diplomsko delo
Gaja Frol (Avtor), Liljana Rihter (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu obravnavam tematiko smrti in umiranja v Domu počitka Mengeš, poglede in občutja stanovalcev in zaposlenih Doma počitka Mengeš ter stiske, ki jih doživljajo v domu za stare ljudi. Z intervjuji raziskujem njihova občutja ob umiranju stanovalcev, njihov pogled na smrt, oblike pomoči, ki se jih poslužujejo, in oblike pomoči, ki jih potrebujejo. Govorim tudi o spremembah v domovih za stare ljudi ter v družbi nasploh, ki bi bile potrebne za detabuizacijo in približanje smrti stanovalcem in zaposlenim. Odločila sem se, da bom intervjuvala večje število stanovalcev kot zaposlenih , kajti poglavitni se mi zdijo stanovalci in njihove perspektive. V neslučajnostni, priložnostni vzorec sem jih izbrala na podlagi zainteresiranosti in pripravljenosti za pogovor, saj tematika naloge to zahteva. V prvem delu diplomskega dela se osredotočam na definicije starosti, umiranja in smrti ter tabuizacijo smrti, nato se naslonim na življenje v domu za stare ljudi in zaposlene v njih, kjer pišem o stiskah, vplivu doma za stare ljudi na dojemanje smrti ter načinu življenja v domovih nasploh. Nadalje se osredotočim na pomoči, ki so v domu na voljo za premagovanje stiske ob umiranju oziroma bi morale biti zagotovljene za lažje premagovanje stisk, tako zaposlenih kot stanovalcev. V povezavi s tem se navežem tudi na vlogo paliativne oskrbe, ki predstavlja velik in pomemben korak na področju pomoči umirajočim in svojcem. Nazadnje pa pišem o vlogi socialnega dela v domovih za stare ljudi in se osredotočim na področje pomoči ob umiranju in smrti v domu. V drugem delu diplomskega dela predstavim rezultate kvalitativne raziskave, ki kažejo, da tako stanovalci kot zaposleni ob umiranju in smrti občutijo stisko in bolj kot strah pred smrtjo omenjajo strah pred dolgim in trpečim umiranjem. Stanovalci smrt označujejo kot del življenja, velikokrat tudi kot odrešitev, večina zaposlenih pa čuti neprijetne občutke ob umiranju stanovalcev, sploh ob umiranju bližnjih stanovalcev. Kljub temu vsi dojemajo smrt kot odrešitev, če stanovalci trpijo. Vsi zaposleni poročajo o vplivu doma za stare ljudi nanje, medtem ko stanovalci v večini menijo, da nanje dom nima vpliva. Tisti, ki menijo, da ima vpliv, govorijo o negativnih vplivih. Tako med zaposlenimi kot med stanovalci so prisotne težave zaradi pomanjkanja pogovorov o smrti in umiranju ter njihove površinskosti. Zaposleni navajajo, da pomoč lahko dobijo s pogovorom, večina tudi dobro vrednoti domska izobraževanja. Izpostavljajo potrebo po superviziji in dodatnih izobraževanjih na temo paliative. Menijo, da bi potrebovali paliativni tim in paliativno sobo za stanovalce. Vsi stanovalci menijo, da ne potrebujejo pomoči pri sprejemanju smrti, in ne vedo, kaj potrebujejo drugi.

Ključne besede

domovi za stare ljudi;smrt;umiranje;stari ljudje;zaposleni;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Založnik: [G. Frol]
UDK: 364.4-053.9:393
COBISS: 38767363 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 473
Št. prenosov: 113
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Attitude towards dying and death in the home for the elderly Mengeš
Sekundarni povzetek: In my graduation thesis I discuss the topic of death and dying in the home for the elderly Mengeš, the views and feelings of residents and employees, and the distress they experience in the home for the elderly. I researched their feelings about the deaths of residents, their view on death, the forms of help they use and the forms of help they need. I also relied on the necessary changes in homes for the elderly and in society in general, which would be needed to approach death closer to residents and employees. I decided to interview employees in a slightly smaller number than residents, because I think residents and their perspectives are the main ones. In a non-random, convenience sample, I chose them based on interest and willingness to talk, as the topic of the assignment requires it. In the first part of the dissertation, I focus on the definitions of age, dying and death and the taboo of death. Then I focus on life in a home for the elderly and on their employees, where I write about the distress, the impact of the home of the elderly on the perception of death, and about life in it in general. I further focus on the help available in the home for the elderly to overcome the distress of dying or what help should be provided in the home for the elderly to help overcome the distress, both with employees and residents. Concerning this, I also refer to the role of palliative care, which represents a major and important step in helping the dying and their relatives. Finally, I write about the role of social work in homes for the elderly and focus on the area of assistance in dying and dying in a home. In the second part of the thesis, I present the results of a qualitative study that shows that both residents and employees feel distressed at the time of dying and death, and they mention the fear of a long and painful dying more than the fear of death itself. Residents describe death as a part of life, and often also as salvation. Most of the employees feel uncomfortable when residents die, especially when residents close to them die. Nevertheless, everyone perceives death as salvation if the residents suffer. All employees report the impact of home for the elderly on them, while most residents feel that it has no impact on them. Those who think it has an impact, talk about negative ones. There are problems among both employees and residents due to shortages and superficial conversations about death and dying. Employees claim that they can get help through conversations, and most of them also have high value for home education. They expose the need for supervision and additional training on the topic of palliative care. They believe they would need a palliative team and a palliative room for residents. All residents have the opinion that they do not need help in accepting death and do not know what others need.
Sekundarne ključne besede: homes for the elderly;death;dying;the elderly;employees;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Strani: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (123 str.))
ID: 12021456