diplomsko delo
Karmen Smolič (Avtor), Anita Prelec (Recenzent), Tita Stanek Zidarič (Mentor)


Uvod: Vest je občutek o moralni vrednosti lastnega mišljenja, ki vzbuja občutek moralne odgovornosti. Ugovor vesti posameznik uveljavlja zavestno in se ravna zgolj v skladu s svojo osebno moralo. V zdravstvenem sistemu ugovor vesti pomeni, da zdravstveni delavci ne predpisujejo določenih zdravil ter ne opravljajo določene postopke in posege, na podlagi svojih moralnih razlogov in vesti. Namen: Namen teoretičnega dela diplomskega dela je opisati, kaj je ugovor vesti ter zakonodajo v Republiki Sloveniji, ki opredeljuje možnost uveljavitve ugovora vesti. Namen empiričnega dela diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšno je stališče študentov babištva do ugovora vesti ter koliko študentov bi se odločilo za uveljavljanje ugovora vesti pri posegih, ki se ne skladajo z njihovo vestjo, če bi imeli to možnost. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela, za pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature s področja ugovora vesti. V empiričnem delu je bila uporabljena kavzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda dela. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika 1-ka je bil anketiran namenski vzorec študentov babištva Zdravstvene fakultete v Ljubljani. Statistična analiza podatkov je potekala s pomočjo računalniškega programa Microsoft Excel 2010 in Microsoft Word 2010. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da študenti babištva menijo, da niso dovolj ozaveščeni o ugovoru vesti. Ne poznajo zakona, ki opisuje pravico do ugovora vesti zdravstvenih delavcev. 10,5 % študentov je v preteklosti že izrazilo željo, da ne bi sodelovali pri posegih, ki se ne skladajo z njihovo vestjo. Najpogosteje pri umetni prekinitvi nosečnosti in mrtvorojenosti. 11,6 % študentov je v preteklosti že sodelovalo pri posegih, ki so nasprotovali z njihovo vestjo, moralo, vrednotami in/ali verskim prepričanjem. 1. in 2. načelo Kodeksa etike za babice Slovenije pozna 60,5 % študentov babištva. Razprava in zaključek: V zdravstvu ima ugovor vesti veliko moralno težo. Na eni strani gre za ustavno pravico do ugovora vesti, na drugi pa skrb do pacienta in njegove pravice do ustrezne zdravstvene obravnave. Zakonodaja omogoča zdravstvenim delavcem, da vložijo svoj ugovor vesti pri določenem posegu, uveljavljajo pa ga lahko kadarkoli v času delovne dobe. Avtorica je ugotovila, da je zakonska ureditev glede uveljavljanja ugovora vesti v Sloveniji urejena.

Ključne besede

diplomska dela;babištvo;ugovor vesti;študenti;kodeks etike;zakonodaja;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Smolič]
UDK: 618.2/.7
COBISS: 29377027 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 514
Št. prenosov: 150
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Opinions of midwifery students to conscientious objection
Sekundarni povzetek: Introduction: Conscience is a sense of the moral value of one's thoughts that triggers a sense of moral responsibility. A person asserts conscientious objection knowingly and acts merely in accordance with his/her morals. In the healthcare system, conscientious objection means that healthcare professionals do not prescribe certain medicinal products and do not perform certain procedures and operations based on their moral reasons and conscience. Purpose: The purpose of the theoretical section of the diploma thesis is to describe conscientious objection and the legislation in the Republic of Slovenia that defines the possibility of asserting conscientious objection. The purpose of the empirical section of the diploma thesis is to determine the opinions of midwifery students on conscientious objection and, given the chance, how many students would decide to assert conscientious objection in procedures that go against their conscience. Methods: The diploma thesis uses the descriptive method for reviewing scholarly and scientific literature on the topic of conscientious objection. In the empirical section, the causal nonexperimental method was applied. By means of an 1ka survey questionnaire, a dedicated sample of midwifery students of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Ljubljana was surveyed. Statistical data analysis was performed using the Microsoft Excel 2010 and Microsoft Word 2010 software. Results: The research results have shown that midwifery students believe they have not been sufficiently informed of conscientious objection. They are unfamiliar with the act laying down the healthcare professionals' right to conscientious objection. In the past, 10.5% of the students expressed their wish to not take part in procedures that went against their conscience. Most often in the case of artificial termination of pregnancy and stillbirths. In the past, 11.6% of the students took part in procedures that went against their conscience, morals, values and/or religious beliefs. 60.5% of midwifery students are familiar with the 1st and 2nd principle of the Code of Ethics for Slovenian Midwives. Discussion and conclusion: Conscientious objection carries great moral weight in health care. On the one hand, there is the constitutional right to conscientious objection, and on the other hand there is the care for a patient and the patient's right to appropriate medical treatment. The legislation enables healthcare professionals to claim conscientious objection in the case of a specific procedure; they may assert it at any time during their practice. The author has established that the assertion of conscientious objection is properly regulated in Slovenia.
Sekundarne ključne besede: diploma theses;midwifery;conscientious objection;students;code of ethics;legislation;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za babištvo
Strani: 23 str., [3] str. pril.
ID: 12044721