magistrsko delo
Pretorius (2008) je s svojimi sodelavci v raziskavi ugotovil, da potapljanje glave med vadbo v vodi dodatno poveča hitrost ohlajanja jedra telesa. Prišli so do zaključka, da na hlajenje ali ohlajanje vplivajo termosenzitivni in trigeminalni receptorji, ki se nahajajo na vratu, obrazu in v lasišču. V magistrski nalogi smo se posvetili termoregulaciji otrok med vadbo v vodi. Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali ob popolnoma enakih pogojih učenja plavanja potapljanje glave med učenjem povzroča hitrejše ohlajanje otrokovega telesa, in ali plavanje v plavalnem obroču brez potapljanja glave vpliva na manjšo spremembo v telesni temperaturi otroka. Meritve smo izvedli v 25-metrskem bazenu Fakultete za šport v Ljubljani znotraj plavalnega tečaja, ki ga je organiziral vrtec Najdihojca. Na meritvah je sodelovalo 58 otrok, starih med 5 in 6 let. 33 otrok se je učilo plavanja po klasični metodi, 25 otrok pa po Fredovi metodi. V bazenu s temperaturo vode med 27,1 C in 27,4 C je potekala vadba po obeh metodah istočasno. Otrokom smo izmerili telesno temperaturo pred vstopom v bazen in vsakih 10 minut vadbe v vodi s pomočjo čelnega termometra. Meritve smo izvajali na treh urah učenja in ugotovili, da prihaja do statistično značilnih razlik v telesni temperaturi med posameznimi časi meritev in med metodama učenja plavanja pri drugi in tretji uri učenja plavanja. Pri drugi in tretji uri učenja plavanja smo pri otrocih, ki so se učili po klasični metodi, ugotovili večji padec telesne temperature v primerjavi z otroki, ki so se učili po Fredovi metodi učenja plavanja. Razliko v padcu telesne temperature lahko pripišemo potopitvi glave, ki je pri klasični metodi učenja plavanja prisotna od prve ure dalje, medtem ko otroci pri Fredovi metodi glave na potapljajo. Z rezultati raziskave smo zadovoljni, saj je to prva raziskava v Sloveniji, ki je spremljala telesno temperaturo vadečih v klasičnih programih učenja plavanja v vrtcih. S pomočjo raziskave smo dobili podatke o tem, kaj se dogaja s telesno temperaturo otrok na plavalnih tečajih.
Ključne besede
šport;plavanje;predšolski otroci;razvojna stopnja;telesni razvoj;gibalni razvoj;socialni razvoj;kognitivni razvoj;čustveni razvoj;psihične težave;učenje plavanja;Freudov program;klasična metoda;termoregulacija;plavalni tečaj;telesna temperatura;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2019 |
Tipologija: |
2.09 - Magistrsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UL FŠ - Fakulteta za šport |
Založnik: |
[T. Mavsar] |
UDK: |
797.21-053.4 |
Št. ogledov: |
804 |
Št. prenosov: |
337 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
The analysis of body temperature of preschool children during a swimming course |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Pretorius (2008) and his colleagues have established in the research that immersing of the head during exercising in the water additionally increases the speed of cooling down the core of the body. They came to the conclusion that cooling and cooling down are influenced by the thermosensitive and trigeminal receptors which are located in the neck, face and scalp. In the master thesis we have committed ourselves to the thermoregulation of the children during exercising in the water. We wanted to determine whether, under exactly the same conditions of learning to swim, immersing of the head during learning causes faster cooling down of the body of the child and whether swimming in the swimming hoop, without immersing of the head, influences the smaller change in the body temperature of a child. Measurements were executed in the 25-metre pool of Faculty of Sport in Ljubljana within the swimming course organised by Najdihojca Preschool. Fifty-eight children between five and six years of age participated in the measurements. Thirty-three children learnt swimming by the classical method and twenty-five by the Fred method of swimming. The temperature of the water where the course was performed varied between 27.1°C and 27.4°C. The children came from the same preschool and they swam in the same pool simultaneously, where the exercise in the water with both methods took place for the same time period. The body temperature of the children was measured before entering the pool and every 10 minutes of exercise in the water by using a forehead thermometer. We have established that it comes to statistically typical differences in body temperature between individual times of measuring and between both methods of learning to swim at the time of the second and the third lesson (of learning to swim). At the second and the third lesson by the classical method we established a bigger decrease of body temperature of the children due to immersing of the head. After the second and the third hour of learning to swim we established a bigger fall of body temperature with the children who were learning by the classic method compared to the children who were learning by the Fred method of learning to swim. We are satisfied with the results of the research, because this is the first research in Slovenia which monitored the body temperature of exercising children with classical programmes of learning to swim in preschools. With the help of the research we gained the first data that give us a picture of what happens with body temperature of children in swimming courses. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
sport;swimming;preschool children;Fred method;classical method;swimming course;body temperature; |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Magistrsko delo/naloga |
Študijski program: |
0 |
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport |
Strani: |
68 f. |
ID: |
11311739 |