doktorska disertacija
Jože Lango (Avtor), Barbara Sicherl-Kafol (Mentor), Olga Denac (Član komisije za zagovor), Andrej Misson (Komentor)


Poučevanje glasbene vzgoje z uporabo informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije

Ključne besede

osnovna šola


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [J. Lango]
UDK: 78:37.091.3:004(043.3)
COBISS: 9049417 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1287
Št. prenosov: 220
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Teaching music in primary school with information and communications technology support
Sekundarni povzetek: The primary goal of this Ph D dissertation is to study the efficiency of teaching music in primary school based on information and communications technology (ICT). The purpose of the thesis is to find out advantages and disadvantages of teaching music with ICT support. Theoretical part of Ph D thesis includes the activities that cause teaching of music more effective. Active learning that enables the development of certain skills and upgrading knowledge turned out to be the most efficient one. Another activity that we have also directed attention was internal motivation which encourages learning as it comes from inside of a pupil and what is more it is self-regulating. It also turned out that a connection of internal and external motivation leads to effective learning. The experimental research was carried out in the school year 2008/2009 in order to find out the effective use of ICT during music lesson. Two groups were formed for the research purposes. In the first one there were class teachers teaching music in the first cycle and the class teachers teaching music in the second cycle of primary school. The second group consisted of experimental and control group. The experimental group included two classes of five graders from one school and the control group had two classes of five graders from another school. Knowledge of music, rhythmic and melodic ear for music, motivation and melodic creativity were tested before the experimental research actually began. Then systematic work with the experimental group started. ICT was used while teaching pupils music. The pupils using Final Note computer programme designed rhythmical and melodic notes of songs and worked together with the e-learning support. The pupils who wrote down musical notation could also listen and record their music. At the of the research, which lasted one school year the same test as before the beginning of the research was carried out in both groups i.e., in the experimental and the control group. The significant outcomes of the research reveal that the teachers as well as the pupils are in favour of ICT during music lessons, it also turned out that ICT has a positive effect on the pupils’ motivation and their rhythmic and melodic ear. The research showed no positive effects on pupils’ melodic creativity, nevertheless, the pupils from experimental group reached better results that the ones in the control group. The qualitative research showed the advantages and disadvantages of teaching supported by ICT. The advantages of using ICT during music lessons are the following: the independence of the pupils, mutual cooperation and support while making melodies or interpretations and constructivism of the knowledge. Furthermore the pupils were not only able to listen to their own music creations and interpretations but also change and send their notes via e-mail. The practice shows that any pupil can be successful, and the progress of each individual can be monitored by the music teacher. The level of the pupils’ digital literacy and the knowledge of the music theory showed certain disadvantages which may be due to the fact that some pupils let their peers do all the work. Besides, ICT cannot be the dominant support for teaching music. Information technology contributes to the pupils’ motivation and provides mutual cooperation and supports and e-learning. The teachers conduct and moderate the learning process. Checking and assessing pupils has changed, too; now it is adjusted to each learner individually. Integrating ICT into classroom requires appropriate hardware and software. Another important issue is digital literacy of the teachers and their willingness to use ICT in the classroom.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Glasba;Disertacije;Pouk;Osnovne šole;Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije;Uporaba;Glasbena vzgoja;Uporaba računalnikov;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Doktorska disertacija
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: XIV, 276, 26 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Teaching music in primary school with information and communications technology support
Ključne besede (ePrints): osnovna šola
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): primary school
Povzetek (ePrints): Doktorska disertacija se ukvarja z učinkovitostjo poučevanja glasbene vzgoje z uporabo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (v nadaljevanju IKT). Namen naloge je ugotoviti prednosti in pomanjkljivosti poučevanja glasbene vzgoje z uporabo IKT. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili dejavnosti, ki vplivajo na učinkovito poučevanje glasbene vzgoje. Osrednje mesto zavzema aktivno učenje, dejavnostna oblika dela, ki omogoča razvijanje posameznih spretnosti in nadgrajevanje znanja. Izpostavili smo pomen intrizične motivacije, ki spodbuja učenje, saj izhaja iz učenca samega in je samoregulativna, prav tako pa je za uspešno učenje nujna povezanost notranje motivacije z zunanjo. V eksperimentalni raziskavi, ki smo jo izvajali v šolskem letu 2008/2009, smo proučevali uporabo IKT in njeno učinkovitost pri poučevanju glasbene vzgoje. Za raziskavo sta bila oblikovana dva vzorca. Prvega predstavljajo profesorji razrednega pouka, ki poučujejo glasbeno vzgojo v 1. triletju, ter profesorji razrednega pouka in profesorji glasbe, ki poučujejo glasbeno vzgojo v 2. triletju. V drugi vzorec smo vključili eksperimentalno (ES) in kontrolno skupino (KS); v eksperimentalno skupino sta bila vključena dva peta razreda ene šole, kontrolno skupino pa predstavljata dva peta razreda druge šole. Pred začetkom raziskave smo izpeljali preizkuse znanja, preizkus ritmičnega in melodičnega posluha, motivacije in melodične ustvarjalnosti v obeh skupinah učencev. Sledilo je vodeno delo z eksperimentalno skupino. Pouk je potekal ob IKT. Učenci so z uporabo računalniškega programa Finale Note Pad oblikovali ritmične in melodične zapise pesmi, medsebojno so preko e-učenja sodelovali pri nastajanju notnega zapisa. Zapisano so lahko poslušali in svoje izdelke tudi posneli. Ob koncu eksperimenta, ki je trajal eno šolsko leto, smo ponovno izvedli preizkus glasbenih znanj, motivacije, melodične ustvarjalnosti in preizkus ritmičnega in melodičnega posluha. Preizkuse smo izpeljali v obeh skupinah – v eksperimentalni in kontrolni. Pomembne ugotovitve raziskave so: učitelji in učenci so naklonjeni uvajanju IKT v pouk glasbene vzgoje, kaže se pozitiven vpliv IKT na motivacijo učencev, na ritmično in melodično avdiacijo. Raziskava ni pokazala učinkov na področju melodične ustvarjalnosti in glasbenih znanj, kljub temu pa je bil tudi na teh dveh področjih dosežen boljši rezultat v ES. S kvalitativno raziskavo smo ugotovili prednosti in pomanjkljivosti takega načina poučevanja. Prednosti se kažejo v samostojnosti učencev, medsebojnem sodelovanju, pomoči in skupnem oblikovanju melodij in priredb ter v konstruktivizmu lastnega znanja, pa tudi v tem, da je mogoče izdelke poslušati, spreminjati spremljave in pošiljati notne zapise po e-pošti. Pri praktičnem delu je lahko uspešen vsak učenec, mogoče je sprotno spremljanje napredka vsakega posameznika. Pomanjkljivosti se kažejo na ravni razvitosti digitalne pismenosti in poznavanja glasbene teorije pri učencih, mogoče pa je tudi, da se določeni učenci "skrijejo" za sošolci. Poleg tega ne sme IKT postati prevladujoč pripomoček za poučevanje glasbe. IKT prispeva k motivaciji učencev in omogoča medsebojno sodelovanje in pomoč, tudi učenje na daljavo. Učitelj vodi in usmerja učno-vzgojni proces. Spreminjata se tudi preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja, prilagojena vsakemu učencu posebej. Pri delu s sodobno tehnologijo je bistvenega pomena opremljenost učilnic z ustrezno strojno in programsko opremo. Uspešno delo je hkrati pogojeno z digitalno pismenostjo učiteljev in z njihovo naklonjenostjo uvajanju IKT v pouk.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The primary goal of this Ph D dissertation is to study the efficiency of teaching music in primary school based on information and communications technology (ICT). The purpose of the thesis is to find out advantages and disadvantages of teaching music with ICT support. Theoretical part of Ph D thesis includes the activities that cause teaching of music more effective. Active learning that enables the development of certain skills and upgrading knowledge turned out to be the most efficient one. Another activity that we have also directed attention was internal motivation which encourages learning as it comes from inside of a pupil and what is more it is self-regulating. It also turned out that a connection of internal and external motivation leads to effective learning. The experimental research was carried out in the school year 2008/2009 in order to find out the effective use of ICT during music lesson. Two groups were formed for the research purposes. In the first one there were class teachers teaching music in the first cycle and the class teachers teaching music in the second cycle of primary school. The second group consisted of experimental and control group. The experimental group included two classes of five graders from one school and the control group had two classes of five graders from another school. Knowledge of music, rhythmic and melodic ear for music, motivation and melodic creativity were tested before the experimental research actually began. Then systematic work with the experimental group started. ICT was used while teaching pupils music. The pupils using Final Note computer programme designed rhythmical and melodic notes of songs and worked together with the e-learning support. The pupils who wrote down musical notation could also listen and record their music. At the of the research, which lasted one school year the same test as before the beginning of the research was carried out in both groups i.e., in the experimental and the control group. The significant outcomes of the research reveal that the teachers as well as the pupils are in favour of ICT during music lessons, it also turned out that ICT has a positive effect on the pupils’ motivation and their rhythmic and melodic ear. The research showed no positive effects on pupils’ melodic creativity, nevertheless, the pupils from experimental group reached better results that the ones in the control group. The qualitative research showed the advantages and disadvantages of teaching supported by ICT. The advantages of using ICT during music lessons are the following: the independence of the pupils, mutual cooperation and support while making melodies or interpretations and constructivism of the knowledge. Furthermore the pupils were not only able to listen to their own music creations and interpretations but also change and send their notes via e-mail. The practice shows that any pupil can be successful, and the progress of each individual can be monitored by the music teacher. The level of the pupils’ digital literacy and the knowledge of the music theory showed certain disadvantages which may be due to the fact that some pupils let their peers do all the work. Besides, ICT cannot be the dominant support for teaching music. Information technology contributes to the pupils’ motivation and provides mutual cooperation and supports and e-learning. The teachers conduct and moderate the learning process. Checking and assessing pupils has changed, too; now it is adjusted to each learner individually. Integrating ICT into classroom requires appropriate hardware and software. Another important issue is digital literacy of the teachers and their willingness to use ICT in the classroom.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): primary school
ID: 8308682