diplomsko delo
Tinkara Gregorčič (Avtor), Gregor Osterc (Mentor), Vesna Zupanc (Komentor)


Za sajenje trajnic v mestih veljajo običajno nekoliko drugačna pravila kot za običajne grede doma. Razmere so v mestih drugačne, zato je med drugim potrebno uporabiti tudi temu primeren substrat. V naši diplomski nalogi smo v središču Ljubljane posadili štiri različne vrste rastlin (tri vrste trajnic in eno lesnato vrsto) v štiri gredice, kjer sta bila uporabljena dva različna substrata podjetja Humko. Uporabili smo substrat VulkaHum in KompoHum, ki je vseboval 14 % biooglja. Od rastlin smo sadili lisičjerepo perjanko (Pennisetum alopecuroides), hermeliko (Sedum maximum 'Herbstfreude'), medvejko (Spiraea bumalda 'Goldflame') in japonski šaš (Carex morrowii 'Variegata'). Namen naloge je bilo ugotoviti, kako substrat KompoHum vpliva na rast trajnic zaradi vsebnosti biooglja, ki naj bi imelo mnogo pozitivnih učinkov na rast rastlin, pa tudi na samo izboljšavo zemlje. Končni rezultati nakazujejo na ugodne razmere za rast, saj nobena od rastlin na tem substratu ni pokazala zakasnitve v razvoju. Lisičjerepa perjanka je na prvi gredici (VulkaHum) cvetela slabše kot na ostalih, medtem ko je japonski šaš na vseh uspeval dobro. Hermelika je bolje in prej zacvetela na tretji gredici (KompoHum), kar pa lahko pripišemo slabšemu stanju začetnih sadik na četrti gredici (VulkaHum). Oba substrata sta se dobro obnesla, ni pa bilo vidnih večjih odstopanj.

Ključne besede

okrasne rastline;trajnice;mesta;substrati;rastni pogoji;rast;biooglje;kakovost;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Gregorčič]
UDK: 635.925:77.021.51(043.2)
COBISS: 109209091 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 81
Št. prenosov: 13
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Suitability of two substrates for planting plants in urban centers
Sekundarni povzetek: Different rules apply to the planting of perennials in cities are used compared to them using at garden beds at home. Much more different conditions in cities enhance the importance of using more appropriate substrate in these regions. Planting of four different perennials in center of Ljubljana, each in its own bed, served as a starting point for this thesis. We planted Dwarf fountain grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides), Grand stonecrop (Sedum maximum 'Herbstfreude'), Spiraea (Spiraea bumalda 'Goldflame'), and Japanese sedge (Carex morrowii 'Variegata'). Two different substrates, VulkaHum and KompoHum, containing 14 % biochar, both from the same manufacturer – Humko, were used in the trial. The aim of the thesis was to determine how the substrate KompoHum affects the growth of perennials, as it contains a high percentage of biochar, which is supposed to possess numerous positive effects not only on the growth of plants, but also on the improvement of the soil. Final results tend to favourable growing conditions, as none of the plants experienced a delay in development. Dwarf fountain grass flowered worst in first garden (VulkaHum), and Japanese sedge was similar in growth in all garden beds. Grand stonecrop flowered best in the third garden (KompoHum), but this may be due to the poor quality of plants at the fourth garden (VulkaHum) at the beginning of the experiment. Both substrates did their job in the field, so they are good for planting in cities.
Sekundarne ključne besede: ornamental plants;perennials;growth;growth conditions;cities;substrates;biochar;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Strani: IX, 44 f., [4] f. pril.
ID: 15427832