magistrsko delo
Žanet Cehner (Avtor), Aksinja Kermauner (Mentor)


Šolanje za otroke s posebnimi potrebami je bilo v preteklosti urejeno na način izločevanja otrok s primanjkljaji. Z ozaveščanjem in zavzemanjem za te otroke pa se je pričel sistem spreminjati v dobrobit teh otrok. Danes imamo za otroke s posebnimi potrebami v Sloveniji urejen Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami ter Pravilnik o postopku usmerjanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami, s katerima tem otrokom določimo primanjkljaj in iskanje ustrezne pomoči za uspešno izobraževanje. V Sloveniji obravnavamo devet različnih skupin otrok s posebnimi potrebami. V magistrskem delu se bomo posebej osredotočili na skupino slepih in slabovidnih otrok ter otrok z okvaro vidne funkcije. Vsi vemo, da je igra osnovni element vsakega otroštva. Klasifikacij iger je veliko, običajno pa jih klasificiramo na funkcijsko, domišljijsko, dojemalno in ustvarjalno igro. Igra pri slepih in slabovidnih otrocih poteka nekoliko drugače kot pri videčih, saj se le-ti igrajo s tipanjem, poslušanjem, vonjanjem in okušanjem. Pripravimo jim lahko usmerjano igro, s katero bodo razvijali tudi ostale poti zaznave. Za igro potrebujemo tudi ustrezne igrače. Pri izbiri igrače je priporočljivo spremljati znak dobra igrača, kar pomeni, da ima le-ta po določenih kriterijih ustrezno kakovost. Za igro pa niso pomembne samo igrače, temveč tudi vloga odraslih. Vključevanje odraslih ima zelo pomembno vlogo, saj služimo kot model, ki ga otrok posnema. Starši velikokrat zavrnejo otrokovo prošnjo za sodelovanje v igri; otrokom raje ponudimo igrače kot svoj prosti čas za igro. V magistrskem delu smo za slepe in slabovidne otroke prilagodili že znane igre (križci in krožci, spomin, Rubikova kocka, enka in domino), ki smo jih v praksi tudi preizkusili. Preizkus so opravili otroci v Centru IRIS v Ljubljani. S pomočjo evalvacije smo lahko podali tudi predloge za izboljšave posameznih iger.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;posebne potrebe;slepi in slabovidni otroci;igre;igrače;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [Ž. Cehner]
UDK: 37.091.3-056.262-056.36(043.2)
COBISS: 24524296 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1994
Št. prenosov: 459
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Games for blind children and the visually impaired
Sekundarni povzetek: In the past, schooling for children with special needs was regulated by excluding children with disabilities. However, with more awareness and commitment to these children, the system began to change for the welfare of these children. Today, for children with special needs, we have the Law of Guidance of Children with Special Needs and the Rules on the Procedure for Directing Children with Special Needs with which we can determine these children's disabilities and find suitable help for successful learning. There are nine different groups of children with special needs in Slovenia. In this Master's thesis, I will primarily focus on the group of children who are blind, partially-blind or visually impaired. We all know that games are a basic part of every childhood. There are many classifications of games, but they are usually classified as functional, imaginative, perceptual or creative games. Games for blind or visually-impaired children are somewhat different than those that are played with children with normal sight as they play with their senses of touch, hearing, smell and taste. We can prepare games for them that will also help them to develop their other senses. For these games, we need proper toys. When selecting the right toy, it is recommended to pay attention to the label good toy, which means that the toy has high quality according to certain criteria. Not only are these toys important for such games, but also the role of adults. Adult involvement plays a very important role as they serve as a model that the child imitates. Parents often refuse a child's request to participate in games; we offer children toys for play rather than our own free time. In this Master's thesis, we have adapted already-known games (Crosses and Circles, Memory, Rubik's Cube, Uno and dominoes) for blind and visually-impaired children, which we have also tested in practice. The test was taken by children at the IRIS Centre in Ljubljana. With the help of our evaluations, we also gave suggestions for improvements on individual games.
Sekundarne ključne besede: master theses;special needs;blind and visually-impaired children;blind children;games;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za temeljne pedagoške predmete
Strani: 90 f.
ID: 11075390