magistrsko delo
Teja Lazar (Avtor), Anja Jerčič Jakob (Mentor), Jurij Selan (Komentor)


Zaradi ljubezni do različnih likovnih intervencij v mediju fotografije sem se začela zanimati za fotografijo, ki se pojavlja v likovni umetnosti. V magistrski nalogi sem tako odkrivala nabor umetnikov, ki so delovali na tem likovnem področju, ter tehnike v katerih so ustvarjali. Teoretičen del naloge vsebuje dva vsebinska sklopa: fotografijo in likovno umetnost ter fotografijo in pojem destrukcije. Slednje sem dodala zaradi želje po združitvi pojma destrukcije in fotografije, saj sem opazila, da omenjena kombinacija še ni toliko raziskana na področju sodobne umetnosti. Destruktivne tehnike v umetnosti vpeljejo žganje, rezanje, topljenje plastike itd., kar privede do zanimivih rezultatov, tudi pri uporabi v fotografiji. Poleg destrukcije sem poskušala predstaviti različne vloge fotografije v likovni umetnosti, od samega izuma fotografije pa do 21. stoletja. Izpostavila sem posamezne avtorje ter njihovo delo na umetnostno-zgodovinski in likovno-teoretski način ter pozornost posvetila tudi vlogi fotografije, ki jo ima v umetnosti. Obravnavala sem avtorje, ki v svojem ustvarjalnem procesu uporabljajo medij fotografije, tako na mednarodnem kot tudi v domačem kontekstu. Poznavanje vlog fotografije v likovni umetnosti je pomembno zaradi poznavanja različnih možnosti ustvarjanja v povezavi s fotografijo ter zaradi boljšega razumevanja zgodovinskih prepletov z likovno umetnostjo. Kot avtorici magistrske naloge ter likovni ustvarjalki mi je pregled vlog služil tudi pri raziskovanju novih možnosti ustvarjanja v povezavi s fotografijo. V sklopu avtorskega ustvarjanja sem sestavila nabor destruktivnih tehnik v fotografiji in problematizirala aktualno tematiko glede retuširanja fotografij v medijih. Ustvarjalni proces zajema fotografiranje ter retuširanje fotografij z motivom avtoportreta, ki sem jih za nadaljnji proces natisnila. Tiskane fotografije sem nato nadgradila z načrtno uporabo destruktivnih tehnik. Preverjala sem tehnike, kot so žganje, beljenje z odstranjevalcem madežev, praskanje in trganje fotografij. Končni likovni izdelki so predstavljeni po sklopih posameznih destruktivnih tehnik ter v obliki foto zgodb. Pri likovno-didaktičnem empiričnem delu magistrske naloge sem izvedla kvalitativno raziskavo med srednješolci likovnih smeri, pri čemer sem uporabila vprašalnik ter analizo likovnih del. Postavila sem si več aktualnih vprašanj glede na tematiko »lažnih in varljivih podob v medijih,« ki sem jo pokomentirala z dijaki in jo povezala z likovnimi deli. Predstaviti dijakom nove možnosti izražanja v fotografiji z destruktivnimi tehnikami in preverjati njihovo dosedanje znanje glede fotografije v likovni umetnosti, je bil moj osrednji raziskovalni problem.

Ključne besede

fotografija;destrukcija;destruktivne likovne tehnike;mešane likovne tehnike;novi mediji;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Lazar]
UDK: 778(043.2)
COBISS: 85996035 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 151
Št. prenosov: 7
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Destructive techniques in photography
Sekundarni povzetek: In my master thesis, I am exploring interventions in photography and merging it with other fine art disciplines. My initial research was inspired by my interest in the medium of photography and wish to explore various roles of photography in fine arts. First part of the research process was gathering information about artists, who are working in the area of photography and are inplementing various art techniques in their work. The theoretical part of the thesis consists of two main contents: photography in combination with various art media and destructive techniques in contemporary art photography. I felt the need to further research the latter, since I haven't found much information about similar studies in the field of contemporary fine arts. Destructive techniques include work with fire, cutting, melting photo prints with the use of heat, etc. , which creates interesting results in completed artworks. In addition to destruction, I have tried to present different usages of photography in the fine arts, from the very invention of photography to photography in the 21st century. I highlighted individual artists and their work in an art-historical and art-theoretical context and I also presented role of photography in fine arts. I studied international and domestic authors, who use the medium of photography in their creative process. Knowing the roles of photography in fine arts is important, since this knowledge enables us to recognize various possibilities it has as an art media and helps us to better understand its historical intertwining with other fine arts. Exploring these roles helped me in the process of writing my master thesis and also allow me to explore new possibilities of self expression in connection to photography. Part of my personal work was also to compile a set of destructive techniques in photography and present problematic subject of retouching photographs in the public media. The creative process included taking self portraits, retouching them, printing them and finally implementing destructive techniques to alter the images. I experiment with techniques like burning, melting colors with a stain remover, scratching and tearing photos, etc. The final art products are presented according to sets of individual destructive techniques and in the form of a photo story. In the art didactical research part of the thesis, I conducted a qualitative research among high school fine art students, using a questionnaire and analysis of their works of art. I came up with several cocurent questions regarding the topic of "false and deceptive images in the media," which I commented on with students and linked them to their works of art. Introducing students to new possibilities of expression in photography with destructive techniques and testing their current knowledge of photography in fine arts was the central goal of my research.
Sekundarne ključne besede: art education;likovna vzgoja;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje: Likovna pedagogika
Strani: 118 str.
ID: 13762373
Priporočena dela:
, magistrsko delo
, art, for childrenʼs sake! At the crossroads of making, understanding and teaching visual art