(magistrsko delo)
Izhodišče: Možganska kap nastane nenadoma, brez opozorila in hudo prizadene osebo. Namen raziskave je bil posneti obstoječi proces trombolitičnega zdravljenja pacientov z akutno možgansko kapjo, ga analizirati in pokazati več variant možnih izboljšav ter z validacijo že obstoječega procesa predlagati najboljše tehnološke in organizacijske rešitve za prenovo le-tega.
Metode: V teoretičnem delu naloge smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela z zbiranjem in analizo domače in tuje literature, s pomočjo katere smo opisali teoretična izhodišča. V aplikativnem delu raziskave smo uporabili kvalitativno metodologijo dela, kjer smo podatke zbrali z uporabo deskriptivne metode dela in analizo obstoječih dokumentov, katere smo pridobili na nevrološkem oddelku.
Rezultati: S procesnim pristopom smo kritično analizirali operativne procese, jih časovno ovrednotili in izključili procesne korake, pri katerih nastajajo zamude. Tako smo zmanjšali pričakovani čas procesa na 38 minut, če prihaja pacient v urgentni center sam ali s svojci, in na 25 minut, če pacienta pripeljejo reševalci in urgentni zdravnik.
Razprava : Pripravili smo popis vseh operativnih procesov in jih časovno opredelili. Izračunali smo pričakovane čase procesa trombolitičnega zdravljenja. Ugotovili smo, kje nastajajo zamude. Tako smo lahko izključili procesne korake, pri katerih nastajajo zamude, ter pripravili predlog prenove procesa, s katerim smo dosegli »door to needle time« (DNT) pod 60 minut. Pri magistrski nalogi smo naredili predlog prenove trombolitičnega procesa v eni od Splošni bolnišnici osrednje vzhodne Slovenije, katerega bi bilo potrebno pred samo implementacijo še verificirati s kliničnega vidika.
Ključne besede
proces;prenova procesa;možganska kap;trombolitično zdravljenje;DNT;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2021 |
Tipologija: |
2.09 - Magistrsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede |
Založnik: |
[G. Krajnc Burić] |
UDK: |
616.831-005.1:616-083.98(043.2) |
Št. ogledov: |
230 |
Št. prenosov: |
43 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Proposal for the process reengineering of thrombolytic treatment of stroke |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Introduction: A stroke occurs suddenly, without warning, and severely affects the person. The purpose of the research was to record the existing process of thrombolytic treatment of patients with acute stroke, to analyze it and to show several variants of possible improvements, and to validate the existing process to propose the best technological and organizational solutions for its renewal.
Methods: In the theoretical part of the thesis, we used a descriptive method of work with the collection and analysis of domestic and foreign literature, with the help of which we described the theoretical starting points. In the applied part of the research, we used a qualitative methodology of work, where we collected data using a descriptive method of work and analysis of existing documents, which were obtained at the neurology department of the General Hospital.
Results: The process approach critically analyzed operational processes, evaluated them over time, and excluded process steps that cause delays. Thus, we reduced the expected process time to 38 minutes if the patient arrives at the emergency center alone or with relatives, and to 25 minutes if paramedics and an emergency physician bring the patient.
Discussion and Conclusion: We have compiled an inventory of all operational processes and timed them. The expected times of the thrombolytic treatment process were calculated. We have identified where delays are occurring. In this way, we were able to exclude delayed process steps and come up with a proposal to refurbish the door to needle time (DNT) process in less than 60 minutes. For the master's thesis, we made a proposal for the renewal of the thrombolytic process at General Hospital of central eastern Slovenia General Hospital of Northeastern Slovenia which should be verify from a clinical point of view before implementation. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
process;process overhaul;stroke;thrombolytic therapy;DNT;Stroke;Thrombolytic therapy;Možganska kap;Trombolitična terapija; |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Magistrsko delo/naloga |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede |
Strani: |
VIII, 81 f., 8 f. pril. |
ID: |
12746467 |