pristop z geometrijsko morfometrijo
Barbara Grm (Avtor), Franc Janžekovič (Mentor), Boris Kryštufek (Komentor)


V magistrskem delu sem z metodami geometrijske morfometrije ovrednotila morfometrično variabilnost lobanje treh vrst mišjih hrčkov: pakistanskega mišjega hrčka (C. baluchi), plemenitega mišjega hrčka (C. grandis) in hotsonskega mišjega hrčka (C. hotsoni). V raziskavo sem vključila tudi osebke katerih binarno ime ni znano - Calomyscus sp. Med 120 osebki, ki so del muzejskih zbirk, sem analizirala sekundarni spolni dimorfizem, geografsko in medvrstno variabilnost, ter alometrijo v velikosti in obliki ventralne strani lobanje. Z analizo morfološke variabilnosti pri C. baluchi nisem zaznala sekundarnega spolnega dimorfizma v velikosti in obliki lobanje. Iz tega sklepam, da je stopnja tekmovalnosti med istospolnimi osebki majhna. Geografsko in medvrstno variabilnost v velikosti in obliki lobanje sem analizirala pri šestih geografskih vzorcih (OTU-jih) treh vrst: C. baluchi, C. grandis in C. hotsoni. Variabilnost v velikosti lobanje med posameznimi vrstami sem preverila z analizo variance, ki je bila visoko signifikantna. Predstavniki C. baluchi iz Kabula so imeli največje lobanje, nekoliko manjši so bili C. hotsoni iz Kermana, presenetljivo najmanjši pa C. grandis iz Tehrana. Variabilnost v obliki lobanje sem preverila z diskriminantno analizo. P-vrednosti so pokazale, da so razlike med vsemi skupinami signifikantne, z izjemo C. hotsoni, ki z večino drugih OTU-jev ni dosegel signifikantne razlike. Ne signifikantnost rezultatov sem pripisala nizkemu številu osebkov v vzorcu (n = 3). Glede na prvo diskriminantno funkcijo sta se formirali dve skupini, C. baluchi in C. grandis. Obe vrsti sta se razlikovali v dolžini slušnega kanala, širini ličnega loka in dolžini gobčnega dela lobanje. Najdaljšo Prokrustovo razdaljo sem zabeležila med C. baluchi in Calomyscus sp., kar pomeni, da je med njima bila oblikovna variabilnost lobanje največja. Istovrstna primerjava lobanje je pokazala, da se velikost in oblika lobanje C. baluchi iz različnih OTU-jev statistično značilno razlikujejo. Posteriorno testiranje je izkazalo signifikantno razliko med osebki iz provinc Kabul in Kandahar. Provinci sta precej oddaljeni druga od druge in sklepam, da so osebki najverjetneje izpostavljeni različnim okoljskim pritiskom. V zadnjem delu magistrskega dela sem z analizo alometrije ugotovila tesno povezanost oblike in velikosti lobanje mišjih hrčkov. Odnos oblike in velikosti je bil pri vseh vrstah linearen. Ob izključitvi alometrije se je prekrivanje morfoprostorov bistveno povečalo. Iz tega sklepam, da ima alometrija pomembno vlogo v morfologiji lobanj mišjih hrčkov.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;Calomyscus;lobanje;geometrijska morfometrija;spolni dimorfizem;geografska variabilnost;medvrstna variabilnost;alometrija;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FNM - Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko
Založnik: [B. Grm]
UDK: 599.323.83:591.152(043.2)
COBISS: 24227080 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 838
Št. prenosov: 116
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: ǂThe ǂvariability of the mouse-like hamster skull (Calomyscus)
Sekundarni povzetek: Using the methods of geometric morphometry, I assessed the morphometric variability of the skulls of three species of mouse-like hamsters: the Pakistan mouse-tailed hamster (C. baluchi), the Noble mouse-tailed hamster (C. grandis), and the Hotson's mouse-tailed hamster (C. hotsoni). I also included specimens whose binary name was unknown - Calomyscus sp. Using 120 specimens from two museum collections, I analyzed the secondary sexual dimorphism, the geographic and interspecific variability and the allometry in the size and shape of the ventral side of the skull. I did not find secondary sexual dimorphism in size and shape of the skull in C. baluchi. Therefore, I conclude that the level of competition within each sex is small. I analyzed the geographic and interspecific variability in size and shape of the skull of C. baluchi, C. grandis and C. hotsoni from six geographical units (OTUs). I examined the variability in the size of the skull between different species with the Analysis of Variance, which yielded highly significant results. The representatives of the species C. baluchi from Kabul had the largest skulls, while skulls were slightly smaller in C. hotsoni from Kerman. Surprisingly, skulls was the smallest in individuals attributed to C. grandis from Tehran. I examined the variability in the shape of the skull using a Discriminant Analysis. P-values showed significant differences between all groups, with the exception of C. hotsoni, which did not differ significantly in most pairwise comparisons. I attributed the insignificance to a small sample size (n = 3). Two groups were formed based on the first canonical variate, namely C. baluchi and C. grandis. Both species differed in the length of the auditory canal, the zygomatic width and the rostral length. C. baluchi and Calomyscus sp. had the longest recorded Procrustes distance, which means that the variability in the shape of the skull was the highest between them. An intraspecific comparison showed that the size and shape of the C. baluchi skull from different OTUs varied significantly. The posterior testing among specimens from Kabul and Kandahar showed a significant variation. The provinces are quite distant from one another and the specimens are most likely exposed to different environmental pressures. Analyzing the allometry, I found a close connection between the shape and size of the skull of the mouse-like hamsters. The relationship between the shape and size was linear for all species. With the exclusion of the allometric effect, the overlapping of the morphometric spaces increased considerably. Therefore, I conclude that the allometry has a significant role in the morphology of the mouse-like hamster skull.
Sekundarne ključne besede: master theses;Calomyscus;skulls;geometric morphometric;secondary sexual dimorphism;interspecific variability;geographical variability;allometry;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Strani: X, 63 f.
ID: 10958437