magistrsko delo
Neža Slovša (Avtor), Karmen Pažek (Mentor), Andrej Vogrin (Komentor)


Namen magistrske naloge je analizirati kmetijsko proizvodnjo z ekonomskega vidika ter ugotoviti, ali je finančno upravičeno investirati v predelavo jagod na kmetiji in odpreti dopolnilno dejavnost na kmetiji Goričan. V prvi fazi smo pregledali zakonodajo odprtja in prijave dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji. Razvit je bil tehnološko-ekonomski simulacijski model za kmetijsko pridelavo in predelavo jagod v marmelade. V ta namen smo zbrali skupne stroške in prihodke pri pridelavi in predelavi jagod, ki smo jih uporabili za izračun investiranja v visoki tunel in opremo za kuhanje marmelad. Ocenili smo investicijo v predelavo jagod v marmelade ob upoštevanju receptur in primarno pridelavo jagod na prostem ter pridelavo v visokem tunelu. Rezultati so pokazali, da ekonomika predelave glede na podano ceno marmelade (4 €/kom) ne bi bila upravičena. Investicija v prostor za predelavo jagod ni finančno upravičena, saj se investicija v roku 20 let ne povrne (NSV = -253,24). V primeru investicije visokega tunela se poveča količina pridelka in se tako zviša tudi letni denarni tok (LDT = 19.330,23). Neto sedanja vrednost je tako v drugem letu zelo visoka, in sicer 21.294,68 €. Ob predvideni ceni 7 €/kg je koeficient ekonomičnosti Ke = 2,93 pri pridelavi jagod na prostem, pri pridelavi jagod v visokem tunelu pa je koeficient ekonomičnosti Ke = 2,59

Ključne besede

jagode;dopolnilna dejavnost;kmetije;investicije;neto sedanja vrednost;ekonomika;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FKBV - Fakulteta za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede
Založnik: [N. Slovša]
UDK: 631.164.23:338.43:634.75:664.85((043)=163.6
COBISS: 136306691 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 3
Št. prenosov: 1
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Economic assessment of strawberry production and processing as a complementary activity on a farm
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of the master's thesis is to analyze agricultural production from an economic point of view, and to determine whether it is financially justified to invest in the processing of strawberries on a farm and whether to launch a supplementary activity at the Goričan farm. In the first phase, the legal demands of launching and registering supplementary activities on a farm were reviewed. A technological-economic simulation model was developed for the agricultural production and processing of strawberries into jams. For this purpose, the total costs and revenues of strawberry cultivation and processing were obtained, which were then used to calculate the investment in a high tunnel and equipment for cooking strawberry jams. The investment in the processing of strawberries into jams was evaluated, taking into account the recipes and the primary cultivation of strawberries outdoors and the cultivation in a high tunnel. The results showed, that the economics of processing would not be justified given the price of jam (4 €/piece). The investment in the space for strawberry processing is not financially justified, as the investment is not repaid within 20 years (NPV = -253,24). In the case of the high tunnel investment, the amount of harvest increases and the annual cash flow also increases (FCF = 19.330,23), the net present value is thus a very high 21.294,68 € in the second year. At the estimated price of 7€/kg, the efficiency coefficient is Ec = 2,93 for strawberry cultivation in the open air, and for strawberry cultivation in a high tunnel, the efficiency coefficient is Ec = 2,59
Sekundarne ključne besede: strawberries;supplementary activity;farms;investments;net present value;economy;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede
Strani: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 52, [4] str.))
ID: 17392562