(magistrsko delo)


Izhodišča, namen: V pediatrični nujni medicinski pomoči je telesna masa otrok eden izmed ključnih elementov za učinkovito zdravljenje, saj so odmerki zdravil, velikost pripomočkov in izbor medicinsko tehnične opreme izračunani po telesni masi otroka. V kolikor med intervencijo ni možnosti dobiti podatka o telesni masi otroka, zdravstveni delavci uporabijo pripomočke kot je Broselow trak. V naši raziskavi želimo preveriti ali Broselow trak pravilno kategorizira otroke, ki so zajeti v raziskavo, glede na telesno višino in maso. Raziskovalna metodologija in metode: V retrospektivno raziskavo smo vključili 150 otrok, starih 5 let, izpisali smo podatke o spolu, telesni višini in masi od rojstva ter do dopolnjenih 5 let, nato pa smo jih primerjali s podatki iz Broselowega traku 2007 (Edition B). Vse podatke smo pretvorili v barvne kategorije Broselowega traku, ter tako ugotavljali, ali po telesni dolžini spadajo v pravilno kategorijo. Rezultati: Broselow trak je v povprečju pravilno kategoriziral 74 % otrok (n = 942). Najbolje ocenjena je bila siva skupina (3‒5kg) s kar 91,9 % (n = 308) pravilno kategoriziranimi otroci, najslabše ocenjena pa je bila vijolična skupina (10‒11 kg) z 58,63 % (n = 146) pravilno kategoriziranimi otroci. Zaključek: Broselow trak je preprost in relativno natančen pripomoček za oceno telesne mase otrok v pediatrični nujni medicinski pomoči. V raziskavi se je izkazal za prepričljivo orodje za določanje telesne mase otrok.

Ključne besede

nujna medicinska pomoč;urgentna medicina otrok;pediatrična urgenca;določanje telesne mase;računanje indeksa telesne mase;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FZV - Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Založnik: [T. Balant]
UDK: 616-083.98-053.2(043.2)
COBISS: 2499236 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 828
Št. prenosov: 74
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The appropriateness of determining the mass of patients with the broselow tape
Sekundarni povzetek: Starting point, purpose: In the pediatric emergency medical help, children’s body mass is one of the key elements for effective treatment, because all dosages of medication, the size and the choice of medical equipment are calculated according to children’s body mass. During the intervention, health-care workers use Broselow tape, if they cannot get the information about the children’s body mass. In our research, we want to check whether Broselow tape appropriately categorises children who participated in our study, according to their height and mass. Methodology: In this retrospective research, we included 150 children at the age of five, we registered the information about their sex, body height and mass from their birth till they reach the age of five, and then we compared this information with the data gathered from the Broselow tape 2007. All data was transformed to coloured zones of the Broselow tape and we used this data to discover, whether they fall into the appropriate category according to the body length. Results: Broselow tape averagely appropriately categorised 74% of children (n= 942). The best estimated group was the grey group (3‒5 kg) with 91,9% (n= 308) appropriately categorised children. The worst estimated group was the purple group (10‒11 kg) with 58,63% (n=146) appropriately categorised children. Conclusion: Broselow tape is simple and relatively precise equipmentto determine children’s body mass in pediatric emergency medical help. In this research, it was presented as a persuasive tool for determining children’s body weight.
Sekundarne ključne besede: emergency medical help;emergency childen's medicine;pediatrical emergency room;determining body mass;calculating body mass;Pediatric emergency medicine;Body mass index;Pediatrična urgentna medicina;Indeks telesne mase;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Strani: IV, 26 f.
ID: 11111568