diplomsko delo
Matej Ožura (Avtor), Tomaž Lampe (Recenzent), Mojca Divjak (Mentor)


Uvod: Živimo v svetu, kjer smo obdani z ogromno informacijami, njihov najlažji prenos poteka prek komunikacije med nami. Gre za sposobnost, s katero izražamo odnos do samega sebe in sveta, v katerem živimo, in je tudi zelo pomembna v zdravstvu, saj z uspešno komunikacijo lažje dosežemo želene cilje. Tako je tudi pri poklicu ortotika protetika, ki pri svojem delu sodeluje kot enakopravni član zdravstvenega tima, katerega naloga je izdelava in nameščanje ortopedskih pripomočkov. Pri pacientu mora znati doseči aktivno sodelovanje pri delu, saj poleg telesne prizadetosti te paciente prizadene tudi psihološki vidik, zato je ena njihovih glavnih lastnosti tudi uspešna in profesionalna komunikacija. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti pomen komunikacije v zdravstvu in ugotoviti, kakšno vlogo ima pri tem ortotik protetik in kako pomembna je lahko komunikacija pri obravnavi amputiranega pacienta. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela. Literaturo smo iskali tako v slovenski kot tuji literaturi. Rezultati: Vsi članki in pregledane literature so potrdili, da ima komunikacija pomembno vlogo pri oskrbi pacienta. Tudi neučinkovita komunikacija v zdravstvu med zdravstvenim osebjem in pacienti lahko vodi do različnih negativnih posledic. Dobra komunikacija je pomemben element oskrbe, saj koristi obojim deležnikom. Učinkovita komunikacija pozitivno vpliva ne le na čustveno zdravje pacienta, ampak tudi na reševanje simptomov, funkcionalni, psihološki vidik in nadzor bolečine. Zdravstveni delavci morajo biti prijazni, pozorni in imeti spoštljiv odnos do pacientov. V proces zdravljenja je treba vključiti pacienta kot enkratno osebo in mu posredovati informacije na razumljiv in jasen način. V primeru nerazumevanja navodil mora pacient odgovoriti s primerno povratno informacijo, da bo proces zdravljenja potekal nemoteno. Razprava in zaključek: uspešna in učinkovita komunikacija med zdravstvenim delavcem in pacientom pozitivno vpliva na potek in razplet zdravljenja. Zniža stroške in skrajša čas zdravljenja, izboljša rezultat in zadovoljstvo pacienta. Čeprav smo se soočili s pomanjkanjem literature, ki bi se nanašala na protetika ortotika, smo zaključili da je dobra komunikacija pot do boljšega uspeha tudi pri ortotiku protetiku, saj ta nastopa kot enakovreden član zdravstvenega tima. Dobra komunikacija poteka, ko je zdravstveni delavec sposoben prilagoditi način komunikacije vsakemu posamezniku v kontekstu etičnih načel.

Ključne besede

diplomska dela;ortotika in protetika;zdravstveni delavci;pacienti;odnosi;zdravstvo;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Ožura]
UDK: 617.3
COBISS: 129112067 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 99
Št. prenosov: 19
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Meaning of communication in care of amputated patient
Sekundarni povzetek: Introduction: We live in a world where we are surrounded by a huge amount of information, the easiest way to transfer it is through communication between us. It is the ability with which we express our attitude towards ourselves and the world we live in, and it is also very important in health care, because successful communication makes it easier to achieve desired goals. This is also the case in the profession of orthotics prosthetics, where participates in his work as an equal member of the medical team, whose task is the manufacture and installation of orthopedic devices. The patient must be able to achieve active participation in work, because in addition to the physical disability, these patients are also affected by the psychological aspect, which is why successful and professional communication is one of prosthetics orthotics main characteristics. Purpose: The purpose of our thesis is to present the importance of communication in health care and to find out what role the prosthetics plays in this and how important communication can be when treating an amputee patient Methods: We used a descriptive work method. We searched for literature in both Slovenian and foreign literature. Results: All articles and reviewed literature confirmed that communication plays an important role in patient care. Even ineffective communication in healthcare between healthcare staff and patients can lead to various negative consequences. Good communication is an important element of care, as it benefits both stakeholders. Effective communication has a positive impact not only on the patient's emotional health, but also on symptom resolution, functional, psychological aspects and pain control. Healthcare workers must be kind, attentive and have a respectful attitude towards patients. It is necessary to include the patient as a unique person in the treatment process, and to provide him with information in an understandable and clear manner. In case of misunderstanding of the instructions, the patient must respond with appropriate feedback so that the treatment process goes smoothly Discussion and conclusion: successful and effective communication between a healthcare professional and a patient has a positive effect on the course and outcome of treatment. It reduces costs and shortens the treatment time, improves the outcome, and patient satisfaction. Although we were faced with a lack of literature related to orthotics and prostetics, we concluded that good communication is the kay to better success with the orthotic and prosthetist as well, since he acts as an equal member of the medical team Good communication takes place when the healthcare professional adapts the way of communication to each individual in the context of ethical principles.
Sekundarne ključne besede: diploma theses;orthotics and prosthetics;health workers;patients;relationships;healthcare;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko
Strani: 25 str.
ID: 17070375