diplomsko delo
Melita Volk (Avtor), Miha Marič (Mentor)


Podjetje si težko predstavljamo brez zaposlenih, saj prispevajo k celotni podjetniški zgodbi. Vsak zaposlen prispeva svoj delež k uspehu podjetja. Zavedati pa se moramo, da le zadovoljen zaposlen doprinese podjetju največ. Pri tem ima pomembno vlogo tudi vodja, ki svoj tim spodbuja in podpira. V času pandemije skrb za zadovoljstvo zaposlenih ni bila ravno na prvem mestu, saj so se podjetja spopadala z negotovimi razmerami. Eden izmed ukrepov za omejevanje covida-19 je bil delo od doma. V anketi smo anketirance spraševali o zadovoljstvu z delom od doma. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da so zaposleni z delom od doma zadovoljni. Zaposleni menijo, da jih podjetje podpira in jim zaupa pri delu. Kot najvišje ocenjena dejavnika, ki bi stopnjo zadovoljstva še dvignila, sta denarno nadomestilo (dodatek) in več komunikacije s sodelavci. Primerjava učinkovitosti dela od doma z delom na sedežu podjetja kaže, da je delo od doma za zaposlene učinkovito. Več prednosti pri delu od doma vidijo moški kot ženske. Dejavniki, ki najbolj učinkujejo na delo od doma, so ohranjanje ravnovesja med delom in zasebnim življenjem, motnje iz okolice, neustrezni delovni pogoji in delovna oprema ter menjava okolja. Upoštevati moramo tudi delež nezadovoljnih zaposlenih. Z letnimi razgovori bi pridobili informacije, mnenja in ideje zaposlenih, ki bi nam pomagale pri vzpostavitvi in doseganju ciljev, izboljšanju medsebojnih odnosov, uspešnosti in doseganju rezultatov dela. Glede na to, da zaposlenim pri delu od doma primanjkuje komunikacija s sodelavci, bi to rešili z uvedbo digitalnega kanala internega komuniciranja. Zaposleni bi se povezali virtualno, izmenjevali informacije in podatke, vodje pa bi jih preko kanala tudi motivirale in spodbujale. Da bi bili zaposleni z delom od doma zadovoljni, predlagamo, da si delo organizirajo en dan prej, načrtujejo odmore in po končanem delu delovno opremo pospravijo. Menimo, da mora delodajalec za svoje zaposlene skrbeti in se truditi, da so zadovoljni, ne glede na kraj opravljanja dela.

Ključne besede

zadovoljstvo zaposlenih;delo;delo od doma;zaposleni;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Založnik: [M. Volk]
UDK: 331.103
COBISS: 139896323 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 25
Št. prenosov: 4
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Employee satisfaction with work from home at lindstrom d.o.o.
Sekundarni povzetek: It is difficult to imagine a company without employees, who write the business story together. Each employee contributes his share to the success of the company. But we must be aware, that a satisfied employee contributes the most. The leader has a key role because he encourages and supports his team. During the pandemic, the concern for employee satisfaction was not a priority, as companies were struggling with uncertain work conditions. One of the measures, to limit the spread of Covid-19, was working from home. In the questionnaire, we asked employees about their satisfaction with working from home. The analysis of the results showed that they were satisfied with new measure. Employees believed that in letting them work from home, company expressed them their support and trust. The highest rated factors that would increase employee satisfaction were monetary compensation (supplement) and better communication with colleagues. Comparing the effectiveness of working from home to working at the company headquarters employees thought that working from home is equally effective. Male employees saw more advantages in working from home than female employees. Factors, which had the greatest impact on working from home were maintaining a balance between work and private life, environmental disturbances, inadequate working conditions and work equipment and changing work environment. We should also consider the proportion of dissatisfied employees. We could obtain the information, opinions, and ideas for improvement from dissatisfied employees through annual interviews. This would help us establish and achieve goals, improve mutual relations, performance, and work results. One of the highest rated factors in employee satisfaction turned out to be better communication with colleagues, which was lacking while employees were working from home. To improve the communication during pandemic, company could introduce a digital internal communication channel. Employees would connect virtually, exchange information and data, and managers would also motivate and encourage them through the channel. To improve work from home experience for employees, they should organize their work one day ahead, plan enough breaks, and put away their work equipment after finishing work. We believe that an employer should take care of his employees and try to maintain employee satisfaction, regardless of their work location.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu;Delo na daljavo;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Strani: VIII, 48 f.
ID: 16454494