praksa varuha človekovih pravic
Vesna Pogorelec (Avtor), Mirko Pečarič (Mentor)


Človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine imajo pomembno vlogo v demokratičnih ureditvah. V Sloveniji so človekove pravice in svoboščine urejene v Ustavi na podlagi katere se pravice zagotavljajo in uresničujejo. Ustavo dopolnjujejo zakoni, podzakonski predpisi in drugi pravni akti, poleg nacionalne ureditve pa so za varstvo pravic pomembni mednarodni pravni akti in akti EU. Za učinkovito uresničevanje človekovih pravic je treba zagotoviti ustrezne mehanizme formalnega in neformalnega sistema varstva človekovih pravic. V nalogi je tako poudarek na opredelitvi neformalnega sistema varstva – Varuh človekovih pravic. Obravnavana tema magistrske naloge je bila obdelana z različnimi raziskovalnimi pristopi in znanstvenimi metodami. Uporabljena je bila metoda deskripcije in kompilacije, kombinacija induktivne in deduktivne metode, komparativna metoda in kvantitativna (sintetična statistična) metoda. Prispevek k upravni znanosti predstavlja analiza kršitev človekovih pravic v upravnih zadevah preko varuha v povezavi z odločitvami Ustavnega sodišča in ESČP, ki prikazuje stanje kršitev po posameznih upravnih področjih za daljše časovno obdobje in učinkovitost institucije varuha v sistemu varstva človekovih pravic, ugotovljene na podlagi analize realizacije letnih poročil varuha in primerjalne analize pravne ureditve varstva človekovih pravic v upravnih zadevah preko varuha za izbrano državo – Švedska. Ugotavlja se, da je najpogosteje kršeno načelo pravne in socialne države ter načelo enakosti pred zakonom in da se ugotovljene kršitve odpravljajo preko sprememb zakonskih in podzakonskih aktov. Varuh ima vzpostavljen primerljiv neformalni sistem varstva človekovih pravic, s pisanjem mnenj in priporočil državnim in upravnim organom pa učinkovito opravlja svojo vlogo v sistemu varstva. Učinkovitejše v sistemu varstva je Ustavno sodišče, ki z zavezujočimi odločitvami prisili organ, da odpravi ugotovljeno kršitev oziroma neustavnost. Podane informacije, ugotovitve in dejstva bodo pripomogli k izboljšanju informiranosti tako stroke kot državnih in upravnih organov, ki v upravnem postopku odločajo o pravicah in svoboščinah vsakega posameznika. Naloga bo poleg tega informirala zakonodajne, izvršilne in sodne organe, ki skrbijo za pripravo in sprejem pravnih podlag ter njihovo uresničevanje v praksi.

Ključne besede

človekove pravice;varuh človekovih pravic;ustavno sodišče;upravna zadeva;sistem varstva človekovih pravic;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL FU - Fakulteta za upravo
Založnik: [V. Pogorelec]
UDK: 342.7:3.077.3
COBISS: 88361987 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 366
Št. prenosov: 86
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Breach of human rights in administrative matters
Sekundarni povzetek: Human rights and fundamental freedoms have an important role in democratic arrangements. In Slovenia, human rights and freedoms are established in the Constitution, according to which they are granted and enforced. The Constitution is complemented by laws, regulations and other legal acts. Besides national legislation, also international and EU legal instruments are important for the protection of rights. To effectively exercise human rights, appropriate mechanisms of a formal and informal system for the protection of human rights must be provided. This master’s thesis focuses on the definition of an informal protection system – the Human Rights Ombudsman. This master's thesis includes different research approaches and scientific methods, such as compilation, descriptive research, a combination of inductive and deductive methods, as well as the comparative method and quantitative synthesis. A contribution to administrative science is made by analysing the breach of human rights in administrative matters through the Ombudsman according to the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the ECHR, which shows the state of violations in individual administrative areas over a longer time period and the effectiveness of the Ombudsman institution in the system for the protection of human rights. The effectiveness is determined by an analysis of the Ombudsman's annual reports and by a comparative analysis of the regulation for the protection of human rights in administrative matters through the Ombudsman for the selected country – Sweden. It is established that the principle of the rule of law and of the welfare state as well as the principle of equality before the law are the most often violated, and that these violations are removed by making changes to regulations and legislations. The Ombudsman implements a comparable informal system for the protection of human rights, and it performs its role effectively in the protection system by giving opinions and recommendations to public and administrative authorities. The Constitutional Court is more effective in the protection system, forcing the authorities to eliminate the violation or unconstitutionality with binding decisions. The provided information, findings and facts will help to improve the knowledge of both the profession as well as the public and administrative authorities that decide on the rights and freedoms of every individual in the administrative procedure. In addition, this thesis will inform the legislative, executing, and judicial authorities that prepare and adopt legal bases and implement them in practice.
Sekundarne ključne besede: human rights;ombudsman;constitutional court;administrative metter;human rights protection system;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 1000533
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo
Strani: XII, 97 str.
ID: 13925512