magistrsko delo
Sabina Turk (Avtor), Klementina Zupan (Mentor), Barbara Novosel (Član komisije za zagovor), Andreja Žgajnar Gotvajn (Član komisije za zagovor)


V današnji družbi je resnično ključnega pomena zavedanje ergonomije, tako v industrijskem kot v akademskem okolju. Pomembno je, da imamo primerno oblikovano pohištvo in naprave, ki zagotavljajo varnost in zdravje uporabnikov, tako študentov kot pedagoškega osebja med predavanji. Pomembno je tudi, da se vpliv možnih neugodnih delovnih pogojev v predavalnicah omeji, saj lahko le-ti vplivajo na poslabšanje razpoloženja, povzročajo utrujenost in kostno-mišično neugodje, posledično pa vodijo v padec koncentracije in zanimanja za predavanja. Cilj študije je bil ugotoviti stanje in podati mnenje o ustreznosti, oziroma pomanjkljivostih v predavalnicah in seminarskih sobah na Fakulteti za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo Univerze v Ljubljani ter predlagati ustrezne rešitve za odpravljanje ergonomskih neskladnosti. Bistvo študije je zagotavljanje znanja in izmenjava informacij znotraj fakultete o pomembnem vprašanju ergonomskih neskladij v predavalnicah, seminarskih sobah in drugih prostorih fakultete. V magistrskem delu se na začetku nahaja pregled strokovne literature, zakonodaje na področju ergonomije, ergonomske nevarnosti in nekaj o oblikovanju predavalnic. Za tem je bila opravljena analiza pridobljenih podatkov, kjer smo kot metodo dela uporabili anketni vprašalnik. Ta je bil namenjen študentom FKKT UL ter študentom drugih fakultet UL, ki obiskujejo fakulteto v okviru študija. V zaključnem delu magistrskega dela so podani rezultati s pomočjo grafov. Za lažjo primerjavo rezultatov anketnega vprašalnika sem prostore predavalnice in seminarske sobe poslikala in s pomočjo milimetrskega merila izmerila višino naslonjala sedišča in velikost mize. V magistrskem delu smo ugotovili, da so predavalnice in seminarske sobe oblikovane v skladu z ergonomskimi principi, vendar glede na rezultate ankete ugotavljamo, da je veliko študentov z njimi nezadovoljnih. Motijo jih neudobni stoli in preozke mize. Le-ti bi morali biti nastavljivi in premični tako, da si jih lahko študentje prilagodijo glede na svoje telesne dimenzije. Izkaže se, da je najbolj moteč dejavnik za študente temperatura oz. hladen zrak iz klimatskih naprav. Eden od ukrepov je ureditev klimatskih razmer z zagotavljanjem boljšega kroženja zraka in ne direktnega vpiha na določenih sedečih mestih.

Ključne besede

ergonomija;ergonomsko stanje;ergonomske nevarnosti;fakulteta;zakonodaja;predavalnice;študentje;zdravje;oblikovanje predavalnic;magistrska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL FKKT - Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Založnik: [S. Turk]
UDK: 331.101.1(043.2)
COBISS: 28741379 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 277
Št. prenosov: 143
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Ergonomic situation in lecture and seminar rooms at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology University of Ljubljana
Sekundarni povzetek: In today's society, awareness of ergonomics in both industrial and academic environment is really crucial. It is important that we have properly designed furniture and appliances that ensure the safety and health of users, both students and lecturers, during lectures. It is also important to limit the impact of potentially unpleasant working conditions in the classrooms, as these can affect mood deterioration, cause fatigue and musculoskeletal discomfort and consequently lead to a decrease in concentration and interest in lectures. The aim of the study was to determine the situation and give an opinion on appropriateon, or deficiencies, in the lecture rooms and seminar rooms at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, and to propose appropriate solutions for eliminating ergonomic inconsistencies. The essence of the study is to provide knowledge and exchange information within the faculty on the important issue of ergonomic discrepancies in the lecture rooms, seminar rooms and other rooms of the faculty. In the master's thesis is initially located an overview of professional literature, legislation in the field of ergonomics, ergonomic hazards and some about the design of classrooms. After that an analysis of the obtained data was carried out, where we used a questionnaire as a method of work. This was intended for students of FKKT UL and students of other faculties of UL who attend the faculty within the framework of their studies. The final part of the master's thesis presents the results using graphs. To facilitate the comparison of the results of the questionnaire, I took the photo of the lecture rooms and the seminar rooms and measured the seat backrest and the size of the table using a millimetre scale. In the master's thesis, we found out that the lecture rooms and seminar rooms were designed in accordance with ergonomic principles, but according to the results of the survey, many students appeared to be dissatisfied with them. They are disturbed by uncomfortable chairs and too narrow tables. These should be adjustable and movable so that students can adjust them according to their physical dimensions. It turns out that the most disturbing factor for students is temperature respectively cold air from air conditioners. One of the measures is to regulate the climatic conditions by providing better air circulation rather than direct intake at certain seating positions.
Sekundarne ključne besede: ergonomic condition;faculty;health;lecture room;student;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 1000378
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, smer Tehniška varnost
Strani: 70 str.
ID: 12029410