magistrsko delo
Ana Krajtner (Avtor), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Poglavitna funkcija zavarovanj je v zavarovanju upnikove terjatve nasproti dolžniku. Na področju stvarnopravnih zavarovanj, so se fiduciarna zavarovanja pojavila predvsem zaradi novih potreb prakse v povezavi z neustreznostjo ročne zastave. Fiduciarno lastnino lahko pravno opredelimo kot lastninsko pravico, ekonomsko gledano pa se le ta bolj približa zastavni pravici. Fiduciarni prenos je zaupna, neakcesorna in neposestna oblika zavarovanja, katerega največja prednost je, da lahko dajalec zavarovanja premičnino, ki je predmet zavarovanja, še naprej nemoteno uporablja. Pri fiduciarnem prenosu lastninske pravice, se fiduciarju praktično prizna hibridna lastninska pravica. Rečemo, da gre za prenos polne pravice. Fiduciarna zavarovanja podelijo fiduciarju več pravne oblasti nad predmetom zavarovanja, kot je to nujno za potrebe zavarovanja in zato mora pravni red ta presežek oblasti nad stvarjo kompenzirati v postopkih izvršbe in stečaja. Fiduciarju se v primeru stečaja fiducianta prizna zgolj ločitvena pravica, kar pomeni nekoliko manj od polnega imetništva lastnine. V primeru izvršbe pa lahko fiduciar ugovarja nedopustnost izvršbe na fiduciarno prenešeni lastnini proti upnikom fiducianta. Tak ugovor pa je po kvaliteti nekoliko bližje izločitveni in ne ločitveni pravici. Neposestna zastavna pravica se od fiduciarnega prenosa razlikuje predvsem po tem, da je zastavna pravica nesamostojna pravica, ki je akcesorna terjatvi, ki jo varuje. Pri fiduciarni lastnini pa gre za obliko polne lastnine. Fiduciarju pripada nad predmetom prenosa nekoliko več pravne oblasti kot zastavnemu upniku. V zvezi z akcesornostjo je pomembno poudariti, da SPZ ureja tako neakcesorni fiduciarni prenos, kot tudi pogojni prenos pod razveznim pogojem plačila zavarovane terjatve. Pri tem je za pogojni prenos mogoče trditi, da se nekoliko približa neposestni zastavni pravici.

Ključne besede

fiduciarna zavarovanja;premičnina;neakcesornost;prenos lastninske pravice v zavarovanje;neposestna zastavna pravica;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: A. Krajtner]
UDK: 347.235:347.133.8(043.3)
COBISS: 46878211 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 558
Št. prenosov: 98
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Fiduciary transfer of ownership rights
Sekundarni povzetek: The main function of insurance is to secure the creditor's claim against the debtor. Among the property securities, the fiduciary securities appeared in response to practical needs and due to the inadequacy of lien in the form of pignus. The so called fiduciary property which is the subject of the fiduciary transfer of ownership rights, is legally a right to property, but from the economic point of view it is closer to the lien. The fiduciary transfer of property rights is a confidential, non-accessory and inpossessory form of security. It's main advantage is the fact that the security giver (fiduciant) continues to use and exploit (to an extent) the movable property. The security recipient (the fiduciary) on the other hand, receives the hybrid of the full right to property. The object of security is the transfer of the complete right. From the fiduciary security, the recipient obtains more control of the movable property than it is necessary for the purpose of security. Therefore the legal order should compensate this surplus of control in the areas of insolvency and enforcement. The security recipient (the fiduciary) is entitled only to a separation right in the case of the security giver's (fiduciant) bankruptcy, which is less than the full property right. In the process of enforcement, the fiduciary is allowed an objection to the enforcement on the transfered property against fiduciant's creditors due to its inadmissibility. Such objection gravitates more towards the legal effects of the fiduciary property (as full ownership), than it does towards the separation right. The inpossessory lien differs from the fiduciary transfer of ownership rights mainy in accessoriness. Lien is not a stand alone right as the right to property, but it is a derived right. It is known for it's accessoriness, dependency on the secured claim. It means that the lien as security can exist only and as long as there is a secured claim. With the fiduciary transfer that is not the case. Fiduciary transfer is generally non accessory to the secured claim and its object, the fiduciary property, is a form of a full property right. The fiduciary obtains more control of the movable property as the pledgee. Regarding accessoriness, SPZ regulates both non-accessory and the conditional transfer of property rights in security. The conditional fiduciary transfer is similar to the inpossessory lien.
Sekundarne ključne besede: fiduciary securities;movable property;non-accessory;transfer of ownership rights in security;inpossessory lien;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Strani: 52 f.
ID: 12236106