diplomsko delo
Luka Zemljarič (Avtor), Marta Bon (Recenzent), Marko Šibila (Mentor), Marko Pocrnjič (Komentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je bil, da ugotovimo značilnosti modela igre portugalske reprezentance v fazi napada na evropskem prvenstvu 2016 na osnovi opazovanja izbranih spremenljivk. Omenjene spremenljivke smo primerjali z drugimi moštvi in skozi celoten proces skušali ugotoviti kateri parametri nogometne igre v fazi napada so tisti, ki bistveno vplivajo na potek in uspešnost igre Portugalcev. Opazovali in opisali smo tudi situacije in značilnosti doseženih zadetkov portugalske reprezentance. Da bi ugotovili značilnosti modela igre portugalske reprezentance v napadu na evropskem prvenstvu 2016, smo pridobili posnetke vseh sedmih tekem, ki smo jih nato natančno analizirali. Nasprotniki portugalske reprezentance na evropskem prvenstvu so bile reprezentance Islandije, Avstrije, Madžarske, Hrvaške, Poljske, Walesa in Francije. Portugalska reprezentanca je na evropskem prvenstvu 2016 zmagala in tako postala evropski prvak. Z analizo smo prišli do sledečih ugotovitev. Portugalska reprezentanca je samo na prvih treh tekmah imela večjo posest žoge kot nasprotniki, v povprečju vseh sedmih tekem pa so imeli žogo več časa v svoji posesti. V primerjavi z nasprotniki so si na celotnem prvenstvu skupno ustvarili večje število napadov. Njihova igra v napadu je temeljila predvsem na kontinuiranih napadih, veliko manj so napadali s preostalimi vrstami napada. Do največ priložnosti za zadetek so prišli po sredini igrišča, največ zadetkov pa so dosegli po predložku v kazenski prostor iz leve oziroma desne strani igrišča. V primerjavi z nasprotniki so Portugalci večkrat streljali proti vratom nasprotnika, prav tako pa so bili pri strelih bolj natančni. Na prvenstvu so imeli tudi večje število kotov in storili manj prekrškov od nasprotnikov. Neuspešni so bili pri izvajanju enajstmetrovke dosojene v rednem igralnem času, pri izvajanju enajstmetrovk po izteku dodatnega igralnega časa pa uspešni.

Ključne besede

šport;nogomet;model igre;analiza igre;napad;portugalska reprezentanca;značilnosti igre;evropsko prvenstvo;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Založnik: [L. Zemljarič]
UDK: 796.332
COBISS: 5583793 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 599
Št. prenosov: 172
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Characteristics of the game of Portugal national football team in attack phase at the 2016 UEFA European Championship
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of this undergraduate thesis was to determine the characteristics of the play of the Portuguese national football team in the attack phase at the 2016 European Championship, based on observation of selected variables. Those variables were compared with other teams and throughout the process it was determined which parameters in the attack phase of the football games are the ones that significantly influence the course and performance of the Portuguese game. We also observed and described situations and characteristics of the Portuguese national team's scored goals. In order to find out the characteristics of the Portuguese national football team in the attack phase at the 2016 European Championship we obtained the recordings of all seven matches, and carefully analyzed every attacking play. The opponents of the Portuguese national football team at the 2016 European Championship were national teams of: Iceland, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Wales, and France. The Portuguese national football team won the 2016 European Championship and became the European champion. After the analysis of the characteristics we came to certain conclusions. The Portuguese national team only had a larger possession of the ball than its opponent in the first three matches, but on average for all seven matches, they had higher ball possession. Compared with opponents, they created a greater total number of attacks overall in championship. Their game in the attack phase was based primarily on continuous attack, and less on the other types of attack. The Portuguese national team created most of their chances through the middle of the pitch, and scored the most goals off of a cross into the penalty area from both wings. Compared to the other teams in the championship the Portuguese national team had more shots on goal and those were more precise. They had more corner kicks and committed fewer fouls than their opponents. They missed one penalty in regular time, but were more successful at penalty shootouts after extra time.
Sekundarne ključne besede: football;game analysis;characteristics of the game in attack phase;Portugal national football team;2016 UEFA European Championship;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 11218565