diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Primož Gorišek (Avtor), Goran Vukovič (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava vpeljavo mrežnega marketinga v podjetju Valenca, zavarovalniško zastopanje d. o. o. Prenova prodajnih procesov z vpeljavo mrežne strukture predstavlja možno izboljšavo trenutne situacije v podjetju. V uvodnem delu so podane predpostavke in omejitve, ki morajo biti pri oblikovanju rešitve upoštevane in ki sovpadajo z vizijo podjetja. Na koncu uvodnega poglavja so določeni cilji raziskave in postavljene hipoteze. Teoretične osnove postavk, povezanih z delovanjem mrežnega marketinga, so opisane v poglavju Marketing, podrobneje v podpoglavju Mrežni marketing. Proučene so s pomočjo obstoječe literature o obravnavani tematiki, z internetnimi viri ter obstoječimi raziskavami in statističnimi obdelavami. Obravnavano okolje, trenutna organizacijska struktura podjetja ter delovni procesi, ki se izvajajo pri opravljanju osnovne dejavnosti so podrobno prikazani v poglavju Obstoječe stanje. V drugem delu poglavja je opisana problematika, s katero se podjetje zaradi povečanega obsega dela srečuje in zaradi katere je prišlo do težnje po reorganizaciji. V poglavju Raziskava smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, poslanega potencialnim sodelavcem in potencialnim strankam ter z intervjujem s strokovnjakom obravnavanega področja poskusili ugotoviti primernost vpeljave mrežnega marketinga v dano okolje. Raziskava proučuje splošno mnenje ljudi o mrežnem marketingu, zanimanje za delo svetovalca v mrežnem marketingu ter stopnjo korektnosti, ki jo le-ti dosegajo v tako organiziranih podjetjih. Pridobljene podatke smo analizirali, statistično obdelali in jih predstavili v poglavju Rezultati raziskave. Podani so zanimivi zaključki o mrežnem marketingu. V zadnjem poglavju Predlog prenove je predstavljena za podjetje ugodna rešitev. Izhaja iz analize rezultatov, pridobljenih v raziskavi te diplomske naloge, in iz vizije podjetja. Poglavje je sklenjeno s smernicami, ki naj bi jih podjetje, če želi ostati konkurenčno, upoštevalo v prihodnosti.

Ključne besede

zavarovalništvo;mrežni marketing;produkti;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Kranj
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Založnik: [P. Gorišek]
UDK: 339.138
COBISS: 6889747 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1762
Št. prenosov: 119
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: Forthcoming thesis describes the research of potential introduction of network marketing to the company Valenca, insurance representation Ltd. Reingeneering of sales with the introduction of network based structure could represent an improvement to the current business operations in the company. In the opening section assumptions and limitations considering the vision of the company that need to be taken into account when designing solutions are defined. Research objectives and hypotheses are stated at the end of the introduction chapter. Theoretical foundations of items associated with the operations of network marketing are described in chapter Marketing, and in-depth definition in subchapter Network marketing. Third chapter is based on examining existing literature, internet sources and existing research papers with corresponding statistical analysis on the subject. Working environment, current organizational structure and working processes for the performance of basic activities are presented in detail in chapter Current situation. Problems the company faces as a result of increased workload and reasons for the tendency to reorganize it are explained in second part of the chapter. In the chapter Survey the research is described. Research was conducted with a questionnaire handed out to and answered by a set of prospective employees and potential clients. More data were gathered through an in-depth interview with an expert on the subject of insurance network marketing. As a result of research attempt to determine the suitability of introduction of network marketing to a given environment was made. Research examines a general opinion of people about network marketing, their interest in working as a network marketing consultant and level of correctness, achieved by the enterprises with network structure. Acquired data are analysed, statistically processed and presented in chapter Survey results. Interesting conclusions about network marketing are stated. In the last chapter Reform proposal, company-effective solution is presented. Solution relies on the analysis of the results obtained during groundwork for this thesis and the vision of the company. The chapter concludes with the guidelines which the company should take into account in the future to remain competitive.
Sekundarne ključne besede: insurance;network marketing;products;costumers;consultants;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Strani: 71 f.
Ključne besede (UDK): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;trade;commerce;international economic relations;world economy;trgovina;tržišče;marketing;general questions of trade and commerce;market;splošna vprašanja o trgovanju in trgovini;
ID: 14528
Priporočena dela:
, diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
, diplomsko delo
, načini potrošnje in nakupni motivi za vino na primeru linije kakovostnih vin Vinakoper
, primer tržne znamke Tuš
, diplomsko delo