magistrsko delo
Maja Stojchevska (Avtor), Bojana Mesec (Mentor)


V svojem magistrskem delu sem raziskovala doživljanje sprememb in življenje uporabnikov v Domu starejših občanov Fužine v času epidemije covida-19. Ljudje skozi življenje doživljamo različne spremembe, a stari ljudje so tisti, ki so najbolj občutljivi, zato je pomembno raziskati, kako spremembe vplivajo na njihovo počutje. Ker si stari ljudje zaslužijo tudi v tretjem življenjskem obdobju živeti dostojno življenje, se mi je zdelo smiselno raziskati, kako se spremembe, ki so posledica virusa, odražajo na stanovalce doma in kako vplivajo na njihovo počutje. Tako sem sama želela raziskati, kako nova pravila, ki so postavljena od trenutka pojava virusa covid-19, v domovih za stare ljudi krojijo življenja tamkajšnjih uporabnikov, kako jih uporabniki doživljajo oziroma kako se ta v njihovem vsakdanu odražajo. Ker je v teh izrednih razmerah socialno delo postavljeno pred nove izzive, me je prav tako zanimalo, kako socialne delavke in delavci v domu uveljavljajo svojo vlogo in katere strategije dela so razvili za boljšo kakovost življenja stanovalcev tudi v času epidemije. V ta namen sem se odločila za kvalitativno raziskavo, saj sem želela pridobiti besedne opise. Vzorec vključuje devet oseb, od katerih je šest stanovalk doma za stare ljudi, dve socialni oskrbovalki in ena socialna delavka. Merski instrument, s katerim sem zbrala podatke, je vprašalnik za delno strukturiran intervju. Zbrano gradivo sem analizirala s kvalitativno metodo, natančneje s kodiranjem. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se je življenje v domu za stare ljudi v času epidemije zelo spremenilo. Zaradi celotne situacije in potrebnih ukrepov za zaščito pred virusom, ki se nenehno spreminjajo, stanovalci doživljajo precej negativne občutke. Ukrepe sprejemajo in upoštevajo, ker se bojijo okužbe sebe in drugih, vendar vse to vpliva na njihovo počutje. Najbolj težko so sprejeli socialno izolacijo in pa prepoved obiskov. Kot posledica vseh teh omejitev so se med stanovalci spremenili odnosi in se držijo bolj zase. Zaposleni se trudijo po najboljših močeh obdržati živahnost in ustvarjati še naprej dobro vzdušje v domu. Z namenom, da bi se izboljšala kakovost življenja stanovalcev v tem času, so se razvile nove strategije dela.

Ključne besede

stari ljudje;domovi za stare;epidemija;spremembe;potrebe;socialne mreže;socialno delo;institucionalno varstvo;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Založnik: [M. Stojchevska]
UDK: 364.4:159.922.63-053.9
COBISS: 80478211 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 244
Št. prenosov: 67
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Experiencing change and the lives of residents at the Fužine Retirement Home after the appearance of COVID-19
Sekundarni povzetek: In my master's thesis, I studied the experience of change and the lives of residents at the Fužine Retirement Home during the COVID-19 epidemic. People experience different changes throughout their lives but the elderly are the ones who are most sensitive to them, so it is important to determine how change affects their well-being. Since the elderly deserve to lead a decent life in their third age, I believe it makes sense to explore how changes linked to the virus affect the residents at the retirement home and their well-being. Therefore, I set out to explore how the new rules that have been put in place in retirement homes since the appearance of COVID-19 shape the lives of the users living there, how users experience them, or how these changes are reflected in their daily lives. In this emergency situation, social work is being faced with new challenges, so I was also interested in how social workers enforce their role and which work strategies they have developed to improve the residents' quality of life during the epidemic. To this end, I collected verbal descriptions by means of qualitative research. The sample included nine people, six of which were residents of the retirement home, two were social care takers, and one was a social worker. The measuring instrument used to collect the data was a questionnaire that constituted a partially structured interview. I analyzed the collected data with a qualitative research method, namely coding. Research shows that life in the retirement home has changed greatly during the epidemic. As the whole situation and the measures necessary to protect people from the virus are constantly changing, residents are experiencing negative feelings. They accept and follow the measures because they are afraid of infecting themselves and others, but this all affects their well-being. The most difficult part was coping with social isolation and the banning of visitors. As a result of these limitations, relationships between the residents have changed and they are keeping more to themselves. Employees do their best to maintain a lively and pleasant atmosphere in the home. In order to improve the quality of life for the residents during this time, new work strategies have been developed.
Sekundarne ključne besede: elderly people;retirement home;epidemic;change;needs;social work;social network;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Strani: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (140 str.))
ID: 13545872