magistrsko delo


Študentje predstavljajo ranljivo skupino za razvoj samomorilnega vedenja, ki je v obdobju odraščanja na prehodu v odraslost med prvimi tremi vzroki umrljivosti, obenem pa naj bi se v primerjavi z drugimi starostnimi skupinami povečevalo število mladih, ki svoje življenje končajo s samomorom. Z magistrskim delom smo želeli preveriti pojavnost samomorilnih misli in samomorilnega vedenja pri mladih na prehodu v odraslost. Zanimale so nas razlike med spoloma, med kadilci in nekadilci, med tistimi, ki redno uživajo alkohol in med tistimi, ki ga ne, torej, kako se tvegana vedenja odražajo na vedenju študentske mladine - ali vplivajo na razvoj samomorilnega vedenja. Prav tako smo se osredotočili na tiste, ki imajo izražene depresivne simptome, obenem pa nas je zanimalo, ali se študentje v stresnih situacijah znajo obrniti po pomoč. Glavni namen magistrskega dela je teoretično razdelati in empirično obravnavati določene vidike razvoja samomorilnega mišljenja, vedenja in podrobneje preučiti in osvetliti dejavnike tveganja ter varovalne dejavnike za razvoj samomorilnega vedenja pri mariborskih študentih. Naš raziskovalni vzorec je zajemal 277 študentov Univerze v Mariboru, od tega 44 moških in 233 žensk. Povprečna starost anketiranih je znašala 24 let. Vprašalniki, ki smo jih v raziskavi uporabili, so modul Vprašalnika o bolnikovem zdravju (PHQ-9), Paykelova lestvica samomorilnega vedenja (PSS) in Vprašalnik medosebnih potreb (INQ-25). Rezultati naše raziskave so pokazali, da med moškimi in ženskimi študenti pri poročanju samomorilnega vedenja ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik, prav tako teh razlik ni bilo med študenti kadilci in nekadilci. Tudi pri tistih študentih, ki redno uživajo alkohol in med tistimi, ki ga ne, ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik. Statistično pomembne razlike so se pokazale le pri tistih z izraženimi simptomi depresije, ki so pogosteje poročali o samomorilnih mislih v primerjavi s tistimi, ki teh simptomov niso imeli. Prav tako se ni izkazalo, da je pri študentih najpogostejši varovalni dejavnik za razvoj samomorilnega vedenja sposobnost ustreznega iskanja pomoči v stresnih okoliščinah. Za preverjanje hipotez smo uporabili mediano lestvic INQ in PSS ter Mann Whitney U test, ob tem tudi neparametrični Kruskal-Wallis test. Za preverjanje varovalnih dejavnikov smo za analizo uporabili frekvenčno porazdelitev odgovorov na anketnem vprašalniku. Z raziskavo smo preverili tvegana dejanja in kako ta vplivajo na razvoj samomorilnega vedenja ter skušali dobiti vsaj del celotne slike duševnega zdravja mladih na vstopu v odraslost. Magistrsko delo opozarja na pomembnost varovalnih dejavnikov pri razvoju samomorilnega vedenja ter svari pred dejavniki tveganja.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;dejavniki tveganja;varovalni dejavniki;samomorilno vedenje;kajenje;alkohol;depresija;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [S. Dijak]
UDK: 159.96(043.2)
COBISS: 24241416 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1160
Št. prenosov: 226
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Risk factors and protective factors for development of suicidal behaviour with students of University of Maribor
Sekundarni povzetek: Students are a vulnerable group when we talk about the development of suicidal behaviour, which is one of the top three causes of death with people who are in period of transitioning into adults. The number of young people who end their life with suicide is increasing, comparing to other age groups. In the master's thesis we wanted to research the occurrence of suicidal thoughts and suicidal behaviour among the young who are transitioning into adulthood. We were interested in the difference between the genders, between smokers and non-smokers, between people who drink alcohol and people who don't and how these risky actions impact the faculty students, or how they impact the suicidal behaviour. We focused on those who have symptoms of depression. We were also interested whether students know where they can search and ask for help in stressful situations. The main purpose of the master's thesis was to theoretically and empirically define and elaborate certain aspects of the development of suicidal thinking and suicidal behaviour, and to examine and highlight the risk and protective factors for the development of suicidal behaviour among faculty students in Maribor. Our research sample consisted of 277 students of University of Maribor, of which 44 men and 233 women. The average age of the respondents was 24 years. We used the following questionnaires: Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Paykel Suicide Tolerance Scale (PSS) and Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ-25). The results of our research showed no statistically significant differences among men and women in the reporting of suicidal behaviour, as well as there were no differences among smokers and non-smokers. No statistically significant difference was shown among students who drink alcohol regularly and students who do not. Statistically significant differences were shown among students with symptoms of depression. They reported about suicidal thoughts more often than the students who did not have the symptoms of depression. We also did not prove that the most common protective factor to develop suicidal behaviour is the capability to find help in stressful situations. We used the INQ and PSS scales, as well as Mann Whitney U test and non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. To check protective factors, we used frequency distribution on the answers on the questionnaire for our analysis. We checked the risk actions and how they impact the development of suicidal behaviour and tried to get a part of the mental health picture of the young people, transitioning into adulthood. The master's thesis draws attention on the importance of protective factors on developing the suicidal behaviour and warns against risk factors.
Sekundarne ključne besede: master theses;risk factors;protective factors;suicidal behaviour;smoking;alcohol;depression;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Strani: 78 f.
ID: 10962123