisoners' suicidal behaviour with emphasis on suicides and attempted suicides; more explicitly, the aim of the research is to explore their reactions on the emotional, behavioural and cognitive levels. We are also interested in psychological support they receive within their organization, as well as in their personal environment. We included only male correctional officers that work in 12-hour shifts in our study and based the research on the principles of qualitative research. Using the grounded theory approach we analysed 11 in-depth interviews which lasted 55 minutes on average. After initial coding of all interviews we obtained 1281 citations and 56 codes. From the first 56 codes we formed 14 concepts and from them we formed the model or grounded theory. The model of a house includes five parts of the house that represent five different aspects of the experiences of correctional officers with the prisoner suicidal behaviour. Those aspects are (i) the foundation of the house that includes concepts the beliefs of correctional officers about the prisoners' suicidal behaviour, preparedness of correctional officers to deal with prisoners' suicidal behaviour and understanding of their role in interventions to prevent the prisoners' suicidal behaviour, (ii) the walls of the house that include concepts relationships between correctional officers, work-overload of correctional officers, recognized lack of management support after a suicidal event and experiencing shift work, (iii) the rooms in the house that include concepts attitude of correctional officers to prisoners, experiencing prisoner's suicide, experiencing events after prisoner's suicide and well-being of correctional officers after prisoner's suicide, (iv) the roof of the house that includes concepts developing of coping mechanism and "thick skin" of correctional officers and (v) the chimney of the house that includes concept opinion on the psychological support received after prisoner's suicide. The model provides an overall understanding of how correctional officers experience prisoner suicidal behaviour. It represents how the suicidal event is confined within the general functioning of correctional officers within the actual and psychological walls of prisons. It also explains the potential role of psychologists in giving support to correctional officers in coping with suicidal events.
Sekundarne ključne besede: master theses;correctional officers;suicidal behaviour;prisoners;grounded theory;in-depth interview;Model of a house;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Strani: 135 f.
ID: 10947384