magistrsko delo


V magistrskem delu je obravnavana spolna stereotipnost književnih junakov in problemska tematika v šestih izbranih delih sodobne slovenske mladinske književnosti. V teoretičnem delu je po teorijah avtorjev Marjane Kobe, Igorja Sakside in Milene Mileve Blažić definiran pojem mladinske književnosti ter predstavljena njegova uveljavitev v slovenski književnosti. Magistrsko delo predstavi nov termin poimenovanja književnosti, ki nagovarja različne starosti bralcev – večnaslovniška književnost, ki sta ga definirali M. Blažić (2011) ter S. Beckett (2017). Osredotočili smo se na slovensko mladinsko prozo, kot jo definira Dragica Haramija (2005), in predstavili sodobno pravljico po teoriji Marjane Kobe (2000), otroško detektivko po teoriji D. Haramije (1999 in 2000), problemski roman po teoriji Gaje Kos (2013). Za potrebe raziskave v empiričnem delu smo v teoretičnem delu obravnavali problemsko tematiko ter predstavili dejavnike problemskosti oziroma tabujskosti po teoriji Igorja Sakside (2014). Zaradi obravnave pojava spolnih stereotipov v sodobni slovenski mladinski književnosti smo definirali pojme spolni stereotipi, opredelili in definirali komponente spolnih stereotipov ter predstavili značilne stereotipne poglede na moške in ženske spolne vloge. V empiričnem delu je analiziranih šest književnih del sodobne slovenske mladinske književnosti, primernih za obravnavo v prvem (Svetlana Makarovič: Bolje nekaj kot nič, Kajetan Kovič: Pajacek in punčka), drugem (Desa Muck: Anica in Jakob, Primož Suhodolčan: Maks pa Sanja) in tretjem triletju (Janja Vidmar: Pink in Vinko Möderndorfer: Jaz sem Andrej). S kvalitativno literarno analizo smo podrobneje analizirali katere problemske tematike se pojavljajo v izbranih književnih delih in ali vsebujejo značilnosti teorije problemske literature (Saksida, 2014). Zanimalo nas je, ali so književni junaki v izbranih knjiženih delih spolno zaznamovani in kako se njihova spolna zaznamovanost kaže po kategorijah spolnih stereotipov avtorjev Deaux in Lewis (1984) in raziskovalcev C. L. Martin, C. H. Wood in J. K. Little (1990). Rezultati analize so pokazali, katere problemske tematike so prisotne v izbranih delih in ali vsebujejo vse značilnosti problemske tematike (Saksida, 2014) ter ali so književni junaki zaznamovani spolno stereotipno in ali se pojavljajo razlike med književnimi junaki mlajše in starejše generacije.

Ključne besede

spolne vloge;spolni stereotipi;problemska tematika;sodobna mladinska književnost;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [E. R. Zupanc]
UDK: 821-163.6-93(043.2)
COBISS: 12486473 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 478
Št. prenosov: 94
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Transcending traditional gender roles and problem-orientated topics in contemporary Slovenian children's litrature
Sekundarni povzetek: The represented topics in master's thesis are traditional gender roles and problem-orientated themes in selected literary works of contemporary Slovenian children's literature. In the theoretical part, the definition of children's literature and the description of how it was established in Slovenian literature is presented through theories of Marjana Kobe, Igor Saksida and Milena Mileva Blažić. Master's thesis presents us with a new term of naming literacy, which addresses various readers of different ages – cross-writing, defined by M. Blažić (2011) and S. Bechett (2017). The focus of the thesis is Slovenian contemporary prose, which we defined with the theory of Dragica Haramija (2005). We also presented Slovenian modern fairytale theory by Marjana Kobe (2000), child detective stories theory by D. Haramija (1999-2000) and (social) problem novel theory by Gaja Kos (2013). For the purposes of our research in the empirical part of the thesis, we included the topic of problem-oriented themes and factors for analyzing problematic or taboo themes theory by Igor Saksida (2014). Because of addressing the issue of gender stereotypes in contemporary Slovenian's children's literature, we defined gender stereotypes, the components of gender stereotypes and presented the stereotypical perception of male and female gender roles. The empirical part covers the analysis of six literature works of contemporary Slovenian children's literature appropriate for use in first three years of primary school education (Svetlana Makarovič: Bolje nekaj kot nič, Kajetan Kovič: Pajacek in punčka), the second three years of primary school education (Desa Muck: Anica in Jakob, Primož Suhodolčan: Maks pa Sanja) and in the last three years of primary school education (Janja Vidmar: Pink in Vinko Möderndorfer: Jaz sem Andrej). With a detailed qualitative literary analysis, we analysed which problem-oriented themes and which if any characteristics of problematic or taboo themes are presenting in selected literary works (Saksida, 2014). Our second interest was to determine if the literary characters in selected literary works are stigmatized based on their gender and how the stigmatization of the characters is presented through categories of gender stereotypes. The categories were defined based on the theory of Deaux and Lewis (1984) and research of C. L. Martin, C. H. Wood in J. K. Little (1990). The results of the analysis demonstrated, which problem-oriented themes and which if any characteristics of problem-oriented literature (Saksida, 2014) are present in selected literary works, if the gender roles of literature characters are stereotypical and if there are differences in gender roles between the younger and older generation of characters.
Sekundarne ključne besede: children's and youth literature;mladinska književnost;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji z angleščino
Strani: 74 str.
ID: 11165057