magistrsko delo
Od dne 15. 4. 2019 je v Republiki Sloveniji začel veljati nov Zakon o nepravdnem postopku (v nadaljevanju: ZNP-1), ki je nadomestil prejšnji Zakon o nepravdnem postopku (v nadaljevanju: ZNP) in uvedel nekaj pomembnih novosti in uskladitev z materialnopravnimi predpisi. V magistrskem delu je narejena primerjava med starim in novim zakonom o nepravdnem postopku glede določb, ki urejajo premoženjskopravna razmerja. Ugotovljeno je do kolikšne mere so se nepravdni postopki, ki urejajo premoženjska razmerja, z novim ZNP-1 dejansko spremenili. ZNP-1 je uvedel tri bistvene spremembe v zvezi s postopkom za določitev odškodnine. Ukinila se je možnost uvedbe tega postopka po uradni dolžnosti. Spremenil se je tudi status državnih odvetnikov, ki imajo v sedanjem postopku po ZNP-1 položaj zakonitega zastopnika države, in spremenila se je ureditev glede plačila stroškov postopka. V zvezi s postopkom za cenitev in prodajo stvari so v magistrskem delu izpostavljene razlike med ZNP-1 in Zakonom o izvršbi in zavarovanju. Po sedaj veljavnem ZNP-1 mora predlagatelj v predlogu ob navedbi prodajne oz. izklicne cene priložiti še s strani vseh udeležencev podpisane izjave, da se strinjajo s prodajo in navedeno ceno ter da so seznanjeni s tem, da nimajo pravice do pritožbe zoper sklep sodišča, s katerim se bo dovolila takšna prodaja. Glede postopkov v stanovanjskih zadevah se v ZNP-1 možnost revizije usklajuje z ureditvijo po Zakonu o pravdnem postopku. Druga bistvena novost, ki jo uvaja ZNP-1, je določba 148. člena, ki govori o posebni sposobnosti biti stranka oz. udeleženec v nepravdnem postopku za skupnost etažnih lastnikov, ki jih zastopa upravnik, če ga stavba ima. Glavna novost, ki jo uvaja ZNP-1 v postopkih za urejanje razmerij med solastniki, je drugi odstavek 148. člena, ki določa, da v tem postopku odloča sodišče tudi v primerih, ki jih v 117. členu določa Stvarnopravni zakonik (v nadaljevanju: SPZ). Sledi nepravdni postopek za delitev stvari in skupnega premoženja ter prenehanja premoženjske skupnosti, kjer ZNP-1 na novo ureja postopek prenehanja premoženjske skupnosti in spreminja oz. dopolnjuje postopkovna pravila, zlasti v primerih, ko je predmet delitve nepremičnina. Pri postopku za ureditev meje so predstavljene razlike z upravnim postopkom po Zakonu o evidentiranju nepremičnin (v nadaljevanju: ZEN). ZNP-1 je bil tudi usklajen z ZEN tako, da ureja dolžnost sodišča, da pravnomočni sklep oziroma sodno poravnavo pošlje pristojni geodestki upravi. Dodan je tudi nov 174. člen, ki določa smiselno uporabo določb tega postopka v primeru gradnje na tujem zemljišču po 47. členu SPZ. Kot zadnji je bil obravnaven še nepravdni postopek za ureditev nujne poti. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da ZNP-1 ni bistveno spremenil vsebine določb v zvezi s postopkom nujne poti v primerjavi z ZNP, saj se je večina teh določb že uskladila s tem, ko je 1. 1. 2003 v veljavo stopil SPZ. Na splošno je bilo ugotovljeno, da ZNP-1 v postopkih za urejanje premoženjski razmerij daje več poudarka avtonomiji udeležencev kot predhodni ZNP, s čimer v ospredje postavlja načelo dispozitivnosti.
Ključne besede
nepravdni postopek;premoženjska razmerja;ZNP-1;ZNP;povezava z materialnimi predpisi;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2022 |
Tipologija: |
2.09 - Magistrsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UM PF - Pravna fakulteta |
UDK: |
347.933(043.3) |
Št. ogledov: |
263 |
Št. prenosov: |
73 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Regulation of estate matters in non-litigious proceedings and the principle of dispositivity and formality |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
On 15 April 2019, the new Non-litigious Procedure Act (ZNP-1) entered into force in the Republic of Slovenia, replacing the previous ZNP and introducing some important innovations and harmonization with substantive legal regulations. In the master's thesis, a comparison is made between the old and the new law on non-litigious procedure, regarding the provisions governing property relations. It is established to what extent the non-litigious procedures governing property relations have actually changed with the new ZNP-1. ZNP-1 introduced three major changes to the compensation procedure. The possibility of initiating this procedure ex officio has been abolished. The status of state attorneys who have the position of legal representative of the state in the current procedure under the ZNP-1 has also changed, and the regulation regarding the payment of costs of proceedings has changed. Regarding the procedure for the valuation and sale of things, the differences between ZNP-1 and ZIZ are highlighted in the master's thesis. According to the currently valid ZNP-1, the proposer must in the proposal, indicating the sale or the asking price must be accompanied by a statement signed by all participants stating that they agree with the sale and the stated price and that they are aware that they have no right to appeal against the court's decision authorizing such a sale. With regard to procedures in housing matters, according to ZNP-1, the possibility of revision is harmonized with the regulation under ZPP. Another essential novelty introduced by ZNP-1 is the provision of Article 148, which speaks of a special ability to be a party or a participant in a non-litigious procedure for the community of condominium owners represented by the manager, if the building has one. The main novelty introduced by ZNP-1 in the procedures for regulating relations between co-owners is the second paragraph of Article 148, which stipulates that the court decides in this procedure even in cases specified in Article 117 of the SPZ. This is followed by a non-litigious procedure for the division of property and common property and the dissolution of the property community, where ZNP-1 newly regulates the procedure for the dissolution of the property community and changes or complements the procedural rules, in particular in cases where the subject of the division is real estate. In the procedure for regulating the border between two real estates, differences with the administrative procedure according to ZEN are presented. ZNP-1 was also harmonized with ZEN, so that it regulates the duty of the court to send a final decision or court settlement to the competent geodetic administration. A new Article 174 has also been added, which stipulates the reasonable application of the provisions of this procedure in the case of construction on a neighbour real estate pursuant to Article 47 of the SPZ. Lastly, a non-litigious procedure for regulating the ''only route to a public road from a real estate'' was considered, it was found that ZNP-1 did not significantly change the content of the provisions related procedure compared to ZNP, as most of these provisions have already been harmonized with the 1st January 2003, when SPZ entered into force. In general, it has been found that ZNP-1 places more emphasis on the autonomy of participants in proceedings for the settlement of property relations than the previous ZNP, thus putting the principle of dispositiveness at the forefront. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
non-litigious proceedings;estate/property matters;ZNP-1;ZNP;conection with material regulation;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela; |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Magistrsko delo/naloga |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak. |
Strani: |
1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (52 str.)) |
ID: |
14922755 |