magistrsko delo
Zala Cartl (Avtor), Igor Vrečko (Mentor), Mojca Duh (Komentor)


POVZETEK Okolje podjetja postaja vedno bolj turbulentno, konkurenca pa je vse večja, zato se morajo managerji še posebej truditi, da podjetju omogočijo rast in razvoj ter posledično doseganje zastavljene konkurenčne prednosti. Z naraščanjem kompleksnosti podjetij se povečuje možnost nastanka kriz, s tem pa se povečuje tudi paleta vzrokov, ki lahko vodijo do krize. Lahko trdimo, da je kriza sestavni del življenjskega cikla podjetij in ni nekaj neobičajnega in izjemnega. V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali, kako sta med seboj povezana strateški in projektni management. Ugotovili smo, da je za samo uspešnost in učinkovitost podjetja ključnega pomena povezovanje med strateškim in projektnim managementom. Strateški management skrbi za identifikacijo strategij v samem podjetju, projektni management pa za njihovo izvedbo. V magistrskem delu smo proučevali različne vrste kriz in njihovo opredeljevanje glede na metodologije različnih avtorjev. Proučevali smo vzroke nastanka kriz in njihove posledice ter ugotavljali, če obstaja način, da se podjetje krizam izogne. Ugotovili smo, da mora podjetje nenehno proučevati zunanje in notranje okolje podjetja ter ugotavljati morebitne simptome, ki lahko vplivajo na prihodnost samega podjetja. Na simptome, ki nastajajo v okolju mora podjetje odgovoriti pravočasno z modifikacijo ali z novim opredeljevanjem strategij, za kar je zadolžen strateški management. Projektni management pa je odgovoren za izpeljavo zastavljenih strategij s projekti in s portfelji projektov. V empiričnem delu smo po metodologiji avtorjev Pümpin- Prangerje na primeru podjetja X naredili analizo življenjskega cikla podjetja, pri katerem smo primerjali stanje podjetja leta 2019 in leta 2021. Ugotovili smo, da je v tem obdobju proučevano podjetje uspešno prešlo v fazo zrelega podjetja. Glede na značilnosti posameznih faz življenjskega cikla smo po metodologiji avtorjev Pümpin- Prangerje in Kropfbergerja raziskovali, kakšne krize so prisotne v podjetju. Ugotovili smo, da je v podjetju X moč opaziti simptome potencialne krize prevelike ekspanzije in diverzifikacijsko krizo. Krize so v podjetju X obvladljive, kazalniki rasti in razvoja ne upadajo. V drugem delu empiričnega dela je sledil proces procesne razsežnosti planiranja na ravni strateškega managementa. S pomočjo SWOT analize smo naredili celovito presojo podjetja in okolja. V zaključnem delu magistrskega dela smo glede na predhodne ugotovitve raziskav preučevanega podjetja identificirali potrebne projekte podjetja X za obdobje petih let. Opredelili smo projekte, ki so po našem mnenju potrebni za ohranjaje rasti in razvoja samega podjetja. Naredili smo načrt planirane izvedbe posameznih projektov in opisali, zakaj so po našem mnenju posamezni projekti v podjetju pomembni. Izpeljava posameznih projektov je po našem mnenju ključnega pomena za zagotavljanje dolgoročne uspešnosti podjetja.

Ključne besede

strateški management;strategije;projektni management;projekti;poslovna kriza;obvladovanje krize;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: Z. Cartl
UDK: 005.931.11
COBISS: 115814147 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 99
Št. prenosov: 28
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: ǂA ǂstrategic approach to managing crises in organizations using project management
Sekundarni povzetek: Due to the company's more and more turbulent business environment and increasing competition managers have to strive hard to enable the company to grow, develop and consequently reach its planned competitive advantage. Growing complexity of companies creates many possibilities of crisis occurrence and thus increases a range of factors leading to a crisis which is obviously a constituent part of a business life cycle rather than something unusual or extraordinary. In the master's thesis, we focus on the relation between strategic and project management. The research findings show that the connection between them is crucial to the company's success and efficiency. Strategic management involves the identification of the company's strategies, whereas project management involves their implementation. We also study different kinds of crises and their classification according to methodologies of various authors. Special attention is given to the study of the causes of crisis occurrence and their consequences only to find if there is a way for the company to avoid crises. We can conclude from the research conducted that the company should constantly observe its external and inner business environment in order to find out the early symptoms that could have a strong impact on its future development. The company should respond to them in time by a modification or new formulation of its strategies, which falls under the responsibility of strategic management. Project management, on the other hand, is responsible for the implementation of the created strategies with projects and project portfolios. In the empirical part of our research, we analyse the life cycle of Company X according to the methodology of the distinguished authors Pümpin – Prangerje by comparing its business state in 2019 and 2021. The research findings show that the studied company successfully matured during that period. Considering the characteristics of particular stages in the life cycle of a business, we studied the types of crises occurring in the company according to the methodology of the authors Pümpin – Prangerje and Kropfberger. The study shows there occurred symptoms of a potential crisis due to too great an expansion and a diversification crisis in Company X. However, the crises in the studied company are manageable, growth and development indicators are stable. In the second part of the empirical part of our research, we focus on the process of the process dimension of planning on the level of strategic management. Using SWOT analysis we made a complete evaluation of the company and its environment. In the conclusion of the master's thesis, we identify projects of Company X which are necessary for maintaining its growth and development for a period of five years according to the previous research findings of the studied company. We have made a project implementation plan with a schedule for particular projects and described the benefits of each project to the company. Project implementation is paramount to ensure the company's long-term success.
Sekundarne ključne besede: strategic management;project management;strategy;project;strategic crisis;business crisis;crisis.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: IV, 84 str.
ID: 15640251