magistrsko delo
Žan Lipnik (Avtor), Vesna Rijavec (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo ''Problematika patoloških arbitražnih klavzul'' temelji na arbitražnem sporazumu - arbitražni klavzuli kot temelju za predložitev spora v reševanje arbitraži namesto državnemu sodišču. Kadar pa gre za določene pomanjkljivosti, dvoumnosti ali odsotnosti ključnih elementov pri sklepanju takšne arbitražne klavzule govorimo o patološki arbitražni klavzuli. Takšna klavzula oteži ali onemogoči sam arbitražni postopek, kar je v nasprotju s samim namenom arbitražnega reševanja sporov. Do takšnih klavzul pride bodisi zaradi nedoslednosti pri sklepanju ali pa enostavno zaradi nezadostnega poznavanja arbitražnega prava. S to tematiko pa se ne ukvarja samo slovenska praksa ampak gre za problem mednarodnih razsežnosti. V tem delu je ta tematika opredeljena podrobneje in lahko služi kot vodilo pri sklepanju arbitražnih klavzul z namenom izogiba patoloških arbitražnih klavzul. Podrobnejša opredelitev se nanaša na sam arbitražni sporazum, kjer je poudarjeno preučevanje tega sporazuma v obliki arbitražne klavzule. Predstavljeni so primeri dobro sklenjenih klavzul, tipični primeri patoloških klavzul, vodila in elementi, ki so nujno potrebni pri sklepanju teh, v izogib nastanku patoloških arbitražnih klavzul. V tem sklopu so tudi prikazani primeri vzorčnih arbitražnih klavzul, ki naj prav tako služijo kot vodilo, kaj morajo stranke upoštevati, ko sklepajo arbitražno klavzulo. Ta vodila in elementi so precej univerzalni, medtem ko univerzalne klavzule za vsak primer ni. Ne glede na to, da univerzalna klavzula ne obstaja, je vendarle mogoče skleniti popolno, perfektno - idealno klavzulo, v kolikor se upošteva narava arbitraže, vodila pri sklepanju arbitražne klavzule in pa narava same glavne pogodbe, v zvezi s katero stranki želita pooblastiti arbitražo za odločanju v sporu iz tega razmerja. Poenostavljeno rečeno mora arbitražna klavzula vsebovati jasno izraženo voljo za arbitražno reševanje spora, opredeliti mora na katero razmerje se nanaša in pa da odločba arbitraže velja za dokončno in je s tem izenačena s sodno. Nadalje so predstavljene vrste teh patoloških klavzul, ki se delijo na ozdravljive in težko ozdravljive patološke arbitražne klavzule in pa možne posledice, ki izvirajo iz njih. Ozdravljive klavzule kot že izhaja iz imena je mogoče pozdraviti oziroma z interpretacijo ozdraviti določen defekt, zaradi česar bo prišlo do uporabe takšne klavzule. Težko ozdravljive klavzule pa vsebujejo tako močen defekt, da bo postopek zelo otežen, končna posledica pa je lahko tudi, da bo morebiti prišlo celo do neuporabe arbitražne klavzule in bo za odločanje v sporu pristojno državno sodišče, kateremu sta se stranki z arbitražnim sporazumom ravno želeli izogniti. Iz tega izhaja, da patološke arbitražne klavzule niso neveljavne same po sebi, ampak je potrebna presoja v vsakem primeru posebej. Predstavljena je tudi analiza posameznih tipičnih primerov teh klavzul in vzroki zakaj prihaja do slednjih. Vse skupaj pa je opredeljeno še z vidika slovenske in mednarodne prakse, pri postopanju kadar naletijo na takšne klavzule.

Ključne besede

alternativno reševanje sporov;arbitraža;arbitražni sporazum;arbitražna klavzula;arbitražni postopek;stalna (institucionalna) arbitraža;priložnostna (ad hoc) arbitraža;patološka klavzula;vzorčna klavzula;defektne arbitražne klavzule;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [Ž. Lipnik]
UDK: 347.918.2(043.3)
COBISS: 78186243 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 606
Št. prenosov: 171
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Problematics of pathological arbitration clauses
Sekundarni povzetek: Master's thesis ''the problematics of pathological arbitration clauses'' is based on an arbitration agreement - an arbitration clause as a basis for submitting a dispute to arbitration instead of a state court. However, when it comes to certain shortcomings, ambiguities or the absence of key elements in concluding such an arbitration clause, we speak of a pathological arbitration clause. Such a clause complicates or disables the arbitration process itself, which is contrary to the very purpose of arbitration. Such clauses occur either due to inconsistencies in reasoning or simply due to insufficient knowledge of arbitration law. Not only Slovenian practice deals with this topic, but it is a problem of international dimensions. In this thesis, this topic is defined more detailed and can serve as a guide in concluding arbitration clauses in order to avoid pathological arbitration clauses. A more detailed definition refers to the arbitration agreement itself, which emphasizes the examination of this agreement in the form of an arbitration clause. There will also be presented examples of well-concluded clauses, typical examples of pathological clauses, guidelines and elements that are absolutely necessary in concluding these in order to avoid the occurrence of pathological arbitration clauses. This thesis also shows examples of model arbitration clauses, which should also serve as a guide to - what the parties must take into account when concluding an arbitration clause. These guidelines and elements are universal, while there is no universal clause for every case. Regardless of the fact that there is no universal clause, it is possible to conclude a complete - ideal clause, when taking into account the nature of the arbitration, the guidelines for concluding the arbitration clause and the nature of the main contract itself for which the parties wish to authorize arbitration in case of dispute from that relationship. Simply put, the arbitration clause must contain a clear will to arbitrate the dispute, specify the relationship to which it relates and that the arbitration award is considered final and equated with a court decision. Furthermore there are presented the types of these pathological clauses which are divided into curable and incurable or difficult-to-treat pathological arbitration clauses and the possible consequences arising from them. Curable clauses, as the name implies, can be cured or a certain defect can be cured with or by interpretation, which will lead to the use of such a clause. However on the other hand, incurable or difficult-to-treat clauses contain such a strong defect that the procedure will be very difficult, and the final consequence could be that the arbitration clause may not be used and that the state court, which the parties of the arbitration agreement wanted to avoid, will have jurisdiction. It follows that pathological arbitration clauses are not invalid by themselves, but an assessment and interpretation is required in every case. There is also presented an analysis of individual typical examples of these clauses and the reasons for their occurrence. The topic is defined from the Slovenian and also international practice's point of view, when dealing with these clauses.
Sekundarne ključne besede: alternative dispute resolution;arbitration;arbitration agreement;arbitration clause;arbitration procedure;institutional arbitration;ad hoc arbitration;pathological clause;model arbitration clause;defective arbitrational clause;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: VIII, 66 str.
ID: 13222404