magistrsko delo
Darija Meolic (Avtor), Maja Rožman (Mentor), Tjaša Štrukelj (Komentor), Borut Milfelner (Komentor)


V magistrskem delu preučujemo trajnostni razvoj in družbeno odgovornost ter matriko marketinškega spleta v soodvisnosti le-teh skozi tri dimenzije trajnostnega razvoja oz. koncepta trojnega izida (angl. Triple Bottom Line). V teoretičnem delu se osredotočimo predvsem na opredelitve trajnostnega razvoja in naštejemo ter opišemo njegove globalne cilje, ki so bili sprejeti leta 2015 kot Agenda 2030. Kot pomemben del trajnostnega razvoja, predstavimo vse tri dimenzije koncepta trojnega izida. Ker sta trajnostni razvoj in družbena odgovornost povezana in enega brez drugega ni, se osredotočimo na opredelitve družbene odgovornosti, na njene koristi in konkurenčne prednosti ter opišemo na kakšne načine je lahko podjetje družbeno odgovorno v vseh treh dimenzijah koncepta trojnega izida, torej do družbe, okolja in gospodarstva. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela preučujemo opredelitve marketinga in marketinškega spleta 7 marketinških P-jev, katerega prikažemo tudi v obliki matrike. Teoretični del magistrskega dela nadgradimo ob primeru skupine Domel, d. d., ki je znana po tem, da stremi k trajnostnem razvoju in družbeni odgovornosti. Najpomembnejše vrednote skupine so ustvarjalnost in ambicioznost, odgovornost in gospodarnost, spoštovanje in sodelovanje, skrb za stranke in zaposlene ter pripadnost. V skupini Domel, d. d., te vrednote oživijo v vsakdanjem poslovanju in se izražajo v močni povezanosti z okolico, v skrbi za njene najšibkejše člane in v spoštovanju naravne dediščine. Poskušamo ugotoviti, na kakšne načine in s katerimi aktivnostmi skupina Domel, d. d. stremi k trajnostnemu razvoju, na kakšne načine izkazuje svojo druženo odgovornost in skrb do družbe, okolja ter gospodarstva. Oblikujemo marketinški splet 7 marketinških P-jev skupine Domel, d. d., in raziščemo kako skupina uporablja trajnostni razvoj in družbeno odgovornost kot marketinški pristop na svojem Facebook profilu. V magistrskem delu predstavimo zadrugo Mondragon kot primer dobre prakse in jo primerjamo s skupino Domel, d. d. Poskušamo ugotoviti katerim globalnim ciljem trajnostnega razvoja izbrana skupina sledi in kakšne koristi oz. konkurenčne prednosti prinaša družbena odgovornost podjetij.

Ključne besede

trajnostni razvoj;družbena odgovornost;marketing;marketinški splet;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: D. Meolic
UDK: 005.35
COBISS: 82345731 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 511
Št. prenosov: 146
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Sustainable development and social responsibility in the group Domel, d. d.
Sekundarni povzetek: In the master's thesis we study sustainable development, social responsibility and the matrix of the marketing mix in its interdependence with the three dimensions of sustainable development or with the concept of Triple Bottom Line. In the theoretical part, we focus mainly on the definitions of sustainable development. We list and describe its global goals, which were adopted in 2015 as Agenda 2030. As an important part of sustainable development, we present all three dimensions of the triple outcome concept. As sustainable development and social responsibility are linked, we also focus on the definitions of social responsibility, its benefits and competitive advantages. We describe the ways in which a company can be socially responsible through the three dimensions of the triple outcome concept, ie. to the society, the environment and the economy. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we also study the definitions of marketing and the marketing mix of seven marketing P's, which is presented in the form of a matrix. The theoretical findings of the master's thesis presented in this way are upgraded in the empirical part on the example of the group Domel, d. d., which is known for striving for sustainable development and social responsibility. The most important values that guide the group towards sustainable development and social responsibility are creativity and ambition, responsibility and economy, respect and cooperation, care for customers and employees, and sense of belonging. The Domel group, d. d., follows these values in day-to-day business operations and expresses them in a strong connection with the environment, in caring for its weakest members and in respecting the natural and cultural heritage. By analyzing publicly available data and information obtained with the questionnaire, we tried to determine in what ways and with what activities the Domel Group, d. d., strives for sustainable development and in what ways it demonstrates its social responsibility and concern for the society, the environment and the economy. We designed a marketing mix of seven marketing P's of the Domel group, d. d., and explored how the group uses sustainable development and social responsibility as a marketing approach through the chosen advertising medium. With all of the above, we tried to determine which global goals of sustainable development and which goals of social responsibility, the Domel Group, d. d., follows and what benefits or competitive advantages this brings. In the master's thesis, we also present the Mondragon cooperative as an example of good practice and compare it with the Domel group, d. d.
Sekundarne ključne besede: sustainable development;goals of sustainable development;dimensions of sustainable development;social responsibility;marketing;marketing mix;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: IV, 147 str., 17 f. pril.
ID: 13368446