Ladislav Cabada (Avtor)


Proces vključevanja političnih strank iz držav srednje in vzhodne Evrope v evropske transnacionalne in supranacionalne strankarske organizacije se je okrepil s procesom vključevanja teh držav v Evropsko unijo. V članku prikazujemo oblikovanje povezav in sodelovanja med evropskimi strankarskimi organizacijami in češkimi političnimi strankami, ki so si za članstvo v nekaterih mednarodnih strankarskih organizacijah prizadevale že od leta 1990 naprej. Hkrati so češke stranke pokazale večje zanimanje za poglobljeno sodelovanje z evropskimi strankami in federacijami, na drugi strani pa so evropske strankarske federacije že začele iskati sorodne stranke v državah-kandidatkah. Pridruženo ali celo polnopravno članstvo strank iz držav srednje in vzhodne Evrope v evropskih strankarskih federacijah je v zadnjih desetih letih pomenilo predvsem prilagajanje teh strank zahtevam strankarskih federacij. V prihodnosti lahko pričakujemo, da bodo stranke iz držav srednje in vzhodne Evrope bistveno močneje vplivale na programe in celotno podobo evropskih strankarskih federacij kot so do sedaj.

Ključne besede

Evropska unija;Češka republika;Politične stranke;Oblikovanje politik;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 1.01 - Izvirni znanstveni članek
Organizacija: UL FDV - Fakulteta za družbene vede
UDK: 329
COBISS: 22693213 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
ISSN: 0040-3598
Matična publikacija: Teorija in praksa
Št. ogledov: 784
Št. prenosov: 152
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: Immediately after the fall of Communist regimes in Central Eastern Europe, the international co-operation of political parties in Europe included also the political parties created in these countries. The process of incorporating of the political parties from Central Eastern European countries into European transnational and supranational party associations was deepened in the connection with the process of associating the countries to the European Union. The author presents the creation of connections and co-operation of European party associations and political parties from Central Eastern Europe on the example the Czech situation. The Czech political parties asked for the membership in some international party associations even in the 1990 - for example the membership of many right-wing oriented parties in the European Democratic Union or of Social Democrats in the Socialist International. In the 1990s, the Czech political parties were more interested in deep co-operation with European party federations as the subjects connected primarily with the European Union. On the other side, the European party federations also started to search relative political parties in the candidate countries. The aim was clear, namely to save or even strengthen their position after including the countries - and deputies in the European parliament - into the EU. Associated or even regular membership of Central Eastern European political parties in European party federations in the last 10 years meant above all an adaptation of political parties to federations requirements. In the future we could expect that political parties from the Central Eastern European countries will much more influence the programmatic and the general image of European party federations.
Sekundarne ključne besede: European union;Czech Republic;Political parties;Policy making;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Delo ni kategorizirano
Strani: str. 1167-1177
Letnik: ǂLet. ǂ40
Zvezek: ǂšt. ǂ6
Čas izdaje: nov./dec. 2003
Ključne besede (UDK): social sciences;družbene vede;politics;politika;politične vede;political parties and movements;politične stranke in gibanja;
ID: 37729