magistrsko delo
Mihael Lorenčak (Avtor), Mitja Zorc (Mentor), Robert Potokar (Komentor)


Magistrsko delo se ukvarja s prenovo in dozidavo nekdanje osnovne šole, ter urejanjem javnih prostorov v Lembergu pri Šmarju. Teoretično zgodovinska podlaga z analizami predstavlja glavno usmeritev za projektiranje družbenega centra in ureditev odprtih javnih površin. Skozi prostorske, zaznavne in programske analize primerja nekdanji trški ustroj z današnjim, nejasnim prostorskim stanjem. Odstre glavne probleme in zakrnelo okolje, raziskuje pa tudi še prisotne kvalitete trškega jedra in širšega naselja. Z izsledki raziskav trenutne prostorske situacije se upre predvsem na implementacijo novih posegov med obstoječe stavbno in naravno tkivo. Kot osnovno vodilo razvoja izpostavi bogato snovno in nesnovno dediščino, na kateri osnuje tako projektni del naloge, kot tudi manjše intervencije na različnih lokacijah znotraj kraja. Izluščeni prostorski izseki gostijo nove posege in se odzivajo na mikrolokacijske značilnosti, trenutno uporabo in potrebe prihodnosti. Posegi poudarijo javni prostor in odnos do stavb, ter izboljšajo artikulacijo uporabnika s prostorom. Znotraj projektnega dela naloge se izpostavlja širša obdelava obstoječe stavbe nekdanje osnovne šole, ki kljub oslabljeni kulturni in programski strukturi, v kraju še vedno predstavlja stičišče občasnega dogajanja. Ta eminentna stavba je velik del krajevne dediščine in kot taka doživi arhitekturno in urbanistično prenovo. Družbeni center se z novim programskim konceptom in prizidkom osredotoča na vpeljavo različnih kolektivnih vsebin, ki pripomorejo k strukturni podobi kraja, ter predstavljajo dodatno osnovo za ponovni kulturni in turistični razvoj.

Ključne besede

arhitektura;magistrske naloge;osnovne šole;družbeni centri;revitalizacije;prenove;Lemberg;arhitekturna dediščina;javni prostor;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL FA - Fakulteta za arhitekturo
Založnik: [M. Lorenčak]
UDK: 725
COBISS: 138115331 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 37
Št. prenosov: 20
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Conceptual design of a social centre in the former Primary School and of open public spaces in the Lemberg town
Sekundarni povzetek: The master’s thesis discusses the renovation of and addition to the former primary school and the layout of public spaces in Lemberg pri Šmarju. The theoretical and historical background, accompanied by analyses, provides the main direction for designing the social centre and the layout of open-air public spaces. Through spatial, perceptual and programmatic analyses, the thesis compares the former structure of the market with today’s ambiguous spatial situation. It reveals the main problems and the backward environment, but also takes a look at the remaining qualities of the market core and of the wider settlement. Based on the results of the research into the current spatial situation, the thesis mostly focuses on the implementation of new developments between the existing urban and natural fabric. It highlights the rich tangible and intangible heritage as the main driver of development; the project part of the thesis is based on this heritage, as are the minor developments in different locations within the town. The extracted spatial segments show the new developments and respond to the characteristics of the micro-location, the current use, and the needs of the future. These developments accentuate the public space and the attitude towards the buildings, and improve the user’s interaction with the space. The project part of the thesis includes a broader discussion of the existing building of the former primary school, which still represents an occasional event centre despite its poorer cultural and programme structure. This eminent building is a vital part of the local heritage and as such has undergone an architectural and urban renovation. The social centre with its new programmatic concept and annex focuses on introducing various collective contents that contribute to the structural image of the town and represent an additional foundation for the redevelopment of culture and tourism.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Social centre;renovation;Lemberg;heritage;public space;architecture;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za arhitekturo
Strani: 169 str.
ID: 17591316
Priporočena dela:
, idejna zasnova družbenega centra na območju nekdanje oljarne Oljarica v Britofu pri Kranju