magistrsko delo
Lucija Marčič (Avtor), Mihaela Brumen (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo proučuje uporabo pesmi in spletnih strani pri pouku TJ v 1. VIO OŠ. Teoretični del naloge se osredotoča na prednosti uporabe glasbenih vsebin (predvsem pesmi) pri pouku TJ v omenjenem obdobju in kakovost spletnih strani, ki te vsebine ponujajo. Magistrsko delo ima zato dva namena. Prvi je preveriti uporabo spletnih strani, ki ponujajo glasbene vsebine, pri učiteljih tujega jezika v 1. VIO OŠ, njihove kriterije za izbor pesmi in rabo didaktičnih postopkov učenja pesmi pri pouku TJ v 1. VIO OŠ. Drugi namen magistrskega dela je s pomočjo izbranih kriterijev za analizo spletnih strani, besedil in pesmi analizirati najpogosteje zastopane spletne strani, ki ponujajo glasbene vsebine za poučevanje TJ v 1. VIO OŠ. V prvem delu je uporabljena metoda pol strukturiranega intervjuja. Intervjuvane so bile štiri učiteljice, ki poučujejo TJ v 1. VIO OŠ na različnih šolah v okolici Maribora in Ljubljane. Rezultati so pokazali, da učiteljice med glasbenimi gradivi posegajo predvsem po zvočnih in video posnetkih. Te največkrat poiščejo kar na portalu YouTube, kjer najdejo kanale, namenjene učenju TJ. Omenile so tudi nekaj spletnih strani. Iz odgovorov smo dobili podatki o najpogosteje uporabljenih spletnih straneh, ki ponujajo glasbene vsebine za poučevanje TJ v 1. VIO OŠ. Na osnovi teh rezultatov smo v drugem delu magistrskega dela s pomočjo kriterijev različnih avtorjev analizirali in ocenili spletne strani Super Simple Songs, British Council - Learn English Kids in Maple Leaf Learning. Rezultati so pokazali, da je le spletna stran Super Simple Songs je dosegla visoko končno oceno. Ta je tudi najpopularnejša med intervjuvanimi učiteljicami. Spletna stran ponuja kakovostne vsebine, ki so primerne za učence v 1. VIO OŠ. Vrednost njihovih pesmi je visoka. Tudi njihove aktivnosti ob pesmih so prosto dostopne in kakovostno oblikovane, vsebujejo gibalne aktivnosti in predloge za druge aktivnosti, ki jih lahko uporabimo v razredu. Spletni strani British Council - Learn English Kids in Maple Leaf Learning sta dosegli povprečno končno oceno.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;tuji jeziki;1. vzgojno-izobraževalno obdobje;pesmi;analiza spletnih strani;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [L. Marčič]
UDK: 373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 81941507 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 548
Št. prenosov: 86
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The use of websites and songs in foreign language teaching in the 1st educational cycle of primary school
Sekundarni povzetek: In the master's thesis, we studied the use of music content and websites in the foreign language teaching in the first educational cycle of primary school. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we focused on the advantages of using music content (especially songs) in foreign language lessons in the above-mentioned cycle and the quality of websites that offer this content. Therefore, the master's thesis has two purposes. The first one is to check the use of the websites that offer music content with foreign language teachers in the first educational cycle of primary school, their criteria for song selection and the use of didactic procedures for teaching songs in foreign language teaching in the first educational cycle of primary school. The second purpose of the thesis is to analyze the most frequently represented websites that offer music content for teaching foreign language in the first educational cycle of primary school based on the of selected criteria for the analysis of web pages, texts and songs. In the first part, we used the semi-structured interview method. We interviewed four teachers who teach foreign language in the first educational cycle of primary school at various schools in the vicinity of Maribor and Ljubljana. By summarizing their answers, we learned that the teachers who use music materials apply mainly audio and video recordings. They usually look for these on the YouTube portal, where they find channels suitable for foreign language learning. They also mentioned a few websites. From the answers we thus obtained information on the most frequently used websites that offer music content for teaching foreign language in the first educational cycle of primary school. Based on these results and by using the criteria of various authors, the websites Super Simple Songs, British Council - Learn English Kids and Maple Leaf Learning were analyzed and evaluated in the second part of the thesis. The results showed that only the Super Simple Songs website achieved a high final rating. This website was also the most popular among the interviewed teachers. It offers quality content that is suitable for students in the first educational cycle of primary school. The value of their songs is high. Their song activities are freely accessible and well-designed, they contain movement activities and suggestions for other activities that can be used in the classroom. The British Council - Learn English Kids and Maple Leaf Learning websites achieved an average final grade.
Sekundarne ključne besede: master theses;foreign language;first educational cycle;songs;comparison of websites;Spletna mesta;Osnovnošolsko učenje in poučevanje;Angleščina;Slovenija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Strani: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XV, 224 str.))
ID: 13061495