
Washing machines are one of the most energy and water demanding domestic appliances. Over years, a significant effort of the scientific community has been invested into making laundry more "sustainable". Nevertheless, the preparation of detergent solution has been entirely overlooked step of laundering. The preparation of aqueous detergent solutions in the currently available washing machines takes up to 10 minutes. In this work, we propose a design of a special rotary hydrodynamic cavitation generator, which would impact this process. New detergent dissolution rates have been experimentally tested on the laboratory model washing machine using the designed cavitation generator. The dissolution rates have been determined from the measurements of the undissolved detergent after the specific time of treatment. Additionally, the influence of hydrodynamic cavitation on that process has been isolated and investigated. To do so, two flow regimes have been established: the regime with cavitation present and the regime where cavitation was not present. In order to evaluate cavitational intensity, pressure oscillations inside cavitation generator have been recorded. Results indicate that cavitation significantly increases the detergent dissolution rates. In the cavitation flow regime, more than 80 % of the detergent is dissolved in approximately 10 seconds. With no cavitation present, about 150 seconds are needed to dissolve the same amount of the detergent. Intensification of the process can be attributed to mechanical effects of cavitation. This research shows that use of the cavitation generators in the washing machines could lead to shorter washing programs and henceforth potential water and energy savings.

Ključne besede

hydrodynamic cavitation;rotary cavitation generator;cavitational intensity;washing machines;aqueous detergent solution;


Jezik: Angleški jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 1.01 - Izvirni znanstveni članek
Organizacija: UL FS - Fakulteta za strojništvo
UDK: 532.528:648.23(045)
COBISS: 15297819 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
ISSN: 0039-2480
Matična publikacija: Strojniški vestnik
Št. ogledov: 298
Št. prenosov: 109
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Slovenski jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Vpliv hidrodinamske kavitacije na pripravo vodne raztopine detergent za pranje tekstila
Sekundarni povzetek: Pralni stroji so eni izmed največjih porabnikov energije in vode v gospodinjstvih. V zadnjih letih je znanstvena skupnost vložila veliko truda v trajnostni razvoj, tudi na področju pranja tekstila. Kljub temu pa je priprava raztopine vode in detergenta popolnoma prezrt proces s strani raziskovalcev. Priprava pralne raztopine v pralnih strojih, ki so trenutno na voljo na trgu, lahko traja do 10 minut. Avtorji raziskave menimo, da bi z izkoriščanjem hidrodinamske kavitacije lahko ta proces močno izboljšali. Pojem kavitacija označuje nastanek parnih mehurčkov v kapljevini, njihovo aktivnost in prehod nazaj v kapljevito stanje. Pojavi se zaradi lokalnega zmanjšanja tlaka, pri čemer ostane temperatura medija približno nespremenjena. Kavitacija je vedno bolj uveljavljena metoda v procesni in kemijski industriji, saj se ob kolapsih kavitacijskih mehurčkov vzpostavijo ekstremne razmere. Te razmere omogočajo izvedbo procesov, za katere so sicer potrebne enormne količine energije.
Sekundarne ključne besede: hidrodinamska kavitacija;rotacijski generator kavitacije;agresivnost kavitacije;pralni stroji;raztapljanje;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Članek v reviji
Strani: str. 83-91, SI 13
Letnik: ǂVol. ǂ63
Zvezek: ǂno. ǂ2
Čas izdaje: Feb. 2017
DOI: 10.5545/sv-jme.2016.3970
ID: 12806429