diplomsko delo
Katja Pirnat (Avtor), Tatjana Hodnik Čadež (Mentor), Vesna Geršak (Komentor)


Ustvarjalni gib pri poučevanju izbranih matematičnih vsebin

Ključne besede

ustvarjalni gib;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Pirnat]
UDK: 51:37.091.3(043.2)
COBISS: 8998985 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1066
Št. prenosov: 348
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Creative movement at teaching of selected mathematical contents
Sekundarni povzetek: This thesis deals with creative movement as teaching method and thus providing teaching content to pupils through movement. It emphasizes particularly on the inclusion of creative movement into mathematics class in the first triennium of nine-year primary schools in the Republic of Slovenia. The theoretical part represents creative movement as complete method, through which pupils learn teaching contents using their mind and body. There are various forms of creative movement described; moreover I carried out a research concerning the role of teachers with regard to inclusion of creative movement into class and the influence that the mentioned teaching method has on pupils. I represented mathematics as subject and researched mathematical development of a child in the first triennium and mathematical content provided for the first triennium of nine-year primary schools. In addition, the thesis focuses on the connection of creative movement with mathematical contents and represents individual cases, researches and effects that creative movement has on the progress of children in mathematics. The empirical part includes a research on teachers’ opinions towards the inclusion of creative movement into mathematics class. As a student I attended lectures, where I observed pupils and teachers in class. Afterwards I carried out interviews with teachers and made a qualitative analysis of them. Teachers encourage the use of creative movement, since they notice the progress in the knowledge of pupils and also in the social level, meaning that the class starts to act more as a community. Through creative movement mathematics can become more understandable, fun and active. Pupils show various mathematical concepts through movement and thus they can better imagine and consequently easier use those concepts in their everyday life. Pupils work easier and better, if teaching includes movement activities that encourage pupils to be active participants of the class.
Sekundarne ključne besede: mathematics;teaching method;primary school;matematika;didaktična metoda;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: 90 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Creative movement at teaching of selected mathematical contents
Ključne besede (ePrints): ustvarjalni gib
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): creative movement
Povzetek (ePrints): V diplomskem delu sem izpostavila ustvarjalni gib kot učni pristop, s katerim učencem posredujemo učne vsebine preko gibanja. Osredotočila sem se predvsem na vključevanje ustvarjalnega giba v pouk matematike v prvem triletju devetletne osnovne šole. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila ustvarjalni gib kot celostno metodo, preko katere učenci izkusijo učno snov tako z umom kot z gibanjem. Opredelila sem oblike ustvarjalnega giba, raziskala, kakšna je vloga učitelja pri vključevanju ustvarjalnega giba v pouk ter kakšen vpliv ima omenjeni učni pristop na učence. Predstavila sem matematiko kot učni predmet in raziskala matematični razvoj otroka in obravnavane matematične vsebine v 1. triletju. Osredotočila sem se tudi na povezovanje ustvarjalnega giba z matematičnimi vsebinami, predstavila posamezne primere, raziskave ter vplive, ki jih ima ustvarjalni gib na napredek otrok pri matematiki. V empiričnem delu sem raziskala, kakšna so učiteljeva stališča do vključevanja ustvarjalnega giba v pouk matematike. Na hospitacijah sem opazovala učence in učitelje. Z učitelji sem izvedla intervjuje, ki sem jih obdelala s kvalitativno analizo. Učitelji spodbujajo in zagovarjajo uporabo ustvarjalnega giba, saj se je pokazal napredek tako na znanju učencev kot na socialnem področju v razredu, ki je začel bolje delovati kot skupnost. Z ustvarjalnim gibom postane matematika bolj razumljiva, zabavna, pestra in nazorna. Učenci z gibanjem prikažejo različne matematične pojme, ki si jih bolje predstavljajo in posledično lažje uporabljajo tudi v vsakdanjem življenju. Učenci lažje in bolje delajo, če so v pouk vključene gibalne dejavnosti, s katerimi učenec postane aktiven člen razreda.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): This thesis deals with creative movement as teaching method and thus providing teaching content to pupils through movement. It emphasizes particularly on the inclusion of creative movement into mathematics class in the first triennium of nine-year primary schools in the Republic of Slovenia. The theoretical part represents creative movement as complete method, through which pupils learn teaching contents using their mind and body. There are various forms of creative movement described; moreover I carried out a research concerning the role of teachers with regard to inclusion of creative movement into class and the influence that the mentioned teaching method has on pupils. I represented mathematics as subject and researched mathematical development of a child in the first triennium and mathematical content provided for the first triennium of nine-year primary schools. In addition, the thesis focuses on the connection of creative movement with mathematical contents and represents individual cases, researches and effects that creative movement has on the progress of children in mathematics. The empirical part includes a research on teachers’ opinions towards the inclusion of creative movement into mathematics class. As a student I attended lectures, where I observed pupils and teachers in class. Afterwards I carried out interviews with teachers and made a qualitative analysis of them. Teachers encourage the use of creative movement, since they notice the progress in the knowledge of pupils and also in the social level, meaning that the class starts to act more as a community. Through creative movement mathematics can become more understandable, fun and active. Pupils show various mathematical concepts through movement and thus they can better imagine and consequently easier use those concepts in their everyday life. Pupils work easier and better, if teaching includes movement activities that encourage pupils to be active participants of the class.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): creative movement
ID: 8308566