magistrsko delo


Uvod: Zagotavljanje kakovostne in etično ustrezne nege ter oskrbe starostnikov v centrih starejših postaja glede na porast svetovnega staranja prebivalstva vedno bolj pomembno. Vpliva na njihovo dobrobit in dostojanstvo v poznem obdobju življenja, kjer ima človek svojo zgodbo, stiske, izgube in zdravstvene težave. Ključno orodje za usmerjanje etičnega delovanja v zdravstveni negi je Kodeks etike v zdravstveni negi in oskrbi. Oskrba starostnikov zahteva celostni pristop, ki združuje medicinske kompetence, psihološko razumevanje in visoke etične standarde. Zdravstveni delavci se vsakodnevno soočajo z izzivi, ki izvirajo iz specifičnih potreb in ranljivosti starostnikov, pri čemer je treba odgovoriti nanje v skladu z etičnimi načeli. Namen: Analizirati stopnjo etičnega obnašanja do starostnikov s strani zdravstvenih delavcev v obravnavanih centrih starejših, raziskati zadovoljstvo starostnikov v centrih starejših z upoštevanjem etičnih načel in ugotoviti, kakšen vpliv ima vodstvo na zagotavljanje visoke stopnje etičnega obnašanja zdravstvenega kadra do starostnikov. Metode dela: Izvedli smo kvantitativno raziskavo z anketnimi vprašalniki v fizični obliki. Vprašalniki so bili razdeljeni v DEOS-centrih starejših med stanovalce, zdravstveni kader ter vodje zdravstvene nege in oskrbe. Raziskava je potekala v januarju 2024, zajemala je vzorec 55 zdravstvenih delavcev, 74 stanovalcev in 7 vodij. Teoretični del naloge je obsegal deskriptivno metodo s pregledom znanstvene literature preko podatkovnih baz PubMed, Google scholar in študij zakonodaje zdravstvenega področja. Rezultati: Pred začetkom raziskave smo postavili tri hipoteze. Odgovore anketnih vprašalnikov vseh treh sodelujočih skupin smo analizirali in primerjali med seboj. Hipotezo, da je večina starostnikov v centru starejših z zdravstveno nego in oskrbo zadovoljna, smo potrdili. Prav tako smo potrdili hipotezo, da večina zdravstvenih delavcev v obravnavanih centrih starejših upošteva etične smernice. Hipotezo, da ima vodja zdravstvene nege in oskrbe vpliv na spoštovanje Kodeksa etike zdravstvenih delavcev do starostnikov, smo ovrgli. Razprava in zaključek: Starostniki kot ranljiva populacija, ki ima za sabo življenjska potovanja, zgodbe in nemalokrat stiske, si zaslužijo obravnave, kjer njihovo dostojanstvo, avtonomija in počutje ostanejo na visokem nivoju. Delo z ljudmi, sploh na tako intimnem področju, kot je dom za starostnike, je specifično delo, ki ga ne zmore opravljati vsakdo. Le ljudje s čutom za sočloveka, razvito empatijo in etičnim delovanjem znotraj sebe lahko delo opravljajo kakovostno. Sposobnost videti in ceniti drugega kot enakovrednega posameznika prispeva k spoštovanju in ohranjanju dostojanstva stanovalcev. To je ključnega pomena za zagotavljanje kakovostne oskrbe, ki spoštuje pravice in želje vsakega posameznika. Pomembno je, da je neprestano poveličevanje slednjih lastnosti, znanstveno raziskovanje na tem področju ter osebnostno izobraževanje, vključeno že v proces strokovnega izobraževanja mlade generacije zdravstvenih delavcev.

Ključne besede

kodeks etike;zdravstvena nega;starostniki;vodenje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Založnik: [M. Končan Marinček]
UDK: 17
COBISS: 193734147 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 33
Št. prenosov: 0
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Compliance with the code of ethics in healthcare and nursing in the elderly nursing center
Sekundarni povzetek: Introduction: Providing high-quality and ethically appropriate healthcare and nursing for the elderly in senior centers is becoming more and more important because of the increase in the global aging population. It affects their well-being and dignity in the late period of life when a person has his own story, hardships, losses, and health problems. An essential tool for guiding ethical action in nursing is the Code of Ethics in Healthcare and Nursing. Elderly care requires an integral approach that combines medical competencies, psychological understanding, and high ethical standards. Daily, healthcare professionals are faced with challenges that arise from the specific needs and vulnerabilities of the elderly. In the process, it is necessary to respond to them following ethical principles. Purpose: To analyze the level of ethical behavior towards the elderly by medical professionals in the discussed centers for the elderly, to research the satisfaction of the elderly in the centers for the elderly by taking into account ethical principles, and to determine what influence the management has on ensuring a high level of ethical behavior of the medical staff towards the elderly. Working methods: We performed a quantitative survey with survey questionnaires in physical form. The questionnaires were distributed in DEOS centers for the elderly among residents, medical staff, and healthcare and nursing managers. The survey was conducted in January 2024 and included a sample of 55 healthcare workers, 74 residents, and 7 managers. The theoretical part of the thesis consisted of a descriptive method with a review of scientific literature via the PubMed and Google Scholar databases, as well as studies of legislation in the health field. Results: Before starting the research, we set three hypotheses. The answers to the questionnaires of all three participating groups were analyzed and compared with each other. We confirmed the hypothesis that the majority of elderly people in the senior center are satisfied with healthcare and nursing. We also confirmed the hypothesis that the majority of health workers in the discussed centers for the elderly follow ethical guidelines. We refuted the hypothesis that the manager of healthcare and nursing influences compliance with the Code of Ethics of medical professionals towards the elderly. Discussion and conclusion: The elderly – as a vulnerable population that has experienced life journeys, stories, and hardships on several occasions – deserve treatment in which their dignity, autonomy, and well-being remain at a high level. Working with people, especially in such an intimate area as a home for the elderly, is a specific job that not everyone can do. Only people with a sense of fellow human beings, developed empathy, and ethical action within themselves can perform quality work. The ability to see and value another as an equal individual contributes to respecting and maintaining the dignity of residents. This is essential to providing quality care that respects the rights and wishes of each individual. The continuous glorification of the latter qualities, scientific research in this field, and personal education must be already included in the process of professional education of the young generation of health workers.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Zdravstvena nega;Etika;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Strani: VIII, 76 f.
ID: 23061048