magistrsko delo


Pogodba o ureditvi premoženjskih razmerij med zakoncema je pogodba, ki zakoncema omogoča svobodno in avtonomno izbiro njunega premoženjskega režima. Za zakonce, ki pogodbe o ureditvi premoženjskopravnih razmerij ne bodo sklenili, bo subsidiarno obveljal zakonski premoženjski režim, ki je bil do sedaj kogenten. Pogodbo o ureditvi premoženjskih razmerij lahko zakonca skleneta pred ali po sklenitvi zakonske zveze oz. že sklenjeno pogodbo naknadno spreminjata. Del pogodbe je lahko tudi sporazum o medsebojnem preživljanju in sporazum o preživnini za primer razveze zakonske zveze. Zahtevana obličnost za sklenitev pogodbe o ureditvi premoženjskopravnih razmer je notarski zapis. Pogodba mora biti vpisana v register pogodb, ki jo vodi Notarska zbornica Slovenije. Na ta način pridobi publicitetni učinek. Pogodba o ureditvi premoženjskih razmerij med zakoncema v trenutno aktualnem Zakonu o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerij ni urejena. Ureja jo veljavni Družinski zakonik, katerega velika večina določb bo stopila v veljavo 15. aprila 2019, med njimi tudi določba o pogodbi o ureditvi premoženjskopravnih razmerij med zakoncema. Od takrat bo takšne pogodbe mogoče veljavno sklepati. Družinski zakonik z uvedbo tovrstne možnosti na področje premoženjskih razmerij med zakoncema prinaša veliko spremembo, saj se bo premoženjski režim iz togega in kogentnega spremenil v dispozitivnega ter omogočil avtonomijo strank, ki je za civilno pravo temeljnega pomena. Obenem pa tak preskok pomeni tudi uskladitev ureditve z Ustavo Republike Slovenije, ki vsebuje splošno lastninskopravno določbo in z njo zagotavlja posameznikom pravico do zasebne lastnine in dedovanja.

Ključne besede

pogodba o ureditvi premoženjskopravnih razmerij med zakoncema;ženitna pogodba;premoženjski režim;avtonomija strank;dispozitivno pravo;civilno pravo;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [L. Krstić]
UDK: 347.23:347.625(043.2)
COBISS: 16570449 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1766
Št. prenosov: 458
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: A contract on regulation of proprietary relations between spouses
Sekundarni povzetek: A contract on regulation of proprietary relations between spouses is a contract that allows spouses to freely and autonomously choose their property regimes. For spouses who will not make a contract on the regulation of property relations, the statutory property regime will be subsidiary, which has been cogent so far. The agreement on the regulation of property relations can be concluded by the spouses before or after the marriage or they subsequently change the contract already concluded. A part of the contract may also be an agreement on mutual livelihood and a maintenance agreement in the case of a divorce. The required formality for concluding a contract on regulation of property rights is a notarized record. The contract must be entered in the register of contracts, which is kept by the Notary Chamber of Slovenia. This way, it acquires a publicity effect. The contract on the regulation of property relations between spouses is not regulated in the current Act on Marriage and Family Relationships. It is regulated by the applicable Family Code, the vast majority of which will enter into force on April 15, 2019, including a provision on the agreement on the regulation of property relations between spouses. From then on, such contracts can be validly concluded. By introducing such a possibility into the sphere of property relations between spouses, the Family Code introduces a major change, since the property regimes from the rigid and cogent will turn into a dispositive and enable the autonomy of the parties which is of fundamental importance to civil law. At the same time, such a leap means also the harmonization of the regulation with the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, which contains a general property legal provision, and with it guarantees the individuals the right to private property and inheritance.
Sekundarne ključne besede: contract on the regulation of property relations between spouses;marriage contract;property regime;client autonomy;dispositive law;civil law;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Strani: 51 f.
ID: 11004450