magistrsko delo


Magistrsko delo obravnava gospodarska gibanja osmih držav članic, ki so v Evropsko unijo (EU) vstopile v letu 2004. Slovenija, Češka, Slovaška, Poljska, Madžarska, Estonija, Litva in Latvija so po osamosvojitvi oziroma prehodu iz centralno-planskega v tržno gospodarstvo v 90. letih prejšnjega stoletja stremele k vstopu v evropsko integracijo. Zato magistrsko delo v teoretičnem delu obravnava teorijo integracij s poudarkom na nastanku, razvoju in širitvah Evropske unije. EU je svojo največjo širitev izpeljala v letu 2004, ko se je integraciji pridružilo 10 novih članic. Podrobneje obravnavamo tudi skupni trg in kohezijsko politiko Evropske unije. Nekatere izmed analiziranih držav so v času članstva v EU prevzele tudi skupno valuto evro, zato v teoretičnem delu pozornost posvečamo tudi pogojem vstopa v evroobmočje, Evropski centralni banki in teoriji optimalnega valutnega območja. Vse države so v letu 2008 občutile finančno krizo, ki je sicer nastala v ZDA, a je močno vplivala tudi na gospodarska gibanja v evropskih državah. Zato se v magistrskem delu posebej posvečamo tudi razvoju te finančne krize v Evropi. V analizi gospodarskih gibanj izbranih osmih držav uporabljamo kazalnike bruto domačega proizvoda, bruto naložb, brezposelnosti, cenovnih gibanj, plačnih gibanj ter izvoza in uvoza blaga. Ob tem razlagamo vsak kazalnik in pomen njegovega analiziranja Podatke o gospodarskih gibanjih črpamo iz publikacij Evropske komisije in statistične baze podatkov Eurostat. V magistrskem delu predstavljamo ključne podatke osmih obravnavanih držav, podrobneje pa se posvečamo njihovim gospodarskim gibanjem v obdobju med leti 2004 in 2019. Izbrane kazalnike gospodarskih gibanj obravnavanih držav primerjamo s podatki o gospodarskih gibanjih, ki so v tem obdobju veljali za celotno Evropsko unijo. Upoštevamo letne stopnje brezposelnosti in letne stopnje inflacije, pri ostalih kazalnikih pa letne stopnje rasti. Nadaljujemo s predstavitvijo ključnih spoznanj analize podatkov gospodarskih gibanj, kjer največ pozornosti posvečamo bruto domačemu proizvodu na prebivalca v izbranih državah v primerjavi s povprečjem držav članic Evropske unije. Približevanje obravnavanih držav evropskemu povprečju po posameznih kazalnikih predstavljamo s tabelami, grafi in podrobnimi analizami podatkov. V nadaljevanju magistrskega dela podrobneje primerjamo izbrane kazalnike obravnavanih držav v prvih letih po vstopu v Evropsko unijo do finančne krize leta 2008. Pri analizi teh podatkov primerjamo Slovenijo z ostalimi sedmimi državami. Uporabljamo zbrane podatke o gospodarskih gibanjih in lastne izračune. Posvečamo se tudi vplivu finančne krize na izbrane kazalnike gospodarskih gibanj obravnavanih držav. Tudi tukaj je poudarek na primerjavi Slovenije z ostalimi državami v obdobju od leta 2008 do 2014. V ta namen uporabljamo zbrane podatke o gospodarskih gibanjih in lastne izračune. Posebno pozornost namenjamo tudi letu 2009, kjer ugotavljamo ali je članstvo v evroobmočju pomenilo tudi večje negativne trende rasti izbranih gospodarskih gibanj. V nadaljevanju ugotavljamo ali so vse obravnavane države v zadnjih treh letih opazovanega obdobja (2017 – 2019) dosegale pozitivne trende gospodarskih gibanj. Obravnavi hipotez posvečamo celotno poglavje, v katerem analiziramo ugotovitve predhodnih poglavij. V sklepu magistrskega dela povzemamo ugotovitve naše raziskave in podajamo predloge za nadaljnje raziskovanje tega področja. Ob tem kritično razmišljamo in skušamo najti dejavnike rezultatov naše raziskave. V zaključku magistrskega dela se dotaknemo tudi prihodnosti in razpravljamo o trenutnih in prihodnjih izzivih Evropske unije in Slovenije.

Ključne besede

gospodarska gibanja;finančna kriza;evroobmočje;Evropska unija;primerjalna analiza;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: B. Topolko
UDK: 330.3
COBISS: 59817731 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 528
Št. prenosov: 110
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: ǂA ǂcomparative analysis of economic trends in selected European Union member states
Sekundarni povzetek: The thesis deals with the economic trends of eight member states that joined the European Union in 2004. Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia had been striving to enter the European integration since their independence or the transfer from centrally planned to market economy in the early 1990s. Therefore, in the theoretical part, the thesis deals with the theory of integration with an emphasis on the creation, development, and enlargement of the European Union. The EU carried out its largest enlargement in 2004, when 10 new members joined the integration. We also discuss the common market and the cohesion policy of the European Union in detail. Some of the analysed countries have also adopted the common currency during the years, therefore, in the theoretical part, attention is paid to the conditions of joining the euro area, the European Central Bank, and the theory of the optimal currency area. All countries experienced a negative impact of the financial crisis in 2008, which had arisen in the United States, but also had a strong influence on economic trends in European countries. Consequently, the thesis pays special attention to the development of the financial crisis in Europe. To analyse the economic trends in the selected countries, indicators of gross domestic product, gross investment, unemployment, price trends wage trends, exports of goods and imports of goods have been used. At the same time, the importance of analysis has been discussed by introducing every single indicator separately. Data on economic trends have been drawn from publications of the European Commission and Eurostat. The thesis briefly presents all eight countries discussed and focuses on their economic trends between 2004 and 2019 in detail. All selected indicators of economic trends have been compared with data on economic trends representing the whole European Union and summed up in an information table. Annual unemployment and inflation rates have been taken under consideration, while other indicators have been analysed as annual growth rates. The thesis continues with the presentation of the key findings regarding the analysis of data on economic trends, where gross domestic product per capita in selected countries compared to the European Union's GDP per capita average has been pointed out. The convergence of the considered countries to the European average has been presented with help of an information table, a graph, and a detailed data analysis. Further on, the selected indicators of the countries in the first years after the accession to the European Union, until the financial crisis, have been discussed in detail. The analysis compares Slovenia with the other seven countries. The previously collected data and own calculations have been applied. The thesis also focuses on the impact of the financial crisis on selected indicators of economic trends in the countries concerned. Here, the emphasis has been on the comparison of Slovenia with other countries in the period from 2008 to 2014. For this purpose, the collected data on economic trends and own calculations have been used. In addition, special attention has been paid to 2009, to determine whether the membership in the euro area has also meant greater negative growth trends. Further on, it has been discussed if all the countries considered enjoyed positive economic trends within the last three years of the observed period (2017–2019). The next chapter has been devoted to the discussion of hypotheses through analysing the findings of the previous chapters. In conclusion, we have summarised the findings and made suggestions for further research and analysis associated with the topic. Thinking critically, the reasons for the research results have been tried to be determined. Finally, the thesis has taken reflect on current and future challenges of the European Union and Slovenia.
Sekundarne ključne besede: economic trends;European Union;euro area;financial crisis 2008;Slovenia.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: V, 111 str.
ID: 12508887