magistrsko delo
V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali pomen predmeta šport ter v čem se ta predmet razlikuje od drugih predmetov. Podrobno smo pregledali vlogo učitelja pri predmetu šport, opisali lastnosti uspešnega učitelja, načine vodenja (teorija situacijskega vodenja) ter na čem temelji učiteljeva avtoriteta. Osrednji predmet magistrskega dela pa so pedagoška ravnanja učitelja. Ker pouk poteka v interakciji učitelja z učenci, vsi vplivajo eden na drugega. Učiteljevih pedagoških ravnanj so najbolj deležni njegovi učenci, oni ga doživljajo in zaznavajo ter ga lahko najboljše ocenijo. V magistrskem delu smo s kvantitativno raziskavo ugotavljali, kako učenci 4. in 5. razreda osnovne šole doživljajo svojega učitelja oz. njegova pedagoška ravnanja v razredu in v telovadnici oz. pri predmetu šport ter kakšne so razlike med njihovimi mnenji. Za ta namen smo uporabili vprašalnik za merjenje oblik vedenja in načinov ravnanja učiteljev športne vzgoje (Ambrožič in Cankar, 1991) z nekaterimi prilagoditvami. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 317 učencev 4. in 5. razredov iz različnih osnovnih šol v Sloveniji. Učenci so v eni šolski uri rešili dva vprašalnika, ki se nanašata na istega učitelja, prvi je spraševal po pedagoških ravnanjih učitelja med poučevanjem v razredu in drugi po pedagoških ravnanjih istega učitelja, ko poučuje v telovadnici oz. pri predmetu šport. Rezultate trditev smo obravnavali po posameznih vsebinskih sklopih oz. dimenzijah pedagoških ravnanj. Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo razlike med zaznavanjem in vrednotenjem učiteljevih ravnanj pri pouku, ki poteka v učilnici in v telovadnici. Učenci bolj zaupajo učitelju v učilnici kot v telovadnici. Izkazalo se je, da učence bolj navdušuje učitelj pri predmetu šport. Učenci so z učiteljevo strokovno kompetentnostjo bolj zadovoljni v učilnici, saj so v vseh statistično pomembnih trditvah ocenili svojega učitelja boljše kot v telovadnici. Ocenili so, da v učilnici učitelj natančneje pove, kaj morajo delati, sam obvlada snov, ki jo delajo v šoli, ter da je pri pouku v učilnici ustreznejše oblečen. Pravijo, da v učilnici večkrat pove, zakaj je snov koristna in čemu služi ter na začetku leta predstavi program dela. Same dobre ocene pa večkrat daje pri predmetu šport kot pri drugih predmetih. Učenci menijo, da jim učitelj večkrat pomaga, spodbuja ter večkrat pusti, da delajo, kar želijo, v telovadnici, v razredu pa večkrat daje boljšim učencem zahtevnejše naloge in jih spodbuja k samostojnemu razmišljanju ter ravnanju. Primerjali smo tudi mnenja ločena po spolu. Deklice bolj kot dečki zaupajo svojemu učitelju v telovadnici. Izkazalo se je tudi, da jim učitelj v razredu pomaga večkrat, se bolj trudi z njimi, jih bolj spodbuja v učilnici, jih ima raje, večkrat jih opozarja na njihove napake in pomanjkljivosti ter upošteva njihove želje. Dečki pa v primerjavi z deklicami menijo, da njihov učitelj boljšim učencem večkrat da zahtevnejše naloge v učilnici ter bolj skrbi za slabše učence pri predmetu šport. Razlike so se pojavile tudi med 4. in 5. razredom. Četrtošolci so se večinoma izkazali za bolj kritične od petošolcev glede učiteljevih pedagoških ravnanj v vseh vsebinskih sklopih: spodbudni osebni odnosi in razumevanje, odprtost v komunikaciji, ožja strokovna kompetentnost, učna strategija ter vodenje.
Ključne besede
vodenje;pedagoška ravnanja;učenci;4. in 5. razred osnovne šole;učni predmet šport;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2019 |
Tipologija: |
2.09 - Magistrsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta |
Založnik: |
[M. Lampič] |
UDK: |
796:373.3(043.3) |
Št. ogledov: |
424 |
Št. prenosov: |
59 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Comparison of pupils opinion about pedagogical behaviours of their teachers at physical education and other subjects in the 4th and 5th grade of primary school |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
In this thesis we have dealt with the meaning of subject PE and its differences from other subjects. We thoroughly considered the role of a teacher at subject PE, described the characteristics of a successful teacher, methods of leading (theory of situational guidance) and the basis of the teacher’s authority. The central subject of this thesis are pedagogical actions of a teacher. Since the lessons take place in interaction between a teacher and pupils, they all have their influence on one another. Teachers treat pupils with pedagogical actions, therefore they can evaluate their work the easiest through experience and perception of classes. In this thesis we used a quantitative research method to determine how pupils in the 4th and 5th grade of a primary school see their teachers, respectively, their pedagogical actions in the classroom and in the gym, respectively, at PE and what the differences among their opinions are. We obtained the necessary data using a questionnaire for measuring the forms and the manner of behaviour of teachers of sports education (Ambrožič and Cankar, 1991) with some modifications. 317 pupils of 4th and 5th grades from different primary schools from Slovenia participated in research. In one lesson pupils fulfilled two identical questionnaires referring to the same teacher. The first one referred to pedagogical actions of a teacher during classroom lessons and the second one referred to his (or her) pedagogical actions during gym lessons. We addressed the results of the statements according to thematic groups, respectively, dimensions of pedagogic actions. The result showed differences in pupils’ experience and evaluation of the teacher in a classroom and in a gym. Pupils’ confidence in a teacher is more significant in a classroom than in a gym. It turned out that pupils are more enthusiastic about a teacher at PE. Pupils are more satisfied with the teacher’s professional competence in a classroom because they evaluate them better at all statistically significant statements. Results show that teacher’s instructions are more precise, his (or her) understanding of subjects is better and his (or her) outfit is more appropriate in a classroom rather than in a gym. In the classroom, a teacher also repeats more frequently why certain themes or subjects are more useful, what its effective applications are as well as gives more detailed overview of a subject in the beginning of a school year. However, a teacher gives better grades at PE than at other subjects. Pupils feel that the teacher is more helpful, encouraging and gives them more spare time in a gym. In class he (or she) gives more difficult tasks to better pupils and encourages them to think and act independently. We also compared opinions according to the gender. Girls’ confidence in a teacher in a gym is better than boys’. It turned out that a teacher is more helpful to girls in a class and gives them more attention in a class and in a gym, is more encouraging in a class, loves them more, alerts them about their mistakes and deficiencies as well as takes their wishes into account. Boys in contrast to girls feel that a teacher gives more demanding tasks to better pupils in class and pays more attention to worse pupils in a gym. There were also some differences between the 4th and 5th grade. The 4th graders prove themselves to be more critical from the 5th graders concerning teacher’s pedagogical actions in all thematic groups: encouraging personal relationship and understanding, openness in communication, narrower professional competence, teaching strategy and leading. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
sport;teacher;šport;učitelj; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Magistrsko delo/naloga |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji z angleščino |
Strani: |
74 str. |
ID: |
11145932 |