diplomsko delo


Razumevanje geometrijskih pojmov po van Hielovi teoriji v 4. in 6. razredu

Ključne besede

geometrijski pojmi;van Hielova teorija;Piagetova teorija;primary school;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Lokar]
UDK: 51:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9082185 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1315
Št. prenosov: 237
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Understanding of geometrical concepts according to Van Hiele theory in the 4th and 6th grade
Sekundarni povzetek: In the theoretical part of thesis Understanding of geometrical concepts according to Van Hiele theory in the 4th and 6th grade we have presented theoretical insights on the development of geometric concepts and ideas. We focused on the theory of van Hiele and Piaget and compared them with each other. The aim of the thesis was practically verified, at which stage according to van Hiele’s theory are the students of 4th and 6th grade. We wanted to identify differences within the class and between 4th and 6th grade.Based on the literature we have read, we prepared a test containing 15 tasks, based on the first three stages of the van Hiele theory (visual, descriptive analysis and theoretical). In our test each stage was represented with five tasks, ie: the first five tasks examined the visual level, tasks from 6 to 10 examined level of descriptive analytical skills and last five tasks examined theoretical level. Each task was evaluated by two points. Therefore, at each level student could score maximum ten points. Pupil was placed at a certain level, if the tasks of this level scored seven points or more. The examination was used as a measurement instrument in the empirical part. In empirical work we used descriptive method. The research sample was selected randomly, consisting of 60 pupils 4th and 6th grade two Slovenian primary schools. The number of points achieved in a certain task presented a subject to statistical analysis. For each grade we presented pupil results in a common table. Differences in solving certain tasks between 4th and 6th grade pupils were determined using two sample Student’s t-test with equal or different variances. Based on the results we found that 87% of pupils in the 4th grade of our sample are at visual stage according to van Hiele’s theory and that the highest percentage of 6th grade pupils is at the descriptive analysis stage, ie. 57% of the pupils of the research sample. The differences between 4th and 6th grade have been shown in solving tasks from eight to fifteen, since at a significance level can be argued, that 6th grade pupils have achieved statistically significant higher scores than students in the 4th grade.
Sekundarne ključne besede: geometry;concept formation;geometrija;oblikovanje pojma;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: 78 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Understanding of geometrical concepts according to Van Hiele theory in the 4th and 6th grade
Ključne besede (ePrints): geometrija
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): geometry
Povzetek (ePrints): V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela z naslovom Razumevanje geometrijskih pojmov po van Hielovi teoriji v 4. in 6. razredu smo predstavili teoretična spoznanja o razvoju geometrijskih pojmov in predstav. Osredotočili smo se na teoriji van Hiela in Piageta ter ju primerjali. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil praktično preveriti, na kateri stopnji po van Hielovi teoriji so učenci 4. in 6. razreda. Zanimalo nas je predvsem, ali se kažejo razlike znotraj razreda in kolikšna je razlika med obema razredoma. Na podlagi prebrane literature smo pripravili preizkus znanja s 15 nalogami, ki je temeljil na prvih treh stopnjah van Hielove teorije (vizualno, deskriptivno-analitično (opisno) in teoretično). Vsaka stopnja je predstavljala pet nalog v našem preizkusu, torej: prvih pet nalog je preverjalo znanje vizualne stopnje, naloge od 6 do 10 znanje deskriptivno-analitične stopnje, zadnjih pet nalog pa znanje teoretične stopnje. Vsako nalogo smo ovrednotili z dvema točkama, kar pomeni, da je učenec na posamezni stopnji lahko dosegel 10 točk. Učenca smo umestili na določeno stopnjo, če je pri nalogah te stopnje dosegel 7 točk ali več. Preizkus znanja nam je služil kot merski inštrument v empiričnem delu. V empiričnem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo. Raziskovalni vzorec, ki je bil izbran naključno, je zajemal 60 učencev 4. in 6. razreda dveh slovenskih osnovnih šol. Predmet statistične obdelave je bilo število točk, ki so jih učenci dosegli pri posamezni nalogi. Za vsak razred smo rezultate posameznega učenca predstavili v skupni tabeli. Razlike v reševanju posameznih nalog med učenci 4. in 6. razreda smo določili z uporabo studentovega t-testa dveh vzorcev z istima oz. različnima variancama. Na podlagi rezultatov smo ugotovili, da je 87 % učencev 4. razreda našega vzorca na vizualni stopnji po van Hielovi teoriji, največji odstotek učencev 6. razreda pa je na deskriptivno-analitični stopnji, tj. 57 % učencev raziskovalnega vzorca. Pri reševanju posameznih nalog se razlike med razredoma kažejo pri nalogah od 8 do 15, saj pri dani stopnji tveganja (α = 0,05) lahko trdimo, da so učenci 6. razreda pri teh nalogah dosegli statistično pomembno višje število točk od učencev 4. razreda.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): In the theoretical part of thesis Understanding of geometrical concepts according to Van Hiele theory in the 4th and 6th grade we have presented theoretical insights on the development of geometric concepts and ideas. We focused on the theory of van Hiele and Piaget and compared them with each other. The aim of the thesis was practically verified, at which stage according to van Hiele’s theory are the students of 4th and 6th grade. We wanted to identify differences within the class and between 4th and 6th grade.Based on the literature we have read, we prepared a test containing 15 tasks, based on the first three stages of the van Hiele theory (visual, descriptive analysis and theoretical). In our test each stage was represented with five tasks, ie: the first five tasks examined the visual level, tasks from 6 to 10 examined level of descriptive analytical skills and last five tasks examined theoretical level. Each task was evaluated by two points. Therefore, at each level student could score maximum ten points. Pupil was placed at a certain level, if the tasks of this level scored seven points or more. The examination was used as a measurement instrument in the empirical part. In empirical work we used descriptive method. The research sample was selected randomly, consisting of 60 pupils 4th and 6th grade two Slovenian primary schools. The number of points achieved in a certain task presented a subject to statistical analysis. For each grade we presented pupil results in a common table. Differences in solving certain tasks between 4th and 6th grade pupils were determined using two sample Student’s t-test with equal or different variances. Based on the results we found that 87% of pupils in the 4th grade of our sample are at visual stage according to van Hiele’s theory and that the highest percentage of 6th grade pupils is at the descriptive analysis stage, ie. 57% of the pupils of the research sample. The differences between 4th and 6th grade have been shown in solving tasks from eight to fifteen, since at a significance level can be argued, that 6th grade pupils have achieved statistically significant higher scores than students in the 4th grade.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): geometry
ID: 8308720