magistrsko delo
Petra Boh (Avtor), Vera Grebenc (Mentor), Simona Gerenčer Pegan (Komentor)


Demenca. Bolezen, ki se tiho prikrade v življenje in tako močno zamaje naš svet, da poruši temelje, na katerih smo gradili svoj odnos z ljudmi, ki tvorijo našo socialno mrežo. Kar naenkrat se naše védenje spremeni in kar naenkrat znova gradimo temelje, ki bodo zmogli nositi vso to težo. Demenca ne prizadene le človeka z demenco, pač pa vse, ki vsakodnevno živijo z njim ter mu tako ali drugače pomagajo. Neizpodbitno dejstvo je, da se človek z demenco bistveno bolje počuti v okolju, ki ga sprejema in mu daje dovolj podpore. Vendar pa se sorodniki človeka z demenco zelo težko soočijo z diagnozo. Spoznanje, da je bližnji zbolel za demenco, privede do hude stiske sorodnikov, ker niso dovolj seznanjeni z boleznijo in z načini, kako se soočiti z napredujočo boleznijo, ter na kakšen način vzpostaviti primerno sporazumevanje. Sama pravim, da je vsak stik s človekom z demenco unikatno dejanje, in če želimo resnično uspeti in pripeljati človeka z demenco na določeno mesto, moramo predvsem poskrbeti, da ga najdemo tam, kjer je, in tam začeti. To je vsa umetnost. V raziskovalni nalogi sem želela podrobneje raziskati, koliko znanja o demenci imajo formalni in neformalni oskrbovalci ljudi z demenco ter s kakšno stisko se soočajo ob sporazumevanju z ljudmi z demenco. Ob tem sem raziskala tudi, katere metode dela in pristope pri sporazumevanju z ljudmi z demenco uporabljajo formalni in neformalni oskrbovalci. Če vemo, da je besedno sporazumevanje z ljudmi z demenco oteženo, potem vemo, da so bolj pomembni občutki in nebesedno sporazumevanje. Ljudje z demenco resda pozabijo marsikateri dogodek iz svojega življenja, ne pozabijo pa občutkov ob teh dogodkih. Zato je treba ustvariti varen prostor, da se človek z demenco v njem počuti sprejetega, varnega in v središču odnosa sporazumevanja. Z raziskavo sem želela potrditi hipotezo, da težave v sporazumevanju s človekom z demenco vplivajo na kakovost oskrbe in življenja človeka z demenco, ter poudariti pomen dodatnega izobraževanja in usposabljanja za izboljšanje sporazumevanje z ljudmi z demenco. Tako magistrska naloga ponudi kritičen vpogled v težave na področju sporazumevanja med oskrbovalci ljudi z demenco ter prinaša nova spoznanja za socialne delavce. V socialnem delu je razumevanje potreb ljudi ključno za oblikovanje prakse in teorije socialnega dela. Izsledki raziskav bodo pripomogli k razvoju novih oblik in metod pomoči za ljudi z demenco in njihove sorodnike. Teoretična spoznanja in izsledki raziskave so lahko odlična podlaga za izdajo priročnika za strokovne delavce na področju socialnega varstva, ki se ukvarja z duševnim zdravjem in demenco. Tako jih opolnomočimo z novim znanjem in spoznanji. Izsledki raziskav so prav tako lahko izhodišča za pripravo programa usposabljanja strokovnih delavcev, npr. na Socialni zbornici Slovenije.

Ključne besede

demenca;osebe z demenco;dolgotrajna oskrba;oskrbovalci;besedno sporazumevanje;neverbalno sporazumevanje;dotik;bazalna stimulacija;izobraževanje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Založnik: [P. Boh]
UDK: 364.4-053.9
COBISS: 147743747 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 54
Št. prenosov: 16
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Formal and informal caregivers communication with people with dementia
Sekundarni povzetek: Dementia. A disease that quietly creeps into our lives and shakes our world so much it destroys the foundations on which we have built our relationship with people who make up our social network. And all of a sudden, our knowledge changes, and all of a sudden, we rebuild the foundations that will be able to handle all this weight. Dementia affects not only the person with dementia, but also everyone who lives with them on a daily basis and provides them with help of one kind or another. It is an indisputable fact that a person with dementia feels better in an environment that provides acceptance and offers them enough support. However, relatives of a person with dementia find it very difficult to cope with the diagnosis. Realizing that a loved one suffers from dementia leads to severe hardships for relatives, because they are not sufficiently familiar with the disease itself, with ways to manage a progressive disease, and ways of establishing appropriate communication. I always say that every contact with a person with dementia is a unique act and, if we really want to succeed and "bring" a person with dementia to a certain place, we must first make sure that we find them where they are and start there. This is all art. In the research project, I wanted to investigate in more detail how much knowledge formal and informal caregivers of people with dementia have about dementia and what difficulties they face when communicating with people with dementia. At the same time, I also researched the work methods and approaches formal and informal caregivers use when communicating with people with dementia. If we know that verbal communication with people with dementia is difficult, then we know that feelings and non-verbal communication are more important. People with dementia do forget many events from their lives, but they don't forget the feeling of those events. Therefore, it is necessary to create a safe space so that the person with dementia feels accepted, safe, and at the centre of the communication relationship. With this research, I wanted to confirm the hypothesis that problems in communication with people with dementia affect the very quality of care and life of people with dementia, and to emphasize the importance of additional education and training to improve communication skills with people with dementia. Thus, the thesis itself offers a critical insight into problems in the field of communication between caregivers of people with dementia and provides new insights for social workers. In social work, understanding people's needs is key in shaping social work practice and theory. Research findings will contribute to the development of new forms and methods of assistance for people with dementia and their relatives. The theoretical insights and findings of the research can be an excellent basis for the publication of a handbook for professionals in the field of social care dealing with mental health and dementia. In this way, I empower them with new knowledge and insights. Research findings can also be a starting point for preparing a training program for professionals, e.g. at the Social Chamber of Slovenia (Socialna zbornica Slovenije).
Sekundarne ključne besede: dementia;verbal communication;non-verbal communication;touch;basal stimulation;education;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Strani: 190 str.
ID: 18060289