magistrsko delo
Urša Malavašič (Avtor), Maja Umek (Mentor)


Razvijanje mišljenja postaja vedno bolj pomembna in izvedljiva naloga šolanja. Strokovnjaki niso enotni o najprimernejši poti, s katero bi dosegli dobre miselne spretnosti. Poznamo več vrst mišljenja, eno od njih je tudi sistemsko mišljenje. To je sposobnost razumevanja kompleksnih sistemov in njihovih komponent ter odnosov med njimi. Kadar se navezuje na sisteme, ki nas obdajajo, ga lahko imenujemo tudi ekosistemsko mišljenje. V magistrskem delu smo, na osnovi desetih izvedenih učnih ur z enaindvajsetimi učenci 4. razreda, preučevali razvoj in stopnjo sistemskega mišljenja pri temi gospodarstvo, pri predmetu družba. Stopnjo sistemskega mišljenja in njegov razvoj smo opazovali in evalvirali po modelu hierarhičnega sistemskega mišljenja (model STH), ki smo ga uvedli z akcijsko raziskavo. Gospodarstvo, ki je kompleksen sistem, smo učencem predstavili preko petih učnih tem, ki smo jih posamezno poučevali dve šolski uri, med tem pa povezovali z drugimi komponentami sistema. Učenci so po obravnavi oblikovali in dopolnjevali pojmovno mrežo z naslovom gospodarstvo, ter okoli nje pisali pomembne pojme in povezave, ki so jih spoznali med obravnavo nove snovi. Izvedli smo polstrukturirani intervju z razredničarko, ki je obravnavo opazovala in evalvirala. Raziskava je bila akcijska, uporabljen je bil kvantitativen in kvalitativen pristop ter deskriptivna metoda. Izsledki raziskave so bili, da bi bilo potrebno raziskavo ponovno opraviti na način natančnega preverjanja predznanja sistemskega mišljenja učencev, saj zaradi nepopolnih podatkov ne moremo določiti začetne stopnje sistemskega mišljenja in zaradi tega tudi ne moremo določiti končne stopnje in razvoj sistemskega mišljena učencev. Izsledki ponovljene in nadgrajene raziskave bi bili uporabni učiteljem, da bi se bolj zavedali različnih vrst mišljenja, ki jih učenci na različne načine med poučevanjem razvijajo ter bi iskali načine, da bi razvijali sistemsko mišljenje in zavedanje o kompleksnih sistemih, kot je gospodarstvo.

Ključne besede

sistemsko mišljenje;model STH;gospodarstvo;predmet družba;4. razred;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [U. Malavašič]
UDK: 373.3:908(043.2)
COBISS: 12087369 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 606
Št. prenosov: 106
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: System thinking development at social studies in 4th grade
Sekundarni povzetek: System thinking development is becoming a more and more important and realisable task of our school system. The experts are not united about the best way with which the most appropriate thinking abilities could be reached. There are several kinds of thinking, one of them is system thinking. This is the abillity of understanding complex systems, their components and relationships among them. When this is connected to the systems around us, it can be also called ecosystem thinking. In master's thesis, we did a research based on ten lessons we had with twenty-one students of the fourth grade. We evaluated the development and the level of system thinking at geography lesson, topics being Economy. The level of system thinking and its development was observed and evaluated with the system thinking hierarchical (STH) model which was implemented by action research. Economy, which is a complex system, was introduced to students with the help of five different topics during two lessons, all of them connected with other components of the system. Students were divided into groups. In the end of the lesson each group of students had to form and complete the concept map about economy. They also had to add the important concepts and connections they came upon during the lessons. After the lessons a half-structured interview was carried out with the classteacher, who had observed and evaluated the whole process during the lessons on economy. The quantitative and qualitative approach as well as a descriptive method were used in this action research. Findings of the research show that the research should be done again with very accurate checking of students' prior knowledge of system thinking. Due to incomplete data the initial and final levels of the system thinking, as well as students' development of system thinking, cannot be determined. Teachers could benefit from findings of this new and upgraded research and become more aware of various kinds of thinking students develop while learning. Teachers could also search for new ways of developing the systems thinking and complex systems.
Sekundarne ključne besede: society;primary education;družba;osnovnošolski pouk;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje na razredni stopnji
Strani: 97 str.
ID: 10954336