magistrsko delo
Materinstvo je pomembna prelomnica, ki povzroči spremembe na številnih področjih hčerinega življenja. Je ranljivo obdobje, v katerem se izrazito odkrivajo tako pozitivni kot negativni vidiki hčerinega odnosa z materjo. Skozi lastno materinsko vlogo se namreč hči lahko čuti najbolj povezana ali oddaljena od svoje matere. V magistrskem delu smo proučili povezanost med hčerinim doživljanjem materine starševske vloge v času odraščanja, kakovostjo odnosa z njo v odraslosti in hčerinim vrednotenjem lastnega materinstva. S pomočjo treh merskih instrumentov (Vprašalnik vezi s starši – angl. The Parental Bonding Inventory, Vprašalnik odnosa med materjo in odraslo hčerjo – angl. The Mother-Adult Daughter Questionnaire in Lestvica občutka za starševsko kompetentnost – angl. The Parenting Sense of Competence Scale) smo na vzorcu 774 udeleženk s kvantitativno metodo raziskovanja proučili povezanost med tremi ključnimi spremenljivkami in posameznimi dimenzijami merskih instrumentov. Vzorec je bil sestavljen iz žensk, ki so matere in imajo izkušnjo odnosa s svojo materjo tako v obdobju odraščanja kot tudi v odraslosti. Ugotovili smo, da večja kot je kakovost odnosa med materjo in njeno odraslo hčerjo, višje hči vrednoti svoje lastno materinstvo. Hkrati bolj optimalno kot je hči kot otrok doživela materino starševsko vlogo, večja je kakovost njunega odnosa v odraslosti. Sobivanje z materjo v odraslosti se je izkazalo kot pomemben dejavnik, ki pozitivno prispeva k zaupanju v materino hierarhijo v odraslosti in soodvisnosti z njo. Izkazalo pa se je, da se glede na zakonski stan hčere ne razlikujejo v vrednotenju svoje lastne starševske kompetentnosti. Zanimala nas je tudi povezava med doživljanjem materine starševske vloge v obdobju otroštva in povezanost z njo v odraslosti. Izkazalo se je, da bolj kot je bila mati skrbna in zaščitniška do svoje hčere, močnejša je njuna vez v odraslosti, torej bolj sta povezani. Ugotovitve lahko imajo pozitiven doprinos k razumevanju kompleksnosti odnosa med materjo in hčerjo in potrjujejo, kako pomembna je vloga matere v življenju njene hčere. Predvsem ko hči sama postane mati, njen odnos z materjo lahko dobi povsem novo razsežnost oziroma drugačen pomen.
Ključne besede
odnos z materjo;materinstvo;materinska vloga;odnos odraščajoča hči – mati;odnos odrasla hči – mati;starševska kompetentnost;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2022 |
Tipologija: |
2.09 - Magistrsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UL TEOF - Teološka fakulteta |
Založnik: |
[M. Stradovnik] |
UDK: |
159.922.2-055.52-055.2+-055.62-055.2 (043.2) |
Št. ogledov: |
98 |
Št. prenosov: |
33 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
The daughter's experience of motherhood with regards to the relationship with her mother |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Motherhood is an important turning point that causes changes in several areas of the daughter’s life. It is a vulnerable period in which both positive and negative aspects of the daughter’s relationship with her mother are markedly revealed. Being a mother herself, the daughter may feel most connected or distant from her mother. The master’s thesis focused on studying the connection between the daughter's experience of her mother's parental role during the period of her childhood, the quality of the relationship with her in adulthood and the daughter’s evaluation of her own motherhood. We used three metric instruments: The Parental Bonding Inventory, The Mother-Adult Daughter Questionnaire and The Parenting Sense of Competence Scale. By using them, we explored the connection between three key variables and individual dimensions of metric instruments on a sample of 774 participants with a quantitative procedure of research. Our sample consisted of women who were mothers and had contact with their mothers at the time of growing up and later in life. We discovered that the better the quality of relationship with the mother in adulthood is, the higher daughter evaluates her own motherhood. Moreover, the more optimally the daughter experienced the mother’s parental role in childhood, the better is the quality of their relationship in adulthood. Living with the mother in adulthood proved to be an important factor that contributes to trust in the mother’s hierarchy and co-dependence with her in adulthood. Considering the daughter’s marital status, our participants didn’t distinguish in the evaluation of their own parental competency as efficient or satisfactory. Moreover, we were interested in the relatedness between the daughter’s experience of her mother’s parental role in childhood and her connection with her in adulthood. It turned out that as the mother was more attentive and protective during her daughter’s childhood, their bond was stronger in adulthood and they were connected thus more. Our findings provide information for understanding the complexity of the relationship between mother and daughter and confirm the importance of the mother’s role in her daughter’s life. Their relationship can gain a completely new dimension and different meaning when a daughter becomes a mother herself. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
relationship with mother;motherhood;maternal role;adolescent daughter – mother relationship;adult daughter – mother relationship;parental competency; |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Magistrsko delo/naloga |
Študijski program: |
0 |
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak. |
Strani: |
VI, 70 str. |
ID: |
15437260 |