magistrsko delo
Petar Šalić (Avtor), Miha Fošnarič (Recenzent), Klemen Bohinc (Mentor), Janez Žibert (Komentor)


Uvod: Ultrazvočna diagnostika temelji na sposobnosti ultrazvoka, da se širi skozi homogene materiale. Na meji snovi z različnimi akustičnimi lastnostmi se ultrazvočni snop odbija in lomi. Z ustrezno interpretacijo ultrazvočne slike, pridobljene z raziskovanjem materiala, se lahko oceni stanje materiala in lastnosti odkritih nepravilnosti. Viri ultrazvoka so sonde, ponavadi z nihajočimi piezoelektričnimi elementi, ki nato prenesejo valovanje na objekt, s katerim so v stiku. Namen: Ugotoviti, ali je možno z medicinskim ultrazvokom prikazati gnilobo jabolk ter pripraviti ustrezen protokol, s katerim bi lahko ocenili to gnilobo. Metode dela: Izvajali smo kontrolirane ultrazvočne meritve notranjosti jabolk z diagnostičnim ultrazvočnim aparatom, kjer smo poskušali prikazati gnilobo. Linearno sondo smo postavili neposredno na jabolko in izvedli meritve. Na površino jabolk smo pred tem nanesli gel, saj je, za razliko od zraka, primeren medij za prenos ultrazvočnih valov iz sonde na jabolko. Najprej smo jabolka pregledali brez uporabe bolusa z visokimi frekvencami, ki so bile nastavljene na 10,9 MHz – 14 MHz, nato še z nizkimi frekvencami, ki so bile nastavljene na 8 MHz – 9,6 MHz. Za tem smo na površino jabolk postavili bolus debeline 0,5 cm in še enkrat pregledali jabolka z visokimi in nizkimi frekvencami. Želen ultrazvočni prikaz smo shranili ter izvedli meritve z merilom. Po končanem merjenju z ultrazvočnim aparatom smo jabolka prerezali na pol in preverili prisotnost gnilobe s prostim očesom. Rezultati in razprava: Skupno smo izvedli meritve pri 21 jabolkih, kjer smo merili razpon morebitne gnilobe. Bili smo pozorni na artefakte, ki so normalen pojav med merjenjem, in na artefakte, ki so posledica sprememb v notranjosti jabolka. Ugotovili smo, da imamo najboljši prikaz z uporabo bolusa in nizkih frekvenc. Z uporabo bolusa ločimo meje bolusa ter tako lažje ocenimo lupino in notranjost jabolka. Z nizkimi frekvencami imamo večjo prodornost ultrazvočnih valov. V večini primerov gnilobe v notranjosti jabolka z diagnostičnim ultrazvočnim aparatom nismo uspeli uspešno napovedati. Zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da se je z večanjem gnilobe le-ta lažje opazila z ultrazvokom. Problem je, da se je gniloba z ultrazvokom opazila šele takrat, ko se je že opazila s prostim očesom. Zaključili smo, da diagnostični ultrazvočni aparat ni primeren za iskanje gnilobe pri jabolkih.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;radiološka tehnologija;ultrazvok;jabolke;jabolčne lupine;gnitje;nedestruktivni ultrazvok;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Založnik: [P. Šalić]
UDK: 616-07
COBISS: 80939523 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 247
Št. prenosov: 69
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Use of medical ultrasound for non-medical purposes
Sekundarni povzetek: Introduction: Ultrasound diagnostics are based on the ability of ultrasound to propagate through homogeneous materials. At the boundary of a substance with different acoustic properties the ultrasound beam is reflected and refracted. With proper interpretation of the ultrasound image obtained by examining the material, the condition of the material and the parameters of detected irregularities can be assessed. Ultrasound sources are probes, usually with oscillating piezoelectric elements, which then transmit the wave to an object with which they are in contact. Purpose: To determine whether it is possible to show apple rot with medical ultrasound and to prepare an appropriate protocol with which can assess this rot. Methods: We performed controlled ultrasound measurements of the apples with a diagnostic ultrasound machine where we tried to show rot. A linear probe was placed directly on the apple and measurements were performed. The gel was previously applied to the surface of the apples because, unlike air, it is suitable medium for the transmission of ultrasonic waves from the probe to the apple. Apples were first examined without the use of a bolus with high frequencies set at 10,9 MHz – 14 MHz then with low frequencies set at 8 MHz – 9,6 MHz. After that we placed a 0,5 cm thick bolus on the surface of the apples and inspected the apples with high and low frequencies again. Desired ultrasound display was saved and measurements were performed with a measurement scale tool. After measurements were performed with an ultrasound machine the apples were cut on half to check the presence of rot with the naked eye. Results and discussion: In total we performed measurements on 21 apples where we measured the range of possible rot. We paid attention to artifacts that are normal occurrence during measurements and to those that result from changes inside the apple. We found out that we have the best display using bolus and low frequencies. While using a bolus we can easily see boundaries of the bolus and evaluate the peel and inside of the apple. With low frequencies we have greater penetration of ultrasound waves. In most cases we were unable to successfully predict rot inside the apple with diagnostic ultrasound machine. Conclusion: We found out that with increasing of rot it was more easily to detect it by ultrasound. The problem is that the rot was noticed by ultrasound only when it was already noticed with the naked eye. We concluded that the diagnostic ultrasound machine is not suitable for detecting rot inside apples.
Sekundarne ključne besede: master's theses;radiologic technology;ultrasound;apples;apple peels;rotting;nondestructive ultrasound;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za radiološko tehnologijo
Strani: 41 str.
ID: 13627853